” Via Argentum ” – 17 plot mission in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 . In order to free Pan Ptachek from captivity, Indo will have to enlist the support of the former owner of Maleshov – Kunzlina Rukhtard . However, Rukhtard will ask you for little help in the confrontation with Mintzmaster Vavak. Now Indirzhih needs to find evidence against Vavak, bring it to clean water and help keep Rukhathard mines.
How to find evidence against Vavak and enlist the support of Rukhtard in the release of Jan Ptachek, you can learn from our leadership.
The passage of the quest “Via Argentum”
This plot task will begin at the end of the quest “in the dungeon”. As soon as you find Liechtenstein and talk to him, he will advise Indo to seek help from Ruhtard – a pan, who previously owned a fortress where the bird is now located.
Go to the Rukhtardov mansion
, first of all, you will have to talk with Pan Rukhathard in his own mansion in the south of Kutna-Gora. Before entering the courtyard of the fortress, equip the armor, because then the battle will be expected. As soon as you are ready, go through the arch and look at the Katsen.
Help Ruhattardam
After a stressed conversation between Ruhtard and Mintsmaster Vavak, the battle will begin. It is not necessary to pounce on opponents, try to just defend yourself and stay alive. Your allies themselves will cope with all enemies perfectly.
At the end of the battle, talk with Rukhtard and explain the purpose of your visit. Pan reluctantly agrees to help you, but in the exchange for you to help him find incriminating evidence on the Royal Mintsmaster.
to gain reputation, choose the following remarks: ” Andigisions are accepted “ & gt; “We are on one side!” & gt; “Nobody will recognize” & gt; “What should I do with him?” & gt; “But you need evidence?”
Talk to Christian from the pussy
You can start the search for evidence against Vavak by talking with the ruler of Christian Pisetsky . He is located in the mining camp, south of the city soil .
the best replicas in the dialogue with Christian will be as follows: “I will help you in search of” & gt; “My real father ruled the mines”
Talk with Christian alone
Christian, in turn, will ask you to leave and talk in private. Follow him and start the dialogue again when he stops.
Pisetsky will ask you to ask several people from different shifts, how much silver they got on the day of St. Petronilla, to then the results with the numbers indicated in the account book.
In order to rub in confidence in the miners, you will be given several options to choose from, whom Indo can introduce yourself: a scientist, a wealthy gentry or nephew Christian Pisetsky. It makes no difference what you choose – in any case, you will receive the necessary information. In our passage, we chose to introduce ourselves in an inquisitive scientist.
Find out how much” Sons “Samko received
Namko’s tenfold is located in the northern part of the mining camp and you can usually find it behind the game in the bone. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Via-Argentum-V-Kingdom-Come-Deliverance-2-Kak-DokazatelsteVA-PROTIV-VAVAKA-5DC2968.WEBP” Alt = “Via Argentum at Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find evidence against Vavak ” />
If you go through an eloquence check, then Sawko will immediately tell you how many people people got it a day. In case of failure, you can both bribe it for 200 pennies , and beat the bones .
In any case, Samko will inform that they collected 34 baskets of silver .
Follow the next mark on the map to talk with the foreman Francom . You can find it both in the mine and outside. Graduate all possible dialogs and ask the miner about how much silver they got on the day of St. Petronilla.
The most easily used option for intimidation. With a successful check of skills, the franc will report to you about the 36 baskets of silver.
If you still fail to check, ask what can be offered to Frank in return for information. He will ask you to bring 10 bottles of beer from a chest locked on a light castle (a marker with the location of the chest will also be on your map).
Find out how much” Sons “Paul received
the last ten who needs to be interviewed will be in the mine, underground. The entrance to the desired mine is located opposite the courtyard, where you first talked with Christian from the pussy.
Follow the tunnels, focusing on the marker on the compass. In the end, he will lead you to to the foreman Paul , who will pray for one of the dead in the mine.
To gain a reputation, choose the following remarks: ” There is no pain in heaven “ & gt; “I will pray with you.”
Before asking him questions, pray with him. Only after that you can find out information about the silver received on a specific day. Pavel will tell you about 30 baskets of silver.
To tell Christian that I found out from the mines
Return to Christian and tell all the information about what you learned from miners. Choose the following remarks:
“less” & gt; “What are we going to do?”
