Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

In Honkai: Star Rail, Aventurine is a 5-star character with an imaginary combat type and related to the Save path. In a squad, he is capable of playing the role of an attacking shield/debuffer. In this guide we will tell you about his best builds, light cones and relics. You will also learn about the recommended commands with it.

Note: Korporat has not yet been officially released, so the data presented here is based on information obtained as part of beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the hero appears in the game.

Main features of Aventurine

How to get Aventurine

This hero can only be obtained during the event Jump. In the near future, this banner will be launched as part of the second phase of patch 2.1 (April 17). If you want to be one of the first to know about his next rerun, we advise you to bookmark this article.

Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Add that HoYoverse only once gave a 5-star character in honor of winning the nomination for “best mobile game of the year” and never for completing various events, so Unlocking the top manager of KMM's strategic investment department will most likely only be possible with the help of Jumps.

Progression of Aventurine's characteristics

In the table below you can see how the basic parameters of a corporation change as its level increases .

< td class="center">446

LevelAttack PowerDefenseHPSpeed
60337495< /td>908106

Note that its critical damage, critical hit chance and taunt are 50%, 5% and 150 units respectively at any level, and its energy reserve is 110 units.

Advantages and disadvantages of Aventurine

Thanks to his abilities, he can not only protect allies, but also inflict considerable damage on enemies. Its advantages also include:

  • A fairly universal support, whose abilities allow you to solve several tasks at once: protect teammates, apply buffs and debuffs, and also inflict considerable damage to both single and multiple targets using an ultimate and bonus attacks.
  • Can apply shield with a skill, not an ult, and all squad members receive additional protection at once. In addition, he can strengthen this barrier by repeatedly using the skill.
  • The superpower not only deals considerable imaginary damage, but also imposes a debuff that increases the critical damage received by the enemy. This increases the usefulness of Aventurine when used with heroes whose mechanics are based on debuffs, such as Acheron or Doctor Ratio.
  • Has the highest Defense among other characters in the Conservation path, which is also increased by Traces.< /li>
  • Unlike some other shield warriors, all of his abilities depend on Defense, even regular attacks, which makes his build much easier, especially if you need to make him a standard support/shieldman.
  • He has a relatively inexpensive ultimate (110 units), which allows him to cast it often.
  • Performs his main role perfectly even without eidolons and signature weapons. Plus, it fits well with many 4-star light cones, which is sure to please F2P players.

Aventurin in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

However, this top manager should not be considered an ideal character, since he also has his own shortcomings, namely:

  • In terms of strength, his shield at the 1st stack is inferior to the barrier of the same Cheetah almost twice. To achieve the same protection indicators, Aventurine needs to use the skill twice. Thus, this hero will significantly increase the team's skill point expenditure.
  • Aventurine's Shield can only protect himself from CC Debuffs, so it is poorly suited for fighting enemies that apply such debuffs (Kafka, Black Stag, Bug Lords, etc.).
  • If you decide to turn Aventurine into a sub- DD, you will have to spend significant effort to balance his characteristics, because you will also need to increase the bonus to imaginary damage, critical damage and speed. However, even in this case, its damage will largely depend on the randomness, which can be slightly smoothed out if you take into your team characters who use bonus attacks.
  • This minus is typical for all characters on the Preservation path. We are talking about high Taunt, which is why Aventurine is not recommended for use with heroes whose mechanics are tied to taking damage. These, for example, include Clara, who performs counterattacks only if she is hit (without taking into account her ultimate).

Aventurine's abilities

When using the basic attack “Direct Bet” “he inflicts imaginary damage on the enemy in the amount of 50~130% of his defense. At the same time, it restores 20 units of energy to him and penetrates 30 units of the enemy’s durability.

Explanation: Aventurine was lucky , that his normal attacks scale with defense rather than attack, so they are capable of causing at least some damage. You will not use them often, since you will have to regularly strengthen the shield with a skill. Let's add that E2 significantly increases the usefulness of these attacks, since they will reduce the enemy's resistance to all types of damage.

After using the Deluxe Playstone skill, he gives all allies a Fortified Stake shield for 3 turns, capable of blocking any damage in the amount of 16-28% of his defense, plus 80-410 units. Upon subsequent receipt of the “Enhanced Rate”, the strength of the shield can increase up to 200% of the initial indicators.

Explanation: An extremely useful ability with which Aventurine can constantly maintain a shield on the team. It would seem that he would need to use the skill once every 3 turns, but this is not so. The fact is that the strength of this barrier is almost two times lower than that of the Cheetah, so it will not be able to protect against a powerful attack. For this reason, you should definitely use the skill a second time to obtain maximum protection – at the 10th level of the skill it will already be 48% + 640 units.

