Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

In Honkai: Star Rail, Gallagher is a 4-star hero of the Path of Abundance, dealing fire damage. A mysterious officer of the Hound clan, who also works as a bartender, serves as a healer and debuffer in the squad. In this guide, we will take a detailed look at all the character's skills, and also tell you about his best equipment options.

Gallagher's main features

How to get Gallagher

For the first time, an officer from the Hound clan will appear in the banner in the first half of version 2.1, along with Acheron and Locha. Gallagher can also be collected as a reward from the “Stories at the Bottom of a Glass” event. After the release of update 2.2, it will be able to drop both from the character’s event jumps, as well as from the weapon and standard banners.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Progression of Gallagher's characteristics

In the table below, we looked at how the character's basic stats will change as his level increases.

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< td class="center">98

LevelAttack PowerDefenseHPSpeed
20140117 34698

In addition to the above characteristics, Gallagher has a 5% critical chance. hit and 50% crit. damage His taunt is 100, and to use his ultimate, you need to accumulate 110 units of energy.

Advantages and disadvantages of Gallagher

Gallagher is a pretty nice budget healer. The following positive aspects can be highlighted in its gameplay:

  • Can passively heal outside of its turn, thereby constantly maintaining a stable level of health among allies. This will be especially appreciated by characters who often use bonus attacks and superpowers.
  • Not demanding in consuming action points.
  • Can remove weakening from allies.
  • Applies weakening to opponents, which pairs especially well with damage dealers like Acheron and Doctor Ratio.
  • Can use the emergency healing option, moving his action forward with the help of an ultimate, and then using the desired skill, healing a specific ally or the entire squad.
  • At the maximum level of the skill, he can easily heal almost fatal damage from most heroes.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

But there are some drawbacks:

  • To perform one of the most important functions of a healer – removing weakening, he needs to get a second eidolon.
  • It is quite difficult to accelerate the healing, since it depends only on the penetration effect and the healing bonus, which are not so easy to collect in large quantities .
  • Has difficulty finding suitable cones.
  • Due to the fact that he does not collect HP and defense, it can be quite difficult for him to stay alive throughout the battle against especially powerful opponents.
  • Characters who do not use offensive skills, such as Harmony heroes, will not be able to receive passive healing, which can make it difficult for them to survive.

Gallagher Abilities

Normal Basic Attack Cork Harvest hits one pyro damage to the enemy in the amount of 50~130% of the attack power. It also restores 20 energy and depletes the enemy's stamina by 30.

Enhanced Basic Attack Nectar Blitz deals 125~325% fire damage to one enemy and reduces their attack power by 10~18% for 2 turns. Her energy recovery is still 20, and her toughness penetration increases to 90.

Explanation: Gallagher's normal strikes are fairly simple and unremarkable. But their increased variation deserves special attention. After using the ultimate, the officer's next attack will receive a bonus. It will not only cause increased damage to the enemy's durability, but will also reduce his attack. This effect is considered a debuff and is one of the ways to protect the squad by reducing all incoming damage.

The Special Recipe skill restores 200~2020 HP to the selected ally. At this moment, 30 units of Gallagher's energy are replenished.

Explanation: the healing that the officer gives as part of this skill is not scaled by any stat and is a fixed value. You can increase your healing only by pumping up your skill and increasing the value of the healing bonus.

Ultimate Champagne Etiquette deals pyro damage to all enemies equal to 75~187.5% of attack power and drains their stamina by 60 points. It also applies a special weakening to opponents for 2 turns and strengthens the next basic blow.

Explanation: the main purpose of the ultimate is not to cause damage, but to strengthen the next basic blow and apply a weakening to the enemy, subsequently affecting the healing of the entire squad.

Thanks to the Drunken Brawl talent, each ally who attacks an enemy weakened by Gallagher's ultimate will restore 80~808 HP. Additionally, enemies with this debuff will take 6~15% more penetration damage.

Explanation: This is another source of Gallagher's healing. Just like in the skill, the heal here has a fixed value. It lasts two turns of the enemy, and each time they attack it, the allies will replenish their HP. The bonus to penetration damage will be a pleasant increase in the overall damage of the squad.

By activating the Master Elixir technique, Gallagher hits the enemy, causing him 50% of the attack value and depleting his vulnerability by 60 points. He also applies a debuff to all enemies for two turns, which has a similar effect to the weakening from the ultimate. This skill will be especially useful if he does not have a fully charged superpower at the beginning of the fight.

Gallagher's Traces

In the image below you can see what effects other Gallagher's traces have. Basically, they increase the penetration effect, resistance to various effects and the officer’s own HP.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

It is worth noting that as Gallagher levels up, he receives an increase in outgoing healing from the penetration effect, which makes it necessary to set this particular stat. You should also note that the officer will have the opportunity to make a move immediately after activating his ultimate, thanks to which he will be able to either use the skill and restore the HP of the most injured ally, or use an enhanced basic attack, healing the entire squad.

Eidolons Gallagher

Another way to strengthen a character is eidolons. They open when receiving copies of the hero. Next, we will look at what bonuses each of the shards gives Gallagher.

