Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key


Toy men in Genshin Impact: glue and mechanical key puzzles

In Genshin Impact, toy men are part of the Gift of the Goddess of Prophecy puzzles, which can be found in the Constellation Capital located in Simulank. To solve them, it is necessary to use mechanical keys, glue guns, oracle pillars and other mechanisms. In this guide, we'll show you where these puzzles are and tell you how to solve them.

Note: Puzzles that are solved during quests or related to other types of puzzles (squirrels) are not included here. flying squirrels, graffiti and so on). 

How to solve all the Toy Men riddles in Simulank

Toy Men 1

Travel to the southern teleporter of the Constellation Capital, then run north and climb onto the cube building, where there is a blocked rich chest and a group of toy men. Approach them and select the “Me too!” option to take part in the game.

Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

 Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

 Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

You will need to walk towards the yellow toy while its back is turned to you. Sometimes the little man will turn towards you (before this a characteristic icon appears above his head) – at these moments you must freeze and not move. Approaching the figure, click on the inscription “Here you are!” Now you can pick up the contents of the chest.

Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

 Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

Toy Men in Genshin Impact: Puzzles with Glue and Mechanical Key

Toy Men 2

From the previous puzzle, go a little west, going down to the street. Here you will find a giant, a locked jewel chest, a mechanical key, two little men and a cannon. You can start solving the puzzle right away.

Genshin Impact Toy Men: Glue and Mechanical Key Puzzles

 Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and a mechanical key

First of all, hit the mechanical key several times so that all the men stand near the stairs, and the red giant turns into a baby. Now wait until the yellow soldier jumps on the button near the cannon, activating it. Run up to the cannon and hit it 3 times to shoot glue onto the ground in front of the giant.

 Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

Toy men in Genshin Impact: puzzles with glue and mechanical key

Toy men in Genshin Impact: riddles with glue and a mechanical key

As a result, the large toy will fall into a trap and fall. This will complete the test and you will be able to open the precious chest. If it’s still not clear from the pictures how to solve the riddle, then watch the gif below.

The guide is in the process of being written…

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