Thus, you need to apply the shield twice in 3 turns, which can lead to a shortage of skill points for damage dealers. This problem can be solved by a support that gives additional points, for example, Sparkle or Chania.

Using the “Roulette Shark” superpower, he immediately randomly receives from 1 to 7 levels of “Blind Bets”, and then assigns the “Nervous” status to the selected target for 3 turns and inflicts imaginary damage on him in the amount of 162-324% of his defense . When an ally attacks an enemy with the specified debuff, the critical damage dealt to them increases by 9-18%. The ult also penetrates 90 points of enemy durability.

Explanation: Aventurine’s main source of damage, both direct and indirect, since it is the activation of the ultimate that will mainly lead to bonus attacks (more on them below). In addition, the superpower imposes a good debuff, which Acheron, Dr. Ratio and other heroes whose mechanics require weakening will be extremely happy with.

As for the hero’s passive talent – ​​“Properly Charged Shot”, it increases the resistance to effects of one ally with “Enhanced Rate” by 15-62.5%. When this teammate is attacked, Aventurine gains 1 level of Blind Bet. If the hero himself has a “Strengthened Bet”, he becomes immune to crowd control debuffs (updated every 2 turns). He gains an additional 1 Blind Bet point after being attacked.

After accumulating 7 stacks of Blind Bet, Aventurine spends them to perform 7 hits, which count as one bonus attack. Each of them deals imaginary damage in the amount of 12.5-31.25% of the character's defense to one random enemy. You can gain a maximum of 10 status points.

Explanation: The bonus attack can deal quite a lot of damage – at talent level 10 it will be 175%. For comparison: piggy bank Accountant deals 150% of Topaz's attack power, and Svarog deals 160% of Clara's attack power. But the activation of this strike is highly dependent on randomness: how many points can you get from the ult, and what is the probability that the enemies will attack the very ally who received the bonus to resistance to effects? So you shouldn't rely heavily on Aventurine's bonus attacks. You can reduce this randomness a little thanks to the “Bingo!” trail. and the presence of other characters with bonus attacks in the team (more on this below).

It is also impossible not to mention the “Red or Black” technique, the use of which gives one of the following effects: with medium, high or low probability, it increases the defense by 24%/36%/60%, respectively, for all team members for 3 turns. When the ability is used again, the effect with the highest bonus value remains.

Traces of Aventurine

In addition to the above abilities, the hero leveling tree also includes other enhancements that provide passive bonuses or permanent increases to characteristics. Basically we are talking about increasing imaginary damage, protection and resistance to effects. You can get acquainted with them all in the picture below.

Next, let’s briefly look at special tracks with their own mechanics:

  • Leverage – increases the chance of critical hits by 2% (up to a maximum of 48%) for every 100 units of Aventurine’s defense exceeding 1600 units. To receive the maximum bonus, this parameter must be increased to 4000 units.
  • Hot Hand – at the beginning of the battle, gives all allies the “Strong Rate” shield, which lasts 3 turns.
  • Bingo! – after an ally with a “Strengthened Bet” uses a bonus attack, Aventurine receives 1 “Blind Bet” point. Before the corporate move, this effect can work up to 3 times, and then the limit is reset. When a hero performs a bonus attack, he applies a “Boost” to all allies, which can block 7.2% of his +96 defense. In addition, the team member with the weakest shield additionally receives a second “bet” with the same strength indicators.

Eidolons of Aventurine

To unlock them, you need materials of the same name, issued when duplicates of the hero appear, which, of course, is random. And considering the rarity of 5-star character drops, be prepared to spend a lot of money and time on this. Fortunately, even without eidolons, Aventurine can serve as a shield warrior without any problems.

If you still plan to open eidolons, you can stick with E1 and E2, as both will increase the character’s capabilities as a support, since he will be able to apply a shield even with his ult, reduce the resistance of enemies with basic attacks and increase the critical damage of allies. If you have a choice between E1 and signature weapons, then we advise you to still take the signature, as it will bring you more benefits.