  1. Salty Dog – at the beginning of the battle, restores 20 units of energy and receives a 30% bonus to resistance to effects.
  2. Lion's Tail – removes the debuff from the ally to whom the skill was applied, and increases his resistance to effects for 2 turns.
  3. Corpse Reanimator – increases the level of the skill by 2 and the base attack by 1. Maximum level: 15 and 10 respectively.
  4. The Last Word – extends the effect of the weakening from Gallagher’s ultimate by 1 turn.
  5. Death in the Afternoon – increases the level of the ult and talent by 2. Their maximum level: 15.
  6. Blood and Sand – increases the penetration effect and the effectiveness of breaking through vulnerabilities by 20%.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

The best and most necessary eidolon is the second. Healers are most often required to remove weakenings, which Gallagher can only do if he has E2. E4 will also be very useful, which will allow you to maintain the debuff on enemies longer and take the rope on penetration efficiency, rather than energy recovery. E6 will come in handy to increase outgoing healing, which in this case is not so easy to disperse.

How to play as Gallagher

To effectively use the skills of a Hound clan officer and keep all members alive squad, the following points should be taken into account.

  1. If Gallagher's ultimate is not fully charged, then start the battle with his technique. Since both of these skills have the same effect, in the opposite situation using an officer's special attack to start the battle can be quite wasteful. It is better to make the first strike as another, more suitable hero, and activate the superpower at the very beginning to impose a negative effect on opponents.
  2. Gallagher's usual rotation looks like this: basic strike – skill – basic strike. During this time, he must have time to accumulate an ultimate, while restoring one skill point.
  3. Gallagher's ultimate advances his action 100% forward. If you see that in the near future the enemy will inflict particularly heavy damage or impose a negative effect on an ally, then it is better to wait for this blow in order to get rid of the consequences of this attack after it.
  4. After the ultimate, it is better to use the skill if you it is necessary to cure large-scale damage or remove a weakening from one specific ally. A boosted basic attack is good for evenly healing the entire squad.
  5. Try to use an enhanced basic attack on the most powerful enemy to lower their attack power and reduce incoming damage. This action will also apply a debuff, which is important to consider when planning the next attacks of heroes like Doctor Ratio and Acheron.

Best Builds for Gallagher

Best Light Cones

Gallagher has trouble choosing the right weapon. At the moment there is only one cone in the game, the passive of which is entirely consistent with the officer’s skills. For this reason, in the absence of a better option, the hero will be suitable for any equipment aimed at characters of the Path of Abundance, increasing the healing and survivability of the wearer, as well as providing bonuses for his allies.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Next we will look at several suitable options. In the absence of rarer specimens, any 3* cones will do for the first time.

Name and rarityCharacteristicsAbility

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

What is reality? (4 stars)

HP: 48~1058

Attack Power: 19~423

Defense: 15~331

Increases the carrier penetration effect by 24~48%. Using a basic hit restores the hero to 2~4% of his maximum HP plus 800 units.

We can say that this option is Gallagher's signal. The cone gives a good increase to the stat, on which the hero’s treatment depends. Using a basic attack that the officer uses regularly will restore some of his HP, allowing him to focus solely on healing his allies. It is also worth noting that this weapon can be easily awakened by purchasing copies of it in the Light Cone Arcade.

 Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Conversation after the operation (4 stars)

HP: 48~1058

Attack Power: 19~423

Defense: 15~331

Increases energy recovery by 8~16%. After the carrier uses the ultimate, his outgoing healing increases by 12~24%.

With this cone, Gallagher will be able to easily gain an ultimate in the required number of moves. And since part of his healing occurs after the activation of his superpower, the increased healing bonus after it will come in handy.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

General feelings (4 stars)

HP: 43~953

< p>Attack Power: 19~423

Defense: 18~397

Increases the wearer's healing bonus by 10~20%. Using the skill restores 2~4 energy for all allies.

Increases Gallagher's outgoing healing. Restoring energy for allies will be a nice little bonus.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Fright Night (5 stars)

HP: 53~1164

< p>Attack Power: 22~476

Defense: 24~529

Energy regeneration increases by 12~20%. When a squad member uses an ultimate, the bearer restores 10~14% of their maximum HP to the ally with the lowest health value. Any character who receives healing from the cone owner increases their attack power by 2.4~4%. The bonus lasts 2 turns and can stack up to 5 times.

If for some reason you have an unclaimed Hoho sign lying around, you can give it to Gallagher. With it, he will additionally heal allies, ult more often, and also acquire some buffing functions.

Best relics

Among the cave relics, any combination of sets that provide a bonus to the penetration effect, speed and healing bonus will suit Gallagher. In the table below, we looked at some suitable options.


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Thief of the Falling Meteor

2 pieces: the penetration effect is increased by 16%.

4 pieces: the penetration effect is additionally increased by 16%. When the wearer breaks through a vulnerability, 3 units of energy are restored.

