in kingdom come: deliverance 2 The horse plays a very important role in gameplay, since it not only allows you to quickly overcome long distances, but also helps to transport things, win in races and destroy enemies faster. For this reason, it is important to find the best horse in the game that will meet all your needs. In this leadership, we will tell you how to do it.
How to choose the best horse in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
In the sequel, as in the original, a large number of horses are represented, which differ among themselves not only by appearance and character, but also by four basic characteristics, on which, in fact, their benefits for the player depend. We are talking about the following parameters:
- Endurance – the higher the meaning, the longer the horse will be able to move in the gallop or kenter mode, before the steps and go a step.
- The capacity – the higher the value, the more the cargo can transport the horse. This indicator can be increased by installing better saddle bags or saddle.
- Speed - the higher the value, the faster the horse is able to walk, run in a trot, a kenter or gallop. This indicator can be increased by horseshoes and bridle, but it can also fall due to safrones, saddle or quilted blankets.
- Courage-the higher the meaning, the more noise can take out the horse, before scared, drop you from the saddle and run away.
SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Luchshie-Loshadi-V-Kingdom-Come-Deliverance-2-GDE-I-KAK-VYBRAT-2402FDB.WEBP” ALT = “Best Horses in KingDom Come Deliverance 2: Where to find and how to choose ” />
Given these characteristics, certain conclusions can be drawn. For example, if you need a horse to overcome large distances, it is better to choose an animal with the greatest endurance, even if its speed is not maximum. For races, on the contrary, you need the fastest horse, since their endurance should still be enough for short races.
If you are used to carrying a large number of items with you, then take the most lifting horse. However, you can not pay too much attention to this parameter, since with the help of good seat bags you can significantly increase it. Those who often fight on top should look at the horses with the greatest courage. Do not forget to equip the animal with protection.
Note that you can easily see the characteristics of any horse and compare them with the parameters of your own horse. To do this, go to the animal and press the “X” key, after which a window will appear on the screen in which you can see the values of your own horse.
it is important: do not forget that your horse’s characteristics are shown with the equipment already installed on it, so we advise you to start all the equipment from your horse, and only then compare it with other horses.
Having studied basic information about the choice of horses, you can proceed to the direct consideration of the best copies.
The best horses in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
The best horse to start the game
Of course, the faster you get your first horse, the better, since at the very beginning you often have to cross significant distances and do it extremely tiring on your two. For this reason, we advise you to get a Sivka as soon as possible or steal a horse for a while. We talked about this in a separate guide about this.
how to make the best horse from a batch or herring
you should know that you can quite turn a bun or herring (issued free of charge in the 7th plot quest” again in the saddle) into one of the best horses in the game, unlocking a special perk for it.
So, let's start with a session that can be got almost at the very beginning of the game, having bought it for 150 pennies or persuading it to give it to you for free. So, if you can drive on it exactly 35 kilometers (35 thousand meters!), Then unlock the unique talent “The Old Good Sivka”, which will significantly increase its characteristics (new values are indicated in the brackets):
- Endurance: 127 (210)
- Pacability: 138 (338)
- Speed: 30 (55)
- courage: 12 (27)
- Cost: 100 (4660) pennies
as a result of the Sivka, will become one of the most lifting horses in the game, which can also be very quickly jumping (almost at the level of the fastest horses) and at the same time not to get tired for a long time. Its price will also increase significantly.
Important: it should be remembered that when a horse is changed, the progress of driving on it will reset it, so if you replace a shoulder with another horse, and then you want to get a perk, you will have to scatter 35 kilometers from scratch on it again.
The second horse, in which you can noticeably increase the parameters, is a herring. You have to drive exactly 50 kilometers (50 thousand meters!) To unlock the Royal Herring Percules. Recall that the area of the region of the trosks is about 16 square kilometers, that is, you will need to slip from the western border of the world to the eastern and back a little more than 6 times.
as a result of the characteristics of the herring, will change as follows (new values are indicated in the brackets):
- Endurance: 169 (231)
- Speed: 40 (56)
- courage: 14 (29)
- Cost: 1260 (4910) Grush
As you can see, an improved herring is a little faster and bolder and bolder and very much exceeds it in endurance, but it is capable of transporting significantly less cargo. In general, both of them can be considered extremely universal sled animals with which you can go through the whole game.
For this reason, if you already managed to drive a lot of kilometers on Sivka, passing mainly side tasks and exploring the world, and only then took up the plot and only recently reached the main mission “again in the saddle”, then can well abandon the herring . In this case, you will lose quite a bit, and in terms of carrying capacity you will even win.
If, in general, look at the possibility of turning a batch or herring into the best horse into Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, then this method has one serious minus – you will have to put up with the low parameters of your horse without changing it to more interesting options. If you do not want this, then study the information below where other best horses are presented.
The best cargo horse
If you need a beautiful horse for transporting goods, then the best option, of course, is Erdel . You just look at its characteristics:
- Endurance: 140
- Pacability: 368
- Speed: 48
- Courage: 30
- Cost: 3570 pennies (changes depending on your reputation and bidding)
If you add saddle bags here, you can easily drag a “tons” of a variety of junk on your horse, starting from sets of armor and ending with dried fruits. In addition, Erdel can boast of high courage, so he can withstand protracted battles.
the speed of this horse is slightly higher than the average, however, endurance leaves much to be desired (even a standard herring and it will be more durable), so you can not count on long runs.
Where to buy and how to steal Erdel
to purchase this wonderful horse in the stable located north-east of Maleshov in the Kutan-Gory region. Having reached the right place, talk to the gashtalle gamer and buy Erdel from him. Do not forget to bargain, as you can significantly bring down the price with high eloquence.