  1. Prisoner's Dilemma – increases critical damage by 20% for allies who have a “Strengthened Rate”. After activating the ult, all squad members receive a shield similar to that given by the skill.
  2. Bounded rationality – when using a basic attack, reduces the target’s resistance to all types of damage by 12% for three turns.
  3. Maximum reduction in fall speed – the level of the ult increases by two, and the level of the basic attack – by one. The maximum level for the first increases to 15, and for the second – to 10.
  4. An unexpected paradox of freezing – when performing a bonus attack, the hero's defense increases by 40% for two turns, and the hero himself performs 10 hits instead of 7.
  5. Aversion to ambiguity – the level of skill and talent increases by two. Maximum level of both: 15th.
  6. Game “Deer Hunt” – each ally with a shield increases the damage done by Aventurine by 50% (maximum it can increase by 150%).
  7. < /ol>

    How to play as Aventurine

    The main task of the hero is to apply shields to allies, and to do this you only need to use his skill. If the opponents do not seem dangerous, then you can easily activate the skill once every 3 turns. When fighting a strong boss, you should definitely strengthen the barrier by reusing the skill. It makes no sense to use it three times in a row, since the shield can still only be strengthened to a maximum of 200%.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    In addition, with E2 unlocked, you definitely need to use the basic attack as often as possible to cut off the resistance of your opponents. If you are fighting with one strong mob, then it is enough to use a regular blow once every 3 turns.

    If you want to use Aventurine as a sub-DD (with E6 open), then you need to use his superpower more often, which not only can cause considerable damage, but can also immediately launch a bonus attack. However, the ult will also be useful for support, because it applies a debuff to the enemy, which increases the critical damage he receives (of course, it is best to apply it to the strongest enemy).

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    In general, the optimal rotation with him will look like this:

    1. Before the battle, try to activate the Aventurine technique to increase the defense of all team members. If you have extra points, you can even try reusing the ability for the maximum increase.
    2. As soon as Aventurine's turn comes, immediately use his skill to apply a shield to the entire group. Next, act according to the situation: if the enemies are weak, then you can use basic attacks for the next two turns, and on the fourth, update your shield; if the opponents are strong, then on the second turn re-apply the skill to strengthen the barrier, that is, you will need to alternate 2 skills and 1 regular blow.
    3. It is advisable to activate the ult before the damage dealer’s move, as it can increase its critical damage when attacking the desired enemy.

    Note: If you have the Hot Hand trail open, then you do not need to reactivate the skill on the 2nd turn, since at first battle, you will receive a shield, which you will strengthen to the maximum with the first use of the skill.

    The best builds for Aventurine

    The best light cones

    The main characteristic for a corporation is defense, since increasing it not only increases the strength of the shield, but also damage from ults and bonus attacks. Cones that increase critical damage and speed will also be useful. The table below shows the most interesting options.

    < th scope="col">Ability


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Unfair fate (5 stars)

    HP: 48~1058

    Attack power: 19~423  

    Defense: 30~662

    Increases defense by 40-64%. When the owner places a shield on an ally, his critical damage increases by 40-64% for 2 turns. When the wearer uses a bonus attack on an enemy, there is a 100-160% chance that the damage they receive will increase by 10-16% over two turns. Aventurine's signature weapon, which will be useful for both the shield fighter and the damage dealer. With it, you will no longer need to gain critical hits through relics, so you can focus on protection, energy restoration and speed.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Moment of victory (5 stars)

    HP: 1058

    ATK: 476

    DEF: 595

    Increases defense by 24-40% and chance of being hit by effects by 24-40%. Enemies will attack the wearer of this cone more often. When attacking, defense increases by an additional 24-50% until the end of the turn. Cheetah's signature, which also suits Aventurine, given the general similarity of the characters. The chance of the effects hitting the corporat will be useless, but he will appreciate the significant increase in protection. Thanks to high taunt, the passive will trigger almost constantly.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Concert for two (4 stars)

    HP: 48~1058  

    Attack power: 19 ~423

    Defense: 30~662

    Increases defense by 16-32%. For each character with a shield on the battlefield, increases the owner's damage by 4-8%. The optimal weapon for Aventurine among the 4-star cones, which increases both its defensive and offensive abilities. The only pity is that you can only get it as part of the Patch 2.1 event.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Galactic Market Trend (4 stars)

    HP: 1058< /p>

    ATK: 370

    DEF: 396

    Increases defense by 16-32%. When attacking, it has a 100% chance of setting the selected enemy on fire. Each turn the wearer deals periodic damage equal to 40-80% of his defense. The effect lasts two turns. Similar to the previous option, but the overall damage with it may be slightly less. He performs best with damage dealers that enhance periodic damage or depend on debuffs (Acheron, Doctor Ratio).

