Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a treasure


in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 The Vidlak robbers map is one of the treasure cards available in the game, which you can find and solve to receive valuable awards. In this manual, we will tell you where this piece of paper is located, how to decipher it, and in which place you should look for a treasure.

Where to find a map of the vidisciox robbers

we will immediately note that before before before To take on the search for this treasure, you should make sure that you have good equipment and weapons, as you will find a rather complicated battle. Either get a thieves' outfit and let it be a dagger (be sure to equip them with a character).

 Vidlak robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a treasure

So, you can find this card in the first region (trosks), in its northern part. Go to the forest located north-west of Takhov, and find the enemy camp there, where there will be 4-5 robbers. With a high probability, you will find yourself in these edges when passing the side quest “workers” when he will look for a horse’s horse.

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

 The Vidlak Robbers Map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a treasure

you have to kill all enemies. You can do this in an open battle if you are confident in your abilities, or secretly. In the latter case, we recommend that you wait for the night, and then put on your thieves' costume that does not make noise, and simply cut the bandits in a dream.

Having dealt with them, inspect their bodies – in the pockets of the most heavily armored coder, you will find a map, as well as the keys to the doors and chests (open the chest in the camp) and the robbery key (it will be needed for our treasure).

 Vidlak robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a treasure

 The Vidlak Robbers Map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

where to find the treasure of the vidisciox robbers

open your sum, go to the” Books “section and find the previously received card. Study it – you will see that the cross is indicated near the large tree next to the river. If you do not want to search for it yourself, then just study the information below.

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

 Map Vidilac robbers in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a treasure

How to find an empty tree

From the enemy camp where you just visited, start moving to the north-west-you can follow the road or just go along the stream. Soon you will notice a tree in front, and the “empty tree” .

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

 Vidilac chamberers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

Go to the root of the fallen barrel lying in the river, and begin to inspect the area under the snags. In the water, you will have to find a silver cup and a tin plate – a poor catch, so Indo will immediately say that the bandits would hardly be drawn for the sake of this card. You need to continue the search.

 Vidlak robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find a treasure

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

where there is a flooded chest

to go southwest along the river until you reach a small pond, covered with algae. Enter the water and go towards dried trees and literally a few steps later, you will find a floating chest among the reeds.

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to find a treasure

 Vidilac robbers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

 Vidilac chamberers map in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: how to find the treasure

we can open that you can open The castle (difficult), however, if you previously took the keys to the bandit, you can simply unlock the chest. Inside you will find the following items:

  • pennies x300
  • tin plate x2
  • golden crucifix – the cost is 1430 pennies
  • silver The Cup

All these items can be sold for a lot of money to any merchant, especially if you have eloquence pumped (do not forget to bargain). Congratulations, you found a treasure from the Vidlak robbers map in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2.

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