Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

In Honkai: Star Rail, Acheron is a 5-star character with an Electric combat type and belongs to the path of Nothingness. In a team, she can play the role of the main damage dealer, aimed at dealing direct and periodic damage (DoT). In this guide you will learn about her best builds, light cones and relics. We'll also tell you about the recommended units with her.

Note: The Mysterious Wanderer has not yet been officially released, so the data presented here is based on information received as part of beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game.

Main features of Acheron

How to get Acheron

This heroine can only be obtained during the event Jump. In the near future, this banner will be launched as part of the first phase of patch 2.1. If you want to be one of the first to know about her next rerun, we advise you to bookmark this article.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Let’s add that HoYoverse only once gave a 5-star character in honor of winning the nomination for “best mobile game of the year” and never once for completing various events, so it’s highly likely that you can unlock Acheron only with the help of Jumps.

< h3>Progression of Acheron's characteristics

In the table below you can see how the basic parameters of the Galaxy Ranger change as her level increases.

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LevelAttack PowerDefenseHPSpeed

Note that her critical damage, critical hit chance and taunt are 50%, 5% and 100 units respectively at any level, and there is no energy reserve.

Advantages and disadvantages of Acheron

Thanks With her abilities, she can inflict significant direct and periodic damage to both single and multiple targets. Her advantages also include:

  • She has the highest basic attack (the damage of abilities depends on it) among the other characters of her Path and receives an increase to this indicator from Traces, which significantly simplifies the construction of her build.
  • It has an extremely powerful ultimate, which not only deals enormous damage to one or several enemies at the same time, but also completely ignores their types of vulnerabilities (can break through the stamina of any enemy). Plus, thanks to the passive talent, the targets' elemental resistance is reduced.
  • The superpower has an unusual charging mechanic – it does not require energy, but it does require Broken Dream points. For this reason, you can ignore the heroine's Energy Recovery indicator, spending more effort on increasing other parameters.
  • Pairs well with many characters of the Oblivion path, including damage dealers who deal periodic damage, as they allow her to faster gain “Broken Dream” points, and, therefore, use your ultimate more often, and give a bonus to overall damage.
  • Has a lot of different bonuses to your own damage. In addition to direct bonuses from the heroes of Oblivion and Traces, she also receives buffs from accumulating levels of the Crimson Knot and Thunder Core.
  • Thanks to this technique, he can instantly deal with ordinary enemies in the open world and the Virtual Universe, which significantly speeds up the passage of the latter. If you miss an enemy, the vehicle point will not be spent.
  • Can adequately fulfill its role as the main damage dealer even without signature weapons and unlocked Eidolons.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

However, this wanderer should not be considered an ideal character, since she also has her own shortcomings, namely:

  • She urgently needs characters from the path of Nothingness in her team, preferably at least two. Otherwise, she will not receive an increased bonus to damage and will not be able to use her ult often, since she is not able to independently apply debuffs to enemies. Thus, you will have to be very careful when building a pack for Acheron. This dependence on debuffers can be partially neutralized thanks to E2 and signature weapons.
  • Although we indicated that the heroine can do without Eidolons and signatures, the benefits of them are too great to completely ignore them. For this reason, you should try to knock out at least one of these elements in order to significantly increase Acheron’s combat potential. E6 will completely turn her into a real death machine, capable of breaking through any vulnerability even with ordinary attacks and skills.
  • The absence of the need to accumulate energy to activate a superpower also has its disadvantages. Firstly, you will not be able to restore it in the usual ways: by receiving damage or making attacks. Secondly, you will not be able to speed up its recovery with planar decorations or buffs from supports.

Acheron's abilities

The most important ability of the wanderer is the talent “Unity hangs on top of the Rain Leaf”, since it is on its basis that all her gameplay is built, so let’s look at this passive first. When you collect 9 Broken Dream points, you can use a superpower. While Acheron's ultimate attacks are active, they ignore any types of enemy vulnerabilities, reducing their resistance to all types of damage by 10-25%.

