Wine, women and blood in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to access the fights


WINDER and blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: how to get access to the fights

wine, women and blood in kingdom come: delivence 2 – one of the ineffective tasks of fist martial arts taking place Korchma Reli. We will tell you how to start a task and who needs to win on the top of glory in the village “Fight Club”.

Passing the quest “Wine, Women and Blood” in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

How to start the task

The task can be obtained from the Korchmar Lavrenty after passing the “Brotherhood in the Mill” introductory chain – in it you should have defeated all the farmers of the miller of the crucifix. After that, you can go to the Reli City Courtyard and ask the owner already about local fights. You will be invited to consistently call three strong men to the battle and, in case of victory, double your bet in 100 coins.

WINDER and blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

WINE, WOULD and blood in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

Before starting the battles, at will, you can visit the baths and get acquainted with the soapwoman Anna. Provided to preliminary acquaintance with the girl, before the second fight, she will ask you to teach Boguslav personally on her behalf.

to attract to the participation of the Barber in the Barber Faila

The strongest guy in these places is a violet, so it does not make sense without his participation. Alas, the wife is not too happy about the spouse’s fascination with bloody sports, so you will first have to convince her to make an exception in honor of the “special occasion.”

WINE, WOULD and blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

Win, women And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

WINDER And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

Dorota is the mistress of the bath and therefore spends most of the time on the bench near the entrance to the bathhouse. Try to convince it by passing a few simple checks. If it doesn’t work out, you can try your luck by pressing on the violet itself – asking who is the real owner in their family.

WINE, WOULD And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

WIND Blood in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

If this dialog is also fail, just bribe a sorcerer, which will cost 50 pennies.

The fight with Johank

The first enemy is a musician, usually pulling beer at the table on the street. Perhaps he will be a little more agile than your previous rivals from the mill, but you can easily deal with it if you do not interrupt your series of blows and immediately go to the block or tear the distance after the missed attack.

WINE, WOULD and blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

WINDER And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to fights

Boy with Boguslav

In order not to look for the opponent throughout the tavern, you can start the next battle immediately after the previous one, because all participants are watching the fights, standing in the crowd of spectators nearby.

WINDER And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

WINDER And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: how to get access to the fights

The fight with a violet

This guy really holds a hit well, so it is better to restore strength and use enhancing decoctions if necessary, for example, the drug” Cockerel “to increase the reserve of your energy.

WINE, WOULD And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: how to get access to the fights

take the award from the Korchmar

as soon as you get out with all the fighters, visit the Korshahmar Lavrenty and take your award: 200 coins, a couple of bottles of saving schnapps, as well as respect for others and eternal fame and eternal glory winner.

WINDER and blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to the fights

However, this is not the end! Although the order “wine, women and blood” in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 ends on this, you will get a proposal to clash in a new battle with another dangerous enemy in the task “Sweet in the end.”

WINE, WOULD And blood at Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2: How to get access to fights

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