Werewolf hunting at Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to track down a werewolf


hunting for the werewolf in kingdom come: Deliverance 2 – an optional assignment that completes the story of a selfless hero, always comes to the rescue of uprooted Shepherds.

In the difficult work of protecting sheep from eternally hungry wolves, unexpected events sometimes advent, and this task is one of these. Further in the leadership, you will learn how to attack the trail of the last missing sheep, find the “werewolf” logo and get out of this alteration intact and sound.

Passing the quest “Werewolf Hunt” at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How to start the task

The assignment will begin after the completion of previous missions from the same line: “Carrot on the stick” and “The lost sheep”. The new point of interest will indicate a shepherd who is interested in your services named Nekht – its herd grazes in the meadows north of the Semin fortress.

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolf

in the afternoon a man usually sits on a bench near the tree, and you will easily find it, guided by the marker on the compass. Ask him about the problems with the werewolf, and he, having told several frightening tanks, directs you to the intersection west from the place of grazing.

track the werewolf

at the road fork you will notice a bloodied arrow stuck in the bark of the tree. Pull out and study the find, and then pass on the barbobos – sniff and take a trace.

Werewolf Hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolf

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolf

Now it remains only to follow your four -legged companion, who will quickly track the prey, despite the size of the search area marked on the map. Just do not lose sight of it and very soon you will find a camp with three strangers.

Optionally, you can go along the path and yourself, looking at the bloody traces on the ground. But, as usual, you can immediately run to a point marked on our map without doing the long search for asylum.

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolf

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolves

to deal with the tramps

robbers, and not fantastic creatures took the lag behind from the relatives. These harsh guys are not tuned to negotiate, which means that you can only interrupt their feast with a ringing of cold steel. Enemies use bows, so you can use the surprise factor, immediately reducing the distance and performing fast ligaments.

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolves

to inspect the Brosthag camp

from the bodies of defeated robbers, you can collect good equipment for sale, so it makes sense to catch up with the runaway opponents if one of them decides to leave the battlefield. After stripping the camp, inspect the carcass of sheep on an impromptu “cutting stone”, as well as scattered around the belongings.

Return to the Nehuta

make the return trip to the shepherd and tell him about what happened. The man will be a lot surprised by such a turn of events and give you 25 pennies, a weak saving schnapps, a little on the snack and a couple of dressings.

Werewolf hunting in Kingdom Come Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolves

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: how to track the werewolves

so the quest hunting for the werewolf in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 – along with the entire chain of instructions related to the disappearance of sheep. There are still many adventures in the game, to prepare for which we recommend looking into our guides about the most reliable armor and better weapons. Until new meetings!

Werewolf hunting Deliverance 2: How to track the werewolf

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