When any team member debuffs an enemy, Acheron gains 1 point of Broken Dream and 1 level of Crimson Knot appears on the debuffed enemy. If the weakening affects several targets at once, then an additional “Crimson Knot” is attached to the enemy with the largest number of “knots”. The effect triggers once per ability action.

If an enemy leaves the battlefield or is defeated while Acheron is still alive, his Crimson Knot levels are transferred to another enemy with the most nodes.

Explanation: In fact, there is nothing complicated here – we gain 9 points of “Broken Dream” by using the skill and applying debuffs to allies, and then activate the ult, causing increased damage to enemies with “Crimson Knots”. Note that the reduction in enemy resistance does not appear to be considered a weakening, so it is not taken into account when issuing stacks.

When using the basic attack “Three-Way Wiltcross”, it deals 50~130% electrical damage to one enemy from her attack power. At the same time, it penetrates 30 units of durability.

Explanation: Nothing notable ordinary attacks, which we will practically not use, since it is the skill that will give us the necessary “Broken Dream” points. Their usefulness increases slightly when E6 is opened, as they begin to penetrate any vulnerability, not just electrical ones.

After using the Octo Bolt Flash skill, it deals electrical damage equal to 80~200% and 30~75% of its attack power to the selected target and nearby enemies, respectively. In addition, Acheron gains 1 point of Broken Dream and applies 1 level of Crimson Knot to the target. In this case, the skill penetrates 60 units of durability (an explosion can remove another 30 units).

Explanation: In terms of damage, it is inferior to Kafka’s skill, since her skill also activates all statuses that enemies have with periodic damage. However, Acheron will have to use the skill every time she moves, because only it (in the absence of a signature) will allow her to consistently gain points to activate her ult.

Using the super ability “Cut Dream Cries Red”, the heroine successively performs the attack “Rain Blade” three times and “Stygia Revival” once, causing electrical damage equal to 223.2~446.4% of her attack power to the selected target and another 180~ 360% – to other opponents.

Each “Rain Blade” deals electrical damage to a single target in the amount of 14.4~28.8% of the heroine’s ATK and removes 3 levels of “Crimson Knot” from her. After removing them, she immediately deals 9~18% electrical damage to all enemies in the arena. For each stack of effect absorbed, the damage multiplier increases additionally, up to a maximum of 36~72%.

The “Revival of Stygia” attack deals 72~144% of the wanderer’s ATK to all targets and removes all remaining “Crimson Nodes” from them. Additional stacks cannot be applied to enemies while the super is active.

Explanation: The main source of damage is Acheron, and very, very large even without taking into account the “Thunder Core” trail. For example, with an attack power of 3000 units and the 10th level of ultimate, it will deal 11,160 damage to a single target, and 9,000 damage to all other enemies. Her rain blades with 9 stacks of Crimson Knot will deal an additional 3456 damage to a single target and 720 damage to all other enemies. The revival of Stygia will then hit all mobs with another 3600 units of damage. Note that we are talking about “naked” numbers, that is, without taking into account all kinds of bonuses from traces.

It is also impossible not to mention the “Four-Shaped Ascension” technique, the use of which leads to an instant start of battle with enemies, and at the beginning of each wave they all receive electrical damage equal to 200% of the heroine’s ATK. This strike breaks through durability regardless of the opponents' vulnerability type. If the shield is broken, the Shock debuff is applied to the enemy.

The heroine also receives the status of the same name, which, when used, gives her 1 point of “Broken Dream” and imposes 1 level of “Crimson Knot” on a random enemy. Let us add that when attacking ordinary mobs in the open world or the Virtual Universe, she instantly kills them without engaging in battle with them. If you miss, vehicle points are not deducted.

Traces of Acheron

In addition to the above abilities, the heroine’s leveling tree also includes other enhancements that provide passive bonuses or permanent increases to characteristics. Basically we are talking about increasing electrical damage, attack power and critical damage. You can see them all in the picture below.