Gives a good bonus to the penetration effect, with which the outgoing heal will also increase. If Gallagher breaks through the enemies' resistance, he will be able to recover his ultimate faster.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Watchmaker of sleepy shenanigans

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Thief of the Falling Meteor

2 parts: the penetration effect increases by 16%.

2 parts: the penetration effect increases by 16%.

This 2+2 combination will give the same penetration effect as the previous set. At the same time, it will be much easier to assemble than one complete set with good stats.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Thief of the Falling Meteor/Watchmaker of Sleepy Shenanigans

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: a guide to the best builds

Messenger wandering in the hacker space

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

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Wandering Cloud Wanderer

2 pieces: penetration effect increases by 16%.

2 pieces: speed increases by 6%.< /p>

2 parts: outgoing healing increases by 10%.

If you do not have a sufficient number of items from the penetration sets, you can use any combination of the specified sets, since such stats as speed and healing bonus.

Among the planar decorations farmed in the Virtual Universe, it is better to choose those that provide a bonus not only for Gallagher himself and his survivability, but and for all his allies.


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Broken keel

2 pieces: Increases resistance to effects by 10%. When this stat reaches 30%, crit. the damage of all allies of the wearer increases by 10%.A universal option for any squad with Gallagher. The main thing is not to forget for him to collect 30% resistance to effects, but his traces will partially help with this.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Fleet of the Ageless

2 parts: increases HP by 12%. When the wearer's speed reaches 120, the attack power of his allies increases by 8%.Suitable for squads where the main damage dealer is scaled by attack power.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Dream Land Penaconia

2 pieces: Increases attack power by 12%. When the wearer's speed reaches 135/160, an ally whose damage type matches the set owner's damage is increased by 12/18%.If you combine Gallagher with a fire-type damage dealer, such as Himeko or Topaz, then this set will buff their damage quite well, but will not add survivability to the officer himself.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Talia – the edge of the bandits

2 parts: increases the penetration effect by 16%. This stat additionally increases by 20% when the carrier's speed reaches 145.Can only be installed if there is a critical shortage of the penetration effect. The disadvantages of this set include the difficulty of gaining 145 speed on Gallagher, the lack of a survival bonus for the wearer and a buff for the team.

When selecting characteristics, you will need to look for the following items:

  • Body: healing bonus.
  • Legs: speed.
  • Sphere: HP/defense. If Gallagher's survivability is not so important, then you can consider the strength of the attack.
  • Connecting rope: energy restoration, if you have E4, you can set the penetration effect.
  • Additional characteristics: penetration effect → resistance to effects → speed → HP%/defense%/attack power%.

Note that you should not collect a penetration effect of more than 150% for Gallagher, since this value is the maximum for receiving a healing bonus

Best commands for Gallagher

Since the Hound clan officer is a healer, you are unlikely Will you form a detachment around him? In addition, with his skills he does not interfere with other heroes performing their functions. Characters that play from bonus attacks or require the application of debuffs to opponents will work especially well with Gallagher. Below you can see several commands that the bartender can join.


 Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Black Swan

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Silver Wolf

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Ruan Mei

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Doctor Ratio

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Ruan Mei

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Jing Yuan

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds


Upgrading Gallagher

How to increase abilities (what to upgrade first)

In the image below you can see how many materials will be required to fully upgrade the basic attack and skill/ultimate/talent.

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

Gallagher in Honkai Star Rail: guide to the best builds

  • The seed of the strange tree, nutritious honey and the fruit of diversity are obtained from the sepal in the Garden of Serenity on Lofu Xianzhou.
  • Component of the dream collection, valve Dream Streams and Dream Engine are dropped from some Nightmare Troupe monsters, quests, and enemies in the Virtual Universe.
  • Past Wormhole Disasters drop after fighting Starbreaker: Skarakabaz as part of the Echoes of War challenge.
  • Imprints of Fate are obtained by completing quests in temporary events, the Virtual Universe and Honor of the Nameless.
  • To obtain the missing items, you can use the synthesis machine or purchase them from the Pom-Pom store for unquenchable ashes.
  • < /ul>

    If we talk about the order of leveling up skills, then first level up talent and basic strike. The amount of healing depends on the first, and the reduced attack of opponents depends on the enhanced version of the second. Don't neglect your skill to increase your targeted treatment. Lastly, download your ultimate. Since Gallagher doesn't take damage, his superpower will be used primarily to inflict negative status on enemies, which can be done at any level.

    How to level up a character

    Every few levels you need will elevate Gallagher to continue enhancing the hero's skills.

    • Ascension (level 30): x3200 credits and x4 dream collection component;
    • Exaltation (level 40): x6400 credits and dream collection component x8;
    • Exaltation (level 50): credits x12800, dream flow valve x5 and flaming heart x2;
    • Exaltation (level 60): credits x32000, dream flow valve x8 and flaming heart x5;
    • Exaltation (level 70): credits x64000, dream engine x5 and flaming heart x15;
    • Exaltation (level 80): credits x128000, dream engine x7 and flaming heart x28.

    The Burning Heart is obtained from the stagnant shadow standing on Penaconia in the Morning Dew Residence.

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