Statue of Law Dragon in Genshin Impact: how to find and win


in genshin impact Even in the usual state (“geoconent”), this opponent has 70 percent stability to all types of damage, including physical (or 150 percent in the twisted abyss), and after the transition to the “molten dragon” form, its resistance to all elements falls up to 45% (with the exception of pies, the resistance to which is still 70% or 150%). And only in a weakened state, its resistance to all types of damage finally decreases to -5% (or 10% in a twisted abyss).

Statue of the Law Dragon in Genshin Impact: how to find and win

If we talk about the combat parameters of this embodiment of the lava, then it has huge health indicators, and its attack power is similar to the meanings of a monstrous baptist or a lot of a heat. For example, at the 90th level, its basic HP is a little more than 1 million units (a worm has 519 thousand), and ATK-15.2 thousand units (the Baptist also has 15.2 thousand). It will be possible to get acquainted with all the characteristics of the enemy in the image below (2P, 3P and 4P show the parameters when playing in the cooperative).Given the enormous strip of health and the considerable force of the boss attack, we advise you to pay the survival of the detachment as much attention as it is damaged. If, for example, you see that your thyroid gland does not cope with the coming damage, then you can safely take a healer in a pack. It will help to beg off after the powerful attacks of the enemy in the area.

At first glance, it may seem that of the characters It is better not to take in the detachment if you take into account the high resistance of the monster to this element even in the form of a “molten dragon”, but in reality we advise you to build a team around the fiery damagers. The fact is that just the same with the attacks, you can bring the boss first to the dragon regime, and then cause him a state of superpowers, in which the enemy’s resistance to all elements will fall to -5% (10%), that is, you can cause him significant damage even with fiery blows.

At the same time, it is not recommended to take cryo or/and hydraulic damagers, since their attacks, on the contrary, will lead to the cooling of the boss, which is why he will again return to the form of a “geoconent” with increased resistance to the elements. However, you can take the characters of these elements as a sub-DD for hanging the corresponding statuses to the enemy and calling powerful reactions.

As for the support, they can be any elements, since their main task will be to increase the elemental and general damage of the damage, that is, they will still be infrequently attacking the boss. This also applies to shields and healers.

Optimal commands

Given the above information, we have prepared several of the most suitable detachments, which will be easiest for you to deal with the statue of the lava dragon. They are shown in the table below.

SAB-DDD SAB-DD/support


attacks and movement of the statue of the lava dragon

information will appear after the update of updating 5.5 …

how to defeat the statue of the lavage Dragon

Preparation for battle

Before the start of the battle, you can eat dishes that increase the power of attack, critical damage and a chance of critical hit. It will be useful to drink potions that increase a certain spontaneous damage to strengthen their damage. In this case, it will be useful:

  • Forest oil – increases the dendro damage by 25% by 5 minutes.
  • Thunder oil – increases electro damage by 25% by 5 minutes.
  • Essence of immobility – increases geo damage by 25% by 5 minutes.
  • Flame oil – increases Piro Damage by 25% by 5 minutes.

the boss also mainly inflicts pies of damage, so we recommend that you take a thermal shield potion, which increases the resistance to Prama Damag by 25% within 300 seconds.

Brand strategy

information will appear after the update is released 5.5 …

Achievements for the statue of the lava dragon

during the battle with this boss, you can get only one trophy. Next, we will tell you what to do to open it.

Click the self -destruction button!

To open this achievement, you just need to constantly beat the enemy with an attack so that the statue will ultimately break up. For unlocking Achivka, 5 stones of the source are given.

Awards for the victory over the statue of the Law Dragon Meni

For the destruction of this dragon, you will receive the experience of friendship, the sea, adventure glasses and various materials that are mainly needed for the development of heroes. The higher the level of the enemy, the better the reward will be:

  • fragments of Agatha Agnidus (level 20+)
  • Fragments of Agatha Agnidus (level 40+)
  • pieces of agata agata agnidus (level 60+)
  • precious agate agnidus (level 75+)
  • The core of a crazy statue (level 30+) is necessary for the elevation of Vares.

In addition to everything else, various sets of artifacts fall from this lava monster, namely:

  • adventurer (3 stars)
  • Fire Shaman (3-4 stars)
  • instructor (3-4 stars)
  • berserker (3-4 stars)
  • End of the gladiator (4-5 stars)
  • wandering ensemble (4-5 stars)

Impact will help you find and destroy this boss, having learned in advance about the battle strategy with it and preparing the optimal battle team.

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Statue of the Law Dragon in Genshin Impact: how to find and win



Statue of the Law Dragon in Genshin Impact: how to find and win



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