Next, we will briefly consider special tracks with their own mechanics:

  • Red Demon – after the start of the battle, immediately gives 5 points of “Broken Dream” and imposes 5 levels of “Crimson Knot” on a random enemy, which will allow, under certain conditions, to activate a superpower within the first turn. In addition, for each “Broken Dream” point received over the limit, it grants 1 “Quadrivalent Ascension” status described above. It can be stacked up to three times, that is, by using the ult you can, in theory, immediately get another 3 points of “Broken Dream” and 3 stacks of “Crimson Knot.”
  • Abyss – if there are ½ path heroes in the squad Non-existence damage from normal attacks, Acheron's skill and ultimate increases by 115%/160%, respectively. Note that we are talking about multipliers of 1.15 and 1.6, that is, if the heroine’s damage, for example, was 10,000 units, then with these multipliers it will increase to 11,500/16,000 units.
  • Thunderball – when “Rain Blades” hit enemies with “Crimson Knots”, the heroine’s damage increases by 30%. The bonus can be stacked up to three times and lasts for three turns. When performing “Rise of Stygia”, the wanderer makes 6 more hits to random targets, dealing electrical damage equal to 25% of Acheron’s attack power. This bonus significantly increases the importance of applying “Crimson Knots” to enemies.

Eidolons of Acheron

To unlock them, materials of the same name are required, which are issued when duplicates of the heroine appear, which, of course, is random. And considering the rarity of 5-star character drops, be prepared to spend a lot of money and time on this. Fortunately, even without eidolons, Acheron can function as a damage dealer without any problems.

If you still plan to open eidolons, then be sure to open E2, as it greatly simplifies the selection of a team for the heroine, because you will have enough keep only one Nothingness character in your squad. Plus, it will allow you to use your ultimate more often and slightly increase its damage.

If you have a choice between a signature and E1, then we advise you to take a signature weapon, as it will be more useful. Let's add that E4 and E6 also provide incredibly useful buffs, with the last Eidolon most likely turning Acheron into the most powerful damage dealer in the game.

  1. Soothing Silent Sky – when dealing damage to enemies with debuffs, the chance to deal critical strike increases by 18%.
  2. Silent Thunder in a Silent Storm – Only 1 Oblivion character is required to receive the maximum bonus from the Abyss trail. At the beginning of each turn, the heroine receives 1 point of “Broken Dream”, and the enemy with the most “Crimson Knots” receives 1 more level of effect.
  3. Frost bites to death – the level of the ult increases by two, and the level of the base attack – for one. The maximum level for the first increases to 15, and for the second – to 10.
  4. Holy Fire for the Mirrored Soul – Enemies become vulnerable to super damage, which also increases by 8%. Thus, the ultimates of all your heroes begin to break through the resistance of opponents, regardless of their vulnerabilities.
  5. Souls scattered across the purified lands – the level of skill and talent increases by two. Maximum level for both: 15th.
  6. Apocalypse, Liberator – increases the penetration of any vulnerabilities with Acheron’s superpower by 20%. Normal attacks and the heroine's skill also begin to break through the resistance of opponents, regardless of their elements. If the shield is broken, the enemy will be Shocked.

How to play as Acheron

At first glance, the gameplay for the wanderer may seem quite difficult to understand, but in reality there is no nothing complicated – you just need to collect “Broken Dream” points and apply levels of “Crimson Knot” to enemies in order to use the ultimate, which is Acheron’s main source of damage, as often as possible.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

You will accumulate them mainly by using the heroine’s skill, applying debuffs to your allies (this includes periodic damage) and activating light cone passives, used both by Acheron herself and and her teammates. Plus, you can get extra points from vehicles, the Red Demon trail and E2.

