In Genshin Impact, Jumpers are enemies that can drop valuable resources such as Jumping Nectar, Shimmering Nectar, and Elemental Nectar.
At some point in the thirteenth chapter of the game, Leon will need to find an item to opening the electronic lock. In this guide, we'
In Resident Evil 4 (2023), Treasures on the Island are special collectibles that you can sell to a merchant for a tidy sum. After finding all the gems
At the end of Chapter 9, Ashley ends up in the family crypt. To go further, you will need to solve several puzzles and eventually get the required quest item.
In the ninth chapter of the game, Ashley will have to get out of the library, which will require you to perform several not-so-trivial tasks . In this guide, we'
In Resident Evil 4 (2023), Castle Treasures are special collectibles that you can sell to a merchant for a considerable amount of money.
In Chapter 9, at some point, you will move from the main hall to the dining room, where you can will receive one of the parts to collect the headless statue.
In the eighth chapter, Leon will find himself in the Binding Workshop, the door inside of which is blocked by a stone block. In this guide, we will show
In Resident Evil 4 (2023), destroy the blue medallions 6 is one of the vendor's quests , for which you have to find and break several talismans located
In the game, the heroes that can be earned are divided into light (blue shards) and dark (red shards). The starting heroes (more on that a little bit later)