    < p>Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    It's me! (4 stars)

    HP: 846

    ATK: 370

    DEF: 529

    Increases defense by 16-32% and increases ultimate damage by 60-120% of defense. This bonus is activated only once for each enemy. Another good option for Adventurer, which increases the damage from the superpower, which will deal the main damage. However, it does not affect bonus attacks in any way, and you can only get it in a paid Battle Pass. We do not recommend deliberately knocking it out for the hero, since there are free alternatives to it.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Weaving the Threads of Fate (4 stars)

    HP: 952< /p>

    ATK: 370

    DEF: 463

    Increases resistance to effects by 12-20%. Every 100 points of the owner's defense increases the damage they deal by 0.8-1.2% to a maximum of 32-48%. Increases the hero's survivability and significantly increases his damage. However, you must definitely achieve casting rank 5, which, however, will not be difficult to do, considering that this weapon can be purchased in the Light Cone Passage. Unfortunately, it does not strengthen Aventurine’s shields in any way, so you will have to pay more attention to protection when selecting relics.

    < img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/avantjurin-v-honkai-star-rail-gajd-na-luchshie-bildy-6ebcfd1.jpg" alt="Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail : guide to the best builds" />

    The first day of my new life (4 stars)

    HP: 952

    ATK : 370

    DEF: 463

    Increases defense by 16-24%. At the beginning of the battle, increases damage resistance of all team members by 8-12%. Does not stack with effects of a similar type. A good option for Aventurine, which strengthens his shield and offensive capabilities, and also reduces the likelihood of his allies being debuffed – a useful bonus considering that he is unable to remove debuffs.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Amber (3 stars)

    HP: 846

    ATK: 264

    DEF: 330

    Increases defense by 16-32%. If the wearer's health decreases to 50%, his defense increases by another 16-32%. Gives a significant increase in defense on the 5th cast, which will have a positive effect on Aventurine’s shield and damage. Therefore, you can use this cone until you find a more interesting option.

    Best Relics

    As for the choice of ordinary relics mined in corrosion caves, we advise you to pay attention to sets that increase defense, speed and critical damage, as well as in one way or another covering shields and/or superpowers in their bonuses. The table below shows the best options.


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Knight of the Palace of Purity

    2 parts: increase defense by 15%.

    4 parts: increases the damage absorbed by the shield created by the wearer by 20%.

    Ideal option for a shield warrior, which significantly strengthens the barriers it imposes. Plus, Aventurine's damage will increase slightly, since it also depends on defense.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Knight of the Palace of Purity

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Desert Bandit Thug

    2 parts: increase defense by 15% .

    2 parts: increases apparent damage by 10%.

    A great choice for Aventurine with E6, as it allows you to turn him into a good sub-detonator. Increasing your defense will also strengthen your character's shields.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Knight of the Palace of Purity

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide for the best builds

    Messenger wandering in the hacker space

    2 parts: increase defense by 15%.

    2 parts: increase speed by 6%.

    You can use this option as a temporary solution until you find a complete set of “knight”. Aventurine's speed is also important, since it is advisable for him to apply a shield before the enemies move.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Blizzard Guardian

    2 parts: reduce damage taken by 8 %.

    4 pieces: Restores 8% health and 5 energy units if the wearer's current HP at the start of the turn is equal to or below 50%.

    Another temporary option for Aventurine, if he has more suitable characteristics than the “knight”.

    Now let's move on to planar jewelry, which is mined in the Virtual Universe. The list below shows the recommended options (the numbers indicate the priority of choice):

    Planar decoration BonusesReasons for choosing

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    1) Broken keel

    2 pieces: Increases wearer's resistance to effects by 10%. If this indicator is equal to or exceeds 30%, then allies' critical damage increases by 10%.An excellent option for support, which increases the hero's survivability and provides allies with an additional buff. Aventurine is guaranteed to activate all passive bonuses.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    2) Land of Dreams Penaconia

    2 parts: accelerate energy recovery by 5% and increase damage dealt members of a squad of the same type as the bearer by 10%.It will allow Aventurine to use his ult more often, and therefore deal more damage, and will strengthen the imaginary damage dealers in the team, for example, Doctor Ratio or the Moon Eater.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    3) Living Wonwak

    2 parts: accelerates energy recovery by 5%. Advances the action forward by 40% at the start of battle if the wearer's speed is equal to or greater than 120.A good option for Aventurine, which allows him to use his superpower more often and activate the skill before damage dealers and enemies should go, providing the former with a strong shield.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    4) Frozen Salsotto

    Increases the chance of crits by 8%. If this parameter is equal to or exceeds 50%, then the damage from ults and bonus attacks increases by 15%.Quite an unusual choice for Aventurine, but quite justified. The fact is that thanks to the trace, you can certainly increase the chance of a crit to 50% if you take all the other relics for protection. Thus, you will be able to not only significantly strengthen the shield, but also increase the damage from the character’s main attacks. However, you should take this decoration only at character level 80, when you can definitely increase its defense to at least 3800 units.