We should also talk about the “Crimson Knots”. The amount of them on the enemy will determine the damage he receives. So it is highly advisable to accumulate these stacks on an elite enemy or boss (if one is present on the battlefield). To cause maximum damage with your ult, you need to have 9 levels of the effect.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

As for rotation, its optimal option will look like this:

  1. Try to use the technique before the start of the fight – you will immediately kill ordinary enemies, and when fighting elite mobs or bosses, you will immediately inflict significant damage on them, and when using an ult you will receive 1 point of “Broken Dream” and 1 level of “Crimson Knot”.
  2. If there are debuffers in the team, then be sure to use their abilities that impose weakening on enemies, and it is advisable to use them on the most dangerous enemies in order to hang as many “knots” on them as possible.
  3. When the turn passes to the wanderer, use her skill for inflicting electrical damage and accumulating the effects she needs.
  4. If you have the “Red Demon” trail and two Oblivion characters in the squad, you will most likely be able to use the ult in the first cycle of the battle. Next, select the target with the largest number of “Crimson Knots” (you can deal maximum damage if the enemies have 9 stacks or higher of this status) and attack it.
  5. Continue to repeat these steps until the bitter end. Note that Acheron can walk both before and after other heroes of her path, so the speed parameter is not very important to her (unless it is required to activate the passives of planar decorations).

The best builds for Acheron

Best light cones

Acheron is more similar to the standard damage dealers from the Destruction and Hunt paths, dealing direct damage, rather than the Oblivion character, who mainly rely on damage over time. For this reason, those types of weapons that increase attack power, critical damage and critical chance, and also enhance the ultimate are suitable for her. The table below shows the most interesting options.

< th scope="col">Ability

< td>Increases damage dealt by 24~40%. Each new hit increases speed by 4.8~8%. The bonus can be stacked up to three times. Applies a Web that deals periodic electrical damage equal to 60~100% of the wearer's attack power over one turn. Increases the heroine’s overall damage and her speed, so less attention can be paid to the latter parameter in relics. The web is considered a weakening, so Acheron will be able to get additional points for his ultimate. As a result, you can give this cone to the wanderer if for some reason you knocked it out, but did not receive Kafka.

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HP: 48~1058  

Attack power: 26~582  

Defense: 21~463


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Along the passing shore (5 stars)

HP: 48~ 1058  

Attack Power: 29~635  

Defense: 18~397

Increases critical damage by 46-60%. When the wearer hits an enemy, it inflicts the Empty Bubbles debuff on them for 1 turn. You can only apply one debuff per hit. The damage taken by enemies with this status is increased by 24-40%. In addition, the damage from the ult additionally increases by 24-40%. We are talking about Acheron's signature weapon, which not only increases her crit. damage and superpower power, but also allows her to independently apply debuffs, gaining additional points from “Broken Dream” and “Crimson Knot.”
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Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Just have to wait (5 stars)

HP: 48~1058  

Attack power: 26~582  

Defense: 21~463

< p>Acheron v Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Good night and peaceful sleep (4 stars)

HP: 43~952

Attack Power: 21~476  

Defense: 15~330

Increases damage by 12-24% for each debuff the selected enemy has, stacking up to three times. The bonus also affects periodic damage. In a team with other characters of Nothingness, you will constantly activate the passive of this weapon, and for all 3 levels, which will significantly increase the total damage of the heroine. However, to get a more or less decent increase, you need to get at least the 3rd rank of overlay.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

In the name of peace (5 stars)

Increases damage dealt to enemies with Debuffs by 24-40%. After using the skill, the probability of hitting effects increases by 18-30%, and attack power – by 24-40%. Considering that you will have to necessarily apply debuffs to enemies, the passive of this cone will work almost all the time. But the chance of hitting Acheron’s effects is not needed, and increasing the attack power when using the skill will not greatly increase its damage. Overall, this is an average weapon that can be used when there are no alternatives.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

We will meet again (4 stars)

HP: 846< /p>

ATK: 529

DEF: 330

After using a skill or a basic hit, the wearer deals additional damage equal to 48-96% of the attack power to a random to the enemy who was hit by the attacks. Gives an additional attack that deals medium damage. Doesn't give any more bonuses, so you can equip this cone if you don't have the above options.

