Costumes in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins


Suits in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins

In Lethal Company, suits (skins) are spacesuits that players wear while exploring the moons. You can buy them in the store and change them in your wardrobe at any time. They do not increase the character's defense and do not affect his characteristics, representing ordinary decorative items.

However, when playing in a team of four people and more different costumes greatly simplify the identification of players, which can speed up the organization of the scrap collection process . In this guide, we will tell you not only how to buy and change skins, but also where you can get additional spacesuits.

How to get suits in Lethal Company

Types of suits

Currently there are four types of suits in the game, namely:

  • Default Suit ) is an orange spacesuit that is given to each player by default. A boring outfit that gets boring after just a couple of hours of wearing.
  • Green Suit – Looks like an orange spacesuit, but is colored dark green. In theory, it should be easier to hide from monsters in wooded areas. It’s just that the enemies don’t care what color outfit you wear, since they will detect you anyway if you get into their line of sight. This will make it more difficult for you to spot your allies, especially in dimly lit rooms. So we do not advise you to change your standard suit to this one.
  • Biological protection (Hazard Suit) – despite its name, it does not protect against anything at this point in time, but this may change in the future. In addition, it is painted in a bright yellow color, so it stands out well in dark rooms (your comrades are unlikely to lose sight of you).
  • Pajama Suit – a blue spacesuit with bright yellow dots. It stands out worse than the previous costume, but looks more fun.

Suits in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins

Standard and green

Costumes at Lethal Company : how to buy and change skins

Biological protection

Suits in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins


Let us note once again that these spacesuits do not provide any bonuses, playing the role of ordinary skins. For this reason, buying them at the beginning of the game is far from the most profitable investment, even if you are playing with a large group. Better spend your money on purchasing flashlights and shovels.

How to buy all the costumes

All spacesuits, with the exception of the standard one, can be obtained only in one way – purchased in the in-game store. To do this, you need to go to the terminal, interact with it, and then enter the store command. You will see a list of items available for sale. Scroll to the bottom to see the section with decorative items.

Suits in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins

Suits in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins

Usually, at least one of the spacesuits is available for purchase. To buy it, you need to enter the [suit name] buy command. Below are the commands for all skins:

  • green suit buy – you will pay 60 credits.
  • hazard suit buy – you will pay 90 credits.
  • pajama suit buy – you will pay 900 credits.

If the selected suit is not in the store, you will see a message stating that the item is out of stock. Otherwise, you will need to confirm the order by typing the confirm command.

How to change a suit

After purchasing a new spacesuit, you simply need to go to the large rack on board the spaceship where the suits hang, hover over the outfit you want and hold down the “E” key to put it on. You cannot change clothes while in the complex or on the surface of the satellite.

Costumes in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins

Mods for costumes in Lethal Company

How to get costumes for free

If you do not want to spend precious credits on purchasing decorative items (especially pajamas), then we advise you to download the LethalFashion modification, which allows you to get all costumes absolutely free. Note that only the host needs to download it, that is, other players do not need to install this mod.

More costumes

If you just need additional spacesuits of different colors for a large squad, then download the Additional mod Suits, which adds skins of several new shades.

Costumes in Lethal Company: how to buy and change skins

If you want to customize the style of your costume yourself, changing not only its color, but also the drawings on it, we recommend that you download the More Suits modification. You can read more about how to install mods in the game in our separate guide.

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