If even at a discount the price seems exorbitant to you, then you can simply steal a horse. To do this, wait for the night, go to the desired horse, sit down on it, and then download to the horseman standing, which is a little west of the Kutna Mountain. Its exact location is shown in the pictures below. You can drive a stolen horse to it, and then redeem it-the price often turns out to be 1.5-2 times lower than that of the original owner (your current horse also comes into account).
note: find standing at night at the table, so you will need to wait in the morning, but in no case do not get off the stolen horse and do not rewind time, since the horse will simply return to the owner, so you have to sit on it all night until the sun does not look out.
Best combat horse
Those who need a brave horse, capable of pronouncing yourself in battle, should look at Kashtanka , which has the following parameters:
- Endurance: 119
- Completion: 148
- Speed: 59
- Courage: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfitia: Falfituration 30
- Cost: 2720 pennies (changes depending on your reputation and trading)
In terms of courage, it is comparable to Erdel and Schlamgak, but it significantly exceeds them in speed, which will not only quickly break into the thick of the battles, not worrying that the horse will drop you from the saddle, but also effectively maneuver between enemies, quickly running away from their blows. By the way, it can be used even in jumps.
But in terms of endurance and capacity, it is inferior even by many initial horses, which will probably noticeably complicate the study of the world.
Where to buy and how to steal a Chest.
You can purchase this wonderful horse in the stable located north-east of Maleshov in the Kutna region. Having reached the right place, talk with the gashtalle gamer and buy a chestnut from him. Do not forget to bargain, as you can significantly bring down the price with high eloquence.
If even at a discount, the price seems exorbitant to you, then again you can simply steal it, and then redeem it from standing, the location of which we showed above. He will call you the price of about 1600 pennies, but you can bargain.
the fastest horse
If you are important high speed and acceptable endurance to quickly overcome huge distances on the world map, then we advise you to pay attention to a horse named Kinich, which has the following indicators:
- Endurance: 235
- Pacability: 138
- Foldness: Fervor: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure: Falfigure 5
- Cost: 2960 pennies (changes depending on your reputation and trading)
This horse is ideal for both races and long -distance travel, since not only has maximum speed, but also endurance. However, without significant minuses, of course, it was not. Firstly, this horse is a real coward, so it will discard you even at the slightest danger, so you will definitely not go to the battle with it. Secondly, she has an extremely small carrying capacity, because of which you can’t transport many things on it.
we note that you can purchase it from the Khnnicar groom, which is located in the southwestern part of the city of Kutuna Gora. In the screenshots below, its exact location is shown. Do not forget to bargain with him to get the best scene.
again, you can simply steal a kinica, but it will be more difficult to do than in ordinary stables. First, be sure to wait for the late night and put on an inconspicuous outfit. Then get on the horse and try not to catch the eye of the guards. To do this, do not go through the main gate, but secondary, located even south.
Then wait for the morning and go to standing. You can redeem this horse from him for about 1,500 pennies.
If you need such a fast horse as Kinich, but not with such huge disadvantages, then we advise you to pay attention to the Greenhole, which has the following characteristics:
- Endurance: 194
- Complex: 288
- Speed: 60
- Courage: 15
- Cost: 3750 pennies (changes depending on your reputation and trading)
As you can see, it is a little inferior to the kinic in endurance (however, it still shows itself well on long trips), but at the same time significantly exceeds it in carrying capacity and courage, so it will not throw you away immediately after the start of the battle. It can be called one of the best universal horses in the game.
It can only be difficult to get it. Initially, Greenhouse can be found in the Sigismund camp, but we do not advise you to steal it from there, otherwise you can catch a critical bug. The fact is that this horse is associated with the side quest “Lost honor” , for a start of which you need to accidentally meet during the quick movement of a polite armed person.
this meeting can occur between mouse, Gorzhans and Bogunovice (usually at the intersection). Talk to Yezhok from the headman and pass the checks during the dialogue or defeat him in battle to start the quest. During this assignment, you have to take the horse from the camp and bring it to the stable near the Korchma, where the quarter sits.
Then complete the task and only after that you can steal a horse. Just in case, we showed its location in the screenshots above. Next, just go to standing and buy him a stolen horse.
The best universal horse
If you do not want to spend time on the theft of greenhouses or you need a more bold and spacious horse, we recommend paying attention to pussy , which has the following parameters:
- Endurance: 194
- Pacability: 338
- Speed: 55
- Courage: 23
- Cost: 4240 pennies (changes depending on your reputation and trading)
This horse is only slightly inferior in speed by the fastest Horses, but at the same time boasts a very large carrying capacity and good endurance. Plus, she can withstand the sounds of the battle for a long time without throwing off the rider from the saddle. In general, this is the best choice for all occasions.
where to buy and how to steal a cashtanka pussyanka
It should be noted that you can purchase a scribe from the groom Hannikar, who is located in the southwestern part of the city of Kutna Gora. In the screenshots below, its exact location is shown. Do not forget to bargain with him to get the best scene.
Again, you can simply steal a scribe, but it will be more difficult to do this than in ordinary stables. First, be sure to wait for the late night and put on an inconspicuous outfit. Then get on the horse and try not to catch the eye of the guards. To do this, do not go through the main gate, but secondary, located even south.
Then wait for the morning and go to standing. You can redeem this horse from him for about 2500 pennies.
These are all the best horses in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2. We hope that our guide will help you find for yourself the fastest, hardy, lifting or fearless horse in the game.