Best Relics

As for the choice of ordinary relics mined in corrosion caves, we advise you to pay attention to sets that increase attack power, crits and electrical damage, as well as in one way or another covering a superpower in their bonuses. The table below shows the best options.

< td>If you do not have complete sets with suitable characteristics, you can temporarily use two incomplete sets of the specified relics.


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Discoverer of Dead Waters

2 parts: increases damage dealt to enemies with debuffs by 12%.

4 pieces: increases crit chance by 4%. When hitting an enemy with 2/3 crit weakening. The owner's damage increases by 8%/12% respectively. If the wearer places a negative status on the target, then the above effects are increased by 100% for one turn.

The best option for Acheron, whose passive will work almost all the time, since you will have to anyway constantly support weakening on enemies.

Aheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Band of Searing Thunder

2 parts: increases electrical damage by 10%.

4 parts: attack power increases by 20% for one turn when the character uses a skill.

A good alternative to the previous option, allowing you to increase the overall damage of Acheron. When using it, it is advisable to activate the ult after using the skill.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Wild Wheat Shooter/Prisoner of the Gloomy Dungeon

Aheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Band of Sizzling Thunder

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Discoverer of Dead Waters

2 parts: increase attack power by 12 %.

2 pieces: Increases electrical damage by 10%.

2 pieces: Increases damage dealt to enemies with debuffs by 12%.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Genius of Diamond Stars

2 parts: increase quantum damage by 10%.

4 parts: in case of damage, the wearer ignores 10% of the enemy's defense. If the selected target has a quantum vulnerability, then another 10% of the defense is ignored.

The first passive for Acheron is useless, but the second can significantly increase the heroine’s damage if Silver Wolf is present in the team, which not only further reduces defense, but can also add quantum vulnerability to enemies. Overall, this is a fairly situational set, which is why we put it at the bottom of the list.

Now we move on to planar jewelry, which is obtained in the Virtual Universe. The list below shows the recommended options (the numbers indicate the priority of choice):

Planar decorationBonusesReasons for choosing

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

1) Izumo Gensei and the divine realm of Takama

Increases attack power by 12%. If there is a character on the team with the same Path as the owner of the decoration, the latter’s chance of delivering critical hits increases by 12%.The best option for Acheron, who is guaranteed to receive both passive bonuses (can significantly increase the damage from her abilities), since in any case there will be at least one character of Nothingness in her team.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

2) Frozen Salsotto

Increases the chance of crits by 8%. If this parameter is equal to or exceeds 50%, then the damage from ults and bonus attacks increases by 15%.A good alternative to the previous set, as it simplifies the collection of crits and enhances the superpower, which is the main source of damage to Acheron.< /td>

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

3) Devastated Sigonia

When defeating an enemy, increases the owner's critical damage by 4%. The bonus can be stacked up to 10 times.A situational decoration that is recommended to be used only when fighting large groups of enemies or bosses that can summon minions. When using it, the body should be taken on crit. chance.

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

4) Glatiramer Skyfront

2 pieces: Increases attack power by 12%. If the carrier's speed is equal to or greater than 135/160 units, then the damage it deals increases by 12%/18%, respectively.Allows you to significantly increase the damage from all abilities, however, to get all the bonuses you will have to invest significant resources in the heroine’s speed, which is not always justified.

< p>Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

5) Space Sealing Station

2 parts: increases ATK by 12%. Gives another 12% to this parameter if the character’s speed is equal to or exceeds 120 units.A budget version of the previous set, which gives less damage, but to fully activate its passive requires only 120 units of speed, which will be gained noticeably simpler. Can be used as a temporary decoration.