Due to the fact that Indro with Christian found out the diverse of information about the collected silver, there was a clue that the matter here is unclean. Christian will advise you to talk with Herzhman and the tenfold lard , responsible for the records in the account book. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Via-Argentum-V-V-Come-Deliverance-2-Kak-Najti-Dokazatelstva-Protiv-Vavaka-D55CF82.WEBP” Alt = “Via Argentum at Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find evidence against Vavak ” />
Gerzhman merchant in the afternoon in one of the rooms in the same building. Start with him a dialogue by choosing the following replicas indicated on the screenshots.
pass any verification of eloquence to finally split the gerzhman and get true information from it.
Make the fuel to cooperate
of the next tenfold, which Gerzhman pointed out, you can find at the mark on the map. During the day it can be anywhere in the mining town.
Select the replicas noted in the screenshots below and pass the next check so that Salo admit your involvement in fraud.
tell Christian that I found out on the mines
Return to Christian from the pussy and report to him about what you managed to find out from workers responsible for taking into account the resulting silver.
Christian, in turn, confirms that most likely the trace of stolen silver leads to the muffles and it is there that it is worth looking for those who are behind the fraud.
Talk to Buresh
Christian will offer you to talk to you with the owner of Pudylene – a drill. But in advance it will warn that it is better to go for the noble gentry to get the location of the owner.
go into the baths, remove all the weapons, put on the best clothes and lift the charm to the maximum.
Burech from the Krasovitsa will be somewhere in the city city. Its location will vary from the time of day.
If you go through a charm check, choose a replica indicated below to gain reputation.
Expect the melting
go to the jungle and talk with any of the workers. At the end of the dialogue, you will be sent to to the gap to Sima , which should be somewhere in the yard.
you can also study one of the heaps with a silver ore to get an indisturine.
Start dialogue with Shima and ask about stolen silver. The worker will ask you to go with him in a safe place so that the guards do not hear your conversation. Follow him and talk again outside the melting.
Ask Shima about fraud with royal silver and pass an eloquence test to make him speak.
Shima will send you to the main to the Volmaru smelter , who recently had a whole stable in the ground.
Volmar himself will be in the northeast of the city. Follow his possessions and in advance equip the armor .
As soon as you talk to the smelter, three people will come to you to attack you. If you again go through an eloquence check, then you will have to fight with only one of them in an honest duel.
Talk to Volmar again and ask him A map of a secret coin yard . After that, you can decide whether to kill him or not. The best option will be to beg him with money and release . You will receive 100 pennies and a good reputation.
Find a secret coin yard
upon receipt of a piece of paper on your card, a new mark will appear. Follow the east From soil to the search area. The desired descent in the mine will be in the place that we marked in the screenshot.
go down the stairs to update your task. SRC = “/WP-Content/Uploads/2025/03/Via-Argentum-V-V-Come-Deliverance-2-Kak-Najti-Dokazatelstva-Protiv-Vavaka-b57f3ee.webp” Alt = “Via Argentum at Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find evidence against Vavak ” />
Follow the tunnel of the mine until you stumble upon Buresh and three of it. You can both attack them and accept a bribe and avoid a fight.
The easiest way to avoid the battle and get money ( 475 pennies ) we noted in the screenshots below.
After the dialogue, inspect the room and pick up the key to the secret mint . Follow the tunnel further and reassure the door where there will be two coins and the necessary evidence of Vavak's fraud.
Talk to the chasers and open one of the chests with Castle of medium complexity located in this room. There you will find accounting book of the secret mint , which will help to complete this quest.
the coins themselves will give you moneted stamp , which you can also provide Christian.
Free captive coins (optional)
Having talked with captive men, take a test of eloquence skills and get an additional task to release them.
In this case you will have To kill all the guards patrolling the monetary yard so that the captives can calmly leave the mine. The task is not mandatory, but guarantees you a good reputation for its implementation.
go around all the tunnels and premises, straighten down the remaining guards and return to the coins. Tell them that the guard is dead and follow the exit.
Complete the investigation with Christian
Having got out of the mine, leave this area and, taking advantage of the quick movement, return to the ground. Get to Christian from the pussy and tell him about everything that you learned in the melts and the secret mint. To get the maximum reward for the execution of this quest, choose the following phrases marked below.
In this case, Christian will continue the fraudulent business under his control, and you will receive 625 pennies.
Now, at the end of the assignment, you can return to Rukhtard and get an assistance in the release of Ptachek, as part of the next task “Leave French.”