Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to Find Out About the Wedding and What to Answer


Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

In Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2, Troski is the fourth story quest, in which you will have to help the owner of the inn drag sacks, have a fist fight and talk to the girl you met earlier by the lake. In this walkthrough, we will indicate all the answers that will allow you to increase your reputation, and tell you whether it is possible to avoid punishment at the end of the quest.

Walkthrough of the story quest “Troski”

Talk in the tavern and wash in the trough

The quest starts automatically after arriving at the tavern. A conversation with Jan Ptacek will begin. You can choose any answers, as they will only slightly change the dialogue. You will be able to increase your reputation if you choose the answer “Let's go back and bury them” (it is possible that other options also increase your reputation) when the conversation turns to murdered friends. Soon you will notice the girl you previously saved near the lake, and decide to talk to her.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

You will automatically approach the girl, who will ask the hostess to fill the jug with wine. You can choose any greeting, since this will not affect your reputation, but just in case, we will indicate that we said “Sorry to interrupt …”. In any case, the hostess of the establishment will hiss at you, demanding that you tidy yourself up.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to Find Out About the Wedding and What to Answer

Go to the bucket behind the women and interact with it to wash your face. This won't make you squeaky clean, but it will at least wash away some of the dirt and reduce the stench.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Talk to the girl so that she has pond

After tidying yourself up, chat with the girl in the blue dress again. She will be standing near the entrance to the tavern. Katerina, for some unknown reason, will deny that she was near the lake, no matter what you tell her. We do not advise you to choose the option for Eloquence, since even 6 units will not be enough to talk the girl into it, but you will lose your reputation.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

At the end of the conversation, a cutscene will begin, during which you will learn that Semin's wedding will soon take place in the castle, at which Mr. Bergov may appear. Next, a conversation will begin with the innkeeper, who will say that you must work off your lunch. To gain reputation, you must select the following chain of answers: “Always ready!” > “Okay then” > “Okay, we'll do it”.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

The woman will then ask where you are from. Choose the following answers: “Skalitsa” > “I heard something about the wedding” to advance the conversation and get more information about the wedding. You can also ask other questions to find out where you can find work here.

Learn more about the Semin wedding (optional)

You need to ask other people about the upcoming holiday. The following have the relevant information: miller Kreisel, blacksmith Radovan and Svatek Drozd. It is enough to talk to only the first two to complete this task.

If you still chat with Svatek Drozd, who is sitting at one of the tables in the tavern, he will offer you to play dice. He will say that if you win, he will give you an invitation to the wedding – do not believe him, because the guy is lying. Even if you win, you will not receive the reward you need. But you will increase your reputation.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Note that if you refuse to play during the conversation, you will lose reputation, so we advise you not to engage in a conversation with Svatek at all if you do not plan to play. Radovan and Kreisel are sitting to the left of Drozd – talk to either of them. We advise you to choose the answers at the beginning of the conversation: “I ran away from Skalitz” > “Indro from Skalitz” to gain reputation.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Then just ask them about the upcoming wedding and ask questions about work. Don't worry about choosing one of them as your employer, as you can still change your mind in the future.

Tell Ptachek about work and carry bags

Now return to Jan Ptacek, who will continue to sit at the table, and chat with him. If you try to make him work, you will lose reputation, since he considers himself of noble blood, who is not fit to do physical labor. To increase reputation, choose the answers: “Okay, I'll do it myself” > “I'll carry the sacks myself”.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Next, go to the cart and take one of the bags. Then follow the quest marker and take the bag to the storeroom located inside the tavern. The screenshots below show the entire route. You will need to do this three times, not five, since after the third bag, a squabble will begin between Jan and Drozd.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

Protect Ptacek

Intervene in an argument and choose the following responses to gain reputation: “Don't insult our fallen comrades!” or “Calm down!” > “Finish it!”. Unfortunately, your words will have no effect on Ian, so a fight will break out.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

You will have to fight with your fists, and several people will oppose you at once. Winning this fight is not necessary (and, most likely, impossible), since the guards will grab you anyway. Then a cutscene will begin, during which Henry and Jan will be shackled at the pillory.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

A new dialogue with Jan will begin near the pillory. Here you can choose absolutely any answers depending on your own preferences, since they do not affect your reputation in any way. Besides, Ptachek will leave you anyway, deciding that it is you who are bringing trouble upon him.

Troski in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find out about the wedding and what to answer

This is where the quest comes to an end. The next task, “Uninvited guests at the wedding”, will immediately start, during which you will have to figure out how to get to the celebration.

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