Carry Weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: How to Increase Carrying Capacity


Portable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

In Dragon's Dogma 2, the carried weight is one of the character's parameters, which determines how much and how heavy objects he can carry without causing negative consequences. its consequences in the form of reduced movement speed and accelerated stamina consumption. In this guide, we will analyze this indicator in detail and reveal all the ways to increase it.

Why is it important to increase your carry weight in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The game is quite interesting to explore new locations, as you can often find new equipment, weapons, resources or valuable consumables in them. But all these things have a certain mass, and the hero can carry a limited weight. You can view your carrying capacity in the “Status” section.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

However, if the maximum carried weight is, for example, 40 kilograms, this does not mean that you can safely carry such weight on yourself, since this strip has 5 gradations indicating how difficult it is for the character to carry things: very light, easy, normal, heavy and very heavy.

When the weight of the things carried exceeds 60% of the hero’s maximum carrying capacity, his movement speed decreases sharply, and his stamina is consumed noticeably faster. In addition, the hero may lose the ability to use various movements, such as jumping or dashing.

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

As a result, with an overloaded character, you will not only fight worse, since you simply won’t be able to keep up with fast enemies and will use abilities less often, but you will also walk slower. It should be remembered that there are no mounts in the game, and the teleportation system will be practically inaccessible at first, which is why you will spend most of your time running back and forth.

Also remember that armor also have weight, and armor for a warrior, as a rule, weighs quite a lot, so using the best kits will require a high carrying capacity. Next, we'll tell you how you can increase it.

How to increase your carry weight in Dragon's Dogma 2

Use the character editor

You can already provide yourself with increased carrying capacity at the very beginning of the game – for this you need to create the tallest and largest character possible (more than 200 centimeters tall and weighing 85-99 kilograms). Muscles themselves do not increase the carrying weight, but they make the hero heavier, which has a positive effect on the parameter you need.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Note: A higher movement speed will also be a nice bonus, since it directly depends on the character’s height.

However, you don’t need to make your hero fat. Yes, you will be able to carry heavier loads, but your stamina will begin to deplete noticeably faster, which will again negatively affect the gameplay. So make a tall and muscular hero. In this case, already at level 1, your maximum carry weight will be about 33 kilograms.

Let’s add that if you don’t want to play for such a bully, then you can make your main pawn one, which will constantly follow you. Just pass all the extra items to her.

Note: If you have already created a hero and a pawn, and do not want to start all over again, then it does not matter – just go to the Vernworth Pawn Guild and buy the Art of Transfiguration there for 500 KR. Then go to the Clovis barber across the street (scissors icon) and select the “Change Appearance” option when talking to her to change your appearance.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity< /p>

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Choose the right vocation and booster

If you want your character or pawn to be able to carry more items, then select the “Fighter” vocation , as it will give you a few extra kilos. However, if you later change class, the carrying capacity will be reduced.

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

To keep the bonus, increase the rank of the specified calling to 6th, and then buy the Muscle amplifier for 1800 AP. You can then use this buff on any class, not just as a Fighter.

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

We remind you that you can change your vocation at any time or buy new abilities in the Vocation Guilds, which, as a rule, are available in all large settlements. The pictures below show the location of the corresponding establishment in Wernworth.

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Look for gold bugs

In different parts of the game world you can find unusual golden-colored insects that glow brightly at night. They usually hang on tree trunks, cave walls or rock surfaces. Sometimes they can be obtained by completing certain quests or found in chests. If you eat one such beetle, you can get +0.15 kilograms to your bearable weight. In a separate guide we showed the location of these bugs.

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase the carrying capacity

Increase the hero's level

The easiest way to increase the carrying capacity, since for it you just need to do things familiar to the game: complete missions, fight monsters and so on. However, you should know that the maximum weight does not increase every level, but only for every 5th new level. This parameter increases by 2-3 kilograms (depending on your class).

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase your carrying capacity

Use special rings

You can quickly increase your carrying capacity with the help of special accessories, namely: Rings of abundance, victory and accumulation. The first two can be obtained completely free of charge – for this you only need to collect 15 and 70 seeker tokens, respectively, and then come to the Guild of Vocations and exchange them for jewelry.

As for the Ring of Accumulation, you can purchase it for 6.5 thousand gold coins in Vernworth from a gunsmith named Bjorn (the location of his shop is shown in the pictures below). You can also get it for free from Sven as part of the “Painted Box” quest (you don’t need to give him the gold, but buy the box yourself). One ring increases your carrying weight by 5 kilograms.

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Optimize your inventory

If you no longer have the opportunity to increase the carrying capacity, then simply try to reduce the weight of the things you carry. For example, to do this, you can improve equipment from blacksmiths. Each level will reduce the weight of weapons or armor by several hundred grams.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Don't forget also that you can transfer things you don't need at the moment to pawns. It is advisable to first load your main pawn, and only then switch to temporary companions. The fact is that you may well then forget to take your things from them and let them go. In this case, it will no longer be possible to return the items.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Materials, resources and excess consumables can be kept in storage. You can put them there either in the hotel (talk to the owner) or in your house (click on the chest). When equipment is improved, they will be automatically taken from the warehouse.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

Carryable weight in Dragon&rsquo ;s Dogma 2: how to increase the carrying capacity

Mods to increase the carrying weight

We will add that you can also use modifications at any time to increase the carrying capacity of the hero. For example, the Do not be afraid of excess weight mod adds accumulation rings to the game, which increase the carry weight by 20, 50 or 500 kilograms. You can purchase them from the merchant at the Border Outpost.

Carryable weight in Dragon's Dogma 2: how to increase carrying capacity

You can also install the Better Beetles mod, which increases the increase given by gold beetles when use. Now, instead of 0.15 kilograms, they can increase the carrying capacity by 1.05, 12.15 or 105 kilograms. However, it only works offline.

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