Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass


Under the Scorching Sun of Dawn in Honkai Star Rail: How to Start and Complete

In Honkai: Star Rail, Under the Scorching Sun of Dawn is a line of Exploration missions in which you have to solve several puzzles and take on a ton of enemies including Dunn, Cheetah and Cocolia. In this guide, you will learn how to start this chain and complete all its tasks.

How to start the “Under the scorching dawn” chain

Access to it opens automatically after completing the previous storyline under titled “On a Withering Winter Night”. At the same time, your Mastery level must be at least 24, otherwise you simply won’t be able to take on the first mission.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and complete

Cleaning Outer Darkness

The first thing you need to do is move to Stonetown. There, chat with Sampo, Oleg and Zele in the place shown in the screenshots below. Say you're ready to return to the surface. Next, watch the cut-scene with Armor and Cocolia.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

When control returns to the Pathfinder again, head to the Serval workshop and talk to the girl. She will let us in right away. Talk to her about Stellaron. Then watch the Cheetah arrival video.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

When brother Serval leaves, talk to the owner of the workshop again. This task will come to an end. As a reward, you will receive 8000 credits, 300 development experience and 3 condensed aether.

Don't create an idol

Exit the workshop and move towards the entrance to the Silvermane Guardians Restricted Zone – enter it . Then talk to the guards and convince them to let you into the area (this will happen automatically).

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and complete

You will need to inspect the area from above – just go forward. After watching a short cutscene, go down the stairs and interact with the controller. It will be broken, so keep looking.

Under the blazing dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and complete

Repair the bumblebee automaton (puzzle)

Go further and you will find a broken bumblebee automaton (it is not necessary to repair it). The screenshot below shows the solution to the puzzle with magnetic modules. Then examine the robot again and start chasing it up to find a valuable chest.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Find the bridge control terminal

Go back, go through the huge mechanism and use the second controller on the other side. He, too, will be inoperative due to lack of energy. Go forward along the narrow lane and go upstairs. Approach the grate to start a new cutscene.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Then talk to the guard standing nearby to ask him to let you in. He will tell you to find Dunn and get permission from him.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and complete

How to defeat Dann

Go forward around the bars and look for Dann surrounded by other guards. You have to fight him. This is a level 34 enemy that is vulnerable to physical, wind and ice damage. A budget team consisting of Pathfinder (Sushan), Dan Heng, March 7, and Pela can work against him.

Note that Dunn is an enhanced version of the Lieutenant of the Silvermane Guards. This type of enemy is able to summon two normal guards and then inflict a counter-strike effect on themselves. This status means that if you attack him, he will counterattack the character that hit him.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

< p>So first of all deal with the normal mobs until the counter attack skill disappears, and then deal with the mini-boss, hitting him with the right elements to break his tenacity. After defeating the enemies, take the encryption key and watch the video. This task will come to an end. As a reward, you will receive 1000 exploration experience, 80 star jade and 8 traveler's guides.

Young Guard

After obtaining the key, you will almost immediately encounter three groups of level 34 silver-maned guardians. You can use the same command that defeated Dunn. The screenshots below show the vulnerabilities of the opponents.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Go to the gate, near which a level 34 gunner will be waiting for you. The vulnerabilities of the enemies are shown in the screenshots below. Then there will be another group of regular level 34 shooters. Two more squads of enemies of the same level will sit right next to the controller.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn the sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Now interact with the console and open the gate. Approach the mechanical ball and restore power.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and progress

How to beat the grizzly automaton

Return to the bridge. A level 35 grizzly will be waiting for you near it, which is vulnerable to fire, ice and electric damage. We recommend adding a Serval to your squad, as it will help you quickly destroy the automaton spiders that the boss summons, preventing them from exploding near your characters.

Under the hot dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how start and go

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and complete

By killing the spiders, you will cause them to self-destruct, thereby causing damage to the grizzly itself. Asta's attacks also work well against him. Of course, any of the legendary characters of the above elements will do.

How to defeat the Cheetah

After dealing with the opponents, interact with the controller to turn the bridge. Then move to the front of the Restricted Zone and talk to the Cheetah. Unfortunately, you won't be able to convince him, so you'll have to fight the level 36 boss.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

We recommend that you take the characters of the physical, electrical and imaginary elements. You can assemble a team of Pathfinder, Serval, March 7 and Natasha. You'll need a healer because of the boss' powerful area attacks, which you're unlikely to be able to defend against with shields alone.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Focus on destroying the Cheetah's stamina, even after he has summoned additional fighters. It deals much more damage than all ordinary mobs combined. However, we still advise you to try to deal with the gunner as soon as possible, as it quickly destroys shields and causes considerable damage.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass< /p>

After dealing with the Cheetah, talk to him again. You can convince him to let you through. This task will come to an end. As a reward, you will receive 1000 exploration experience, 80 star jade, 3 traveler's guides and 3 refined ether.

Stop talking in the ranks

How to defeat all enemies

Go to the Cheetah near the gate and ask him to open the doors. Then a cut-scene will start, after which you have to defeat 3 waves of enemies of level 35 with certain vulnerabilities indicated in the screenshots below. We recommend that you add characters that can deal physical, quantum, and frost damage to your squad.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Be sure to team up with a Shielder or a Healer, as the fight will be quite long, which is why you will have to avoid damage at all costs. Also try to deal with the imaginary weaver as quickly as possible, as it deals significant damage with its area of ​​effect attacks.

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

Under the scorching dawn sun in Honkai Star Rail: how to start and pass

After dealing with all the opponents, watch the new cutscene with Serval, Cheetah, Himeko and Welt. This will end the mission. You won't get any reward, but you will get a big reward for the next quest.

A guide in the process of writing…

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