As for the characteristics of relics, you must choose as follows:

  • Body: Critical Damage/Critical Strike Chance (choice depends on which Light Cone and Planar Ornament you are using)
  • Legs: Speed ​​(Priority) or Attack Power
  • Planar Sphere: Electric damage
  • Connecting rope: attack power
  • Additional characteristics: critical damage/crit chance -> attack power% -> speed

Note that speed can be sacrificed to increase Acheron's overall damage, since she doesn't really care when to move – before or after her allies.

Best teams for Acheron

When building the right squad for Acheron, a lot of this will depend on whether she has her 2nd Eidolon unlocked, as in this case you will only need to have one Nether character on your team. However, even with E2 it makes sense to keep two heroes of the specified “class”, since they are usually the ones who are able to apply debuffs to enemies.

The Wanderer will also benefit from supports that can increase attack power, crits, and the penetration effect, as well as provide additional skill points, because Acheron will have to use her skill every turn. For this reason, she pairs extremely well with Twilight and Ruan Mei. Armor will also perform well, as it will allow the Galaxy Ranger to walk more often, giving her the opportunity to quickly gain Broken Dream points.

Considering the monstrous damage caused by Acheron, you can try to completely dispense with healers and shields, focusing on increasing her damage. This way you can deal with enemies before they have time to knock out your characters. In such a pack there should be one support (Harmony) and two debuffers (Oblivion). The table below shows all the optimal units.

Main-DDSub-DD< /th>Sub-DD/SupportSupport

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Black Swan (Silver Wolf, Pela)

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Fu Xuan

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Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


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Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Pioneer (fire)

 Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Silver Wolf

Aheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Fu Xuan

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Black Swan

Aheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Fu Xuan (Aventurine, Cheetah)

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

< /p>


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Black Swan

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Ruan Mei

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Gallagher (Natasha, Lynx)

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Black Swan

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Fu Xuan (Aventurine, Cheetah)

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Locha (Khokho, Bailu)

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Sampo (Asta)

Acheron in Honkai Star Rail: guide to best builds

Gallagher (Natasha, Lynx)

Upgrading Acheron

How to increase abilities (what to download first)

The pictures below demonstrate the materials and their quantities required to max out the basic attack, skill, superpower and talent.

  • Fire Spirit, Starfire Essence and Celestial Cremator are obtained from the sepal found in the Alchemy Commission (Lofu Xianzhou), or through Synthesis.
  • Dream Collection Component, Dream Flow Valve, and Dream Engine are obtained from Nightmare Troupe monsters, quests, and enemies in the Virtual Universe, or through Synthesis.
  • Wormhole's Past Disasters – obtained from Echoes of War “Old Wormhole Crater”, located in the Isolated Zone (Hertha Space Station).
  • Imprints of Fate – obtained from the Virtual Universe, issued with a Battle Pass and purchased with Unquenchable Ash in Pom-Pom store. Sometimes they are rewards in temporary events.

As for the priority of leveling up abilities, it is advisable to level up a superpower, skill and talent in parallel to each other. If resources are limited, first pump up your ultimate, and then your passive and skill (that is, it should be 1-2 levels ahead of the last two). Raise basic attacks last.

How to raise a character

At certain levels you will need to raise the heroine, spending a large amount of resources and credits:

  • Exaltation (level 30): credits x4000 and dream collection component x5
  • Exaltation (level 40): credits x8000 and dream collection component x10
  • Exaltation (level 50): credits x16000, valve dream stream x6 and electric werewolf staff x3
  • Exaltation (level 60): credits x40000, dream stream valve x9 and electric werewolf staff x7
  • Exaltation (level 70): credits x80000, engine dreams x6 and electric werewolf staff x20
  • Exaltation (level 80): credits x160000, dream engine x9 and electric werewolf staff x35

Electric werewolf staff can be obtained from stagnant shadow “Shape of Doom”, located in Navalia Stargazer Port (Lofu Xianzhou).

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