Castle cache in Hogwarts Legacy: how to get started and find landmarks


Castle cache in Hogwarts Legacy: how to get started and find landmarks

Castle cache in Hogwarts Legacy is an optional task that introduces the player to the hobby so beloved by many Hogwarts students, like searching for ancient relics, secret doors or secret rooms. You have to solve one of the mysteries of the castle, and besides that, replenish your wardrobe with new styles for the mantle and cloak. Our guide will help you deal with this exciting mission.

How to start the mission “Cache in the Castle”

  • Location: Astronomy Wing

There is a rumor in the school that Arthur Plumley is studying treasure maps and will certainly not refuse your help. You can find him on the flight of stairs between Professor Fig's office and the spell room.

 Castle stash in Hogwarts Legacy: how to start and find landmarks

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

The boy's curiosity is so great that he even agrees to give up all the relics found if only you help him solve the puzzle on the map. After advising you to start your search in Professor Hecate's office, Arthur will give you one mysterious scheme, and he will go to investigate the second one.

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

 Castle Cache in Hogwarts Legacy: Getting Started and Finding Landmarks

Where to Find Landmarks

Take a closer look at the images on the parchment: some of these places may already be familiar to you. It will be useful to make sure that this particular task is currently selected for tracking in the game menu – then you will see the route to the goal and the search area on your mini-map. Below we will show each place marked in the picture.

First landmark

 Castle Cache in Hogwarts Legacy: Getting Started and Finding Landmarks

While the search area on the minimap seems to lead directly to the nearest office, don't let this clue fool you. In fact, you need to escape three floors down the stairs located directly in front of Arthur. Go down until you find yourself in a large hall, as shown in the screenshot.

 Castle stash in Hogwarts Legacy: how to start and find landmarks

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

Second landmark

After finding the first landmark, go down the stairs directly opposite the skeleton. Through a large door you will go out into the courtyard, where you will find the next clue – a statue of a dragon. Just run up to it and the target will be credited.

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

 Castle Cache in Hogwarts Legacy: Getting Started and Finding Landmarks

Third Landmark

The door to the next POI is right behind the statue. Once inside, go up the stairs on the right and you will hit the painting, which is the final landmark.

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

 Cache in the castle in Hogwarts Legacy: how to start and find landmarks

Uncover the secret of the painting

Use the Accio spell on the image, after which a secret door will open, behind which treasure awaits you. It remains to return and tell about your find.

 Castle stash in Hogwarts Legacy: how to start and find landmarks

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

 Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

How to get the reward

Arthur is waiting almost where this quest started – not far from Professor Fig's office. After talking with him, you will exchange information about the search, and your wardrobe will replenish the “Historian School Uniform”.

Hogwarts Legacy castle stash: how to start and find landmarks

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In this guide, we took a closer look at the “Cache in the Castle” quest in Hogwarts: Legacy. We hope our tips were useful to you and helped you successfully complete the mission. We will gratefully accept any additions in the comments, where you can also share your impressions on the topic of the article.

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