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    5) Belobog of Architects

    Increases the owner’s defense by 15%. If the wearer's effects hit chance is equal to or greater than 50%, then its defense is increased by an additional 15%.Unfortunately, Aventurine will not be able to take advantage of all the passive bonuses, however, a 15% increase in defense can greatly increase the effectiveness of his shield and attacks, so you can easily use this decoration as a temporary option, especially if it has suitable parameters.

    As for the characteristics of relics, you must choose as follows:

    • Body: protection (or critical damage when E6 is open)
    • Legs: speed (priority) or defense (if you need to gain extra to increase the chance of a crit)
    • Planar sphere: defense
    • Connecting rope: protection (or restoration of energy when it is lacking)
    • Additional characteristics: protection% -> speed -> critical damage -> health%

    Best teams for Aventurine

    If you plan to use Aventurine only as a shieldman, then, in fact, he can be included in any team, even if it is not intended fight enemies with imaginary vulnerability, since the main task of the hero will not be to cause damage, but to apply shields and buffs to allies, as well as attach debuffs to opponents.

    By the way, when using the Trend cone of the galactic market, this shield becomes an excellent addition to damage dealers, whose damage depends on how many debuffs the team is able to apply during its turn. For example, in this case Acheron will use his ultimate more often, and Doctor Ratio will use his bonus attack.

    The KMM top manager “eats” quite a lot of skill points due to the need to strengthen his shield, so it is recommended to use a support with him that can provide additional skill points (Sparkle, Hanya or Ruan Mei with a signature cone).

    If you want to transfer Aventurine to the category of damage dealers (it is highly advisable to open E6), you can assemble a team with him aimed at delivering bonus attacks, as they will help him gain “Blind Bets” points (in one turn they can provide him with a maximum of 3 points. ), allowing him to use his own bonus attack more often – once every two turns, at least. The table below shows the optimal teams with this hero.

    Main-DDSub-DDSub -DD/SupportSupport

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: a guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Silver Wolf

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Black Swan (Silver Wolf, Pela)

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Black Swan

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Jing Yuan

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Moon Eater

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Silver Wolf

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurin in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Jing Yuan

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Armor (Tingyuan)

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Ruan Mei (Sparkle )

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurin in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Dr. Ratio

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Silver Wolf

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    < /td>

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Doctor Ratio

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Ruan Mei

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Doctor Ratio

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

    Clara (Kafka)

    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    < img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/avantjurin-v-honkai-star-rail-gajd-na-luchshie-bildy-b6a2823.webp" alt="Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail : guide to the best builds" />


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Aventurine in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


    Upgrading Aventurine

    How to increase abilities (what to upgrade first)

    The pictures below demonstrate the materials and their quantities required for maximum leveling of the basic attack, skill, superpower and talent.

    • Scattered Stardust , meteorite crystals and divine amber are obtained from the sepals located in the Clock Theme Park (Penaconia), or using Synthesis.
    • Pieces of thoughts, fragments of impressions and shards of desires are obtained from memes of the zone of memories, assignments and enemies in the Virtual Universe or using Synthesis.
    • Past disasters of the wormhole – obtained from the echo of war “Old crater of the wormhole”, located in the Isolated zone (Herta Space Station).
    • Imprints of Fate – obtained in the Virtual Universe, issued with a battle pass and purchased for unquenchable ashes in the Pom-Pom store. Sometimes they are rewards in temporary events.

    As for the priority of leveling up abilities, for a shield warrior you first need to level up the skill, and only then the ult and talent. If you plan to use him also as a damage dealer, then all three abilities should be increased at the same time. Upgrade basic attacks last.

    How to elevate a character

    At certain levels you will need to elevate the hero, spending a large amount of resources and credits:

    • Exaltation (level 30): credits x4000 and pieces of thoughts x5
    • Exaltation (level 40): credits x8000 and pieces of thoughts x10
    • Exaltation (level 50): credits x16000, fragments of impressions x6 and pacifying talisman x3
    • Exaltation (level 60): credits x40000, fragments of impressions x9 and pacifying talisman x7
    • Exaltation (level 70): credits x80000, fragments of wishes x6 and pacifying talisman x20
    • Ascension (level 80): credits x160000, wish shards x9 and pacifying talisman x35

    The pacifying talisman can be obtained from the stagnant shadow “Idol Shape”, located in the Commission on Crafts (Lofu Xianzhou).

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