Ghost stagecoach in Diablo Immortal: how to defeat the Treasurer (Tax Collector)


Phantom stagecoach success guide

Ghost stagecoach in Diablo Immortal: how to defeat the Treasurer (Tax Collector)

Ghost Stagecoach in Diablo Immortal is a special activity that players can encounter on the grounds of Ashwold Cemetery twice a week. The principle of this mini-event is to accompany a wooden wagon along a certain route, affecting most of the 3rd story location of the game.

In this guide, we will detail the features of the Ghost Stagecoach event in Diablo Immortal, demonstrate the path that must be taken to successfully complete the challenge, as well as Let's share tips on how to quickly kill the Tax Collector (Treasurer) boss for the final reward.

Ghost Stagecoach Event Schedule

Event « Ghost Stagecoach starts twice a week: on Tuesday and Saturday(at 13:00, 21:30 and 23:00 server time). Since the activity is global, each player who meets the challenge will be notified when the challenge begins.

To join others who want to accompany the wagon and kill the main boss, just come to the spawn point of the wooden carriage and pressOK” once the event starts.

Phantom Stagecoach in Diablo Immortal: how to defeat the Treasurer (Tax Collector) immortal-kak-pobedit-kaznacheja-sborshhika-nalogov-5a1ed3d.jpg

How to start the Ghost Stagecoach

The Ghost Stagecoach event starts in the northeast of Ashwold Cemetery, near the entrance to the main dungeon of the location, the Mad King's Rift.

Diablo Immortal Ghost Stagecoach: how to defeat Treasurer (Tax Collector)

How to complete Ghost Stagecoach in Diablo Immortal

Next, the main details of the presented activity will be considered: we will analyze the features of the route and tactics of the battle with the main boss.

The route of the Ghost stagecoach

The route along which the wooden cart will move should not cause difficulties: starting her way from the central part of Ashwold Manor, she will briskly rush along the eastern bypass of the location and arrive at the fork between the areas of Queen Asilla's Tomband Ossuary.< /p>

Phantom stagecoach in Diablo Immortal: how to defeat the Treasurer (Tax Collector)

Tips on escorting a wagon

The main task of the test (at first) is to escort a carriage drawn by a snow-white horse. The horse will gallop quickly, only slowing down occasionallywaiting for the brave warriors and warriors to destroy the dead guardians.

It is for this reason that it is recommended to put on the panel a skill that increases the speed of movement.

Leaving behind a frisky animal is not the best solution.

Ghost stagecoach in Diablo Immortal: how to defeat the Treasurer (Tax Collector)

If we talk about other tips that accompany the successful completion of this part of the activity, it is worth mentioning the following things:

  1. Before starting the test, be sure to gather a group of 4 people – it will come in handy for the final stage events.
  2. Before starting the wooden cart, take a few minutes to accumulate the ultimate ability of the main skill – also an important feature that should be provided for a quick kill of the main boss.
  3. Help other players kill dead guardians to reach the end of the path as quickly as possible.
  4. In addition to abilities that increase movement speed, make sure that there are skills on the panels that deal area damage .

How to beat Tax Collector in Diablo Immortal

Ghost stagecoach in Diablo Immortal: how to defeat the Treasurer (Tax Collector)

Once the carriage arrives at its destination, to the crypt, the main boss of the event will appear before the players – Treasurer (Tax Collector). The battle with him can be difficult depending on how many people are participating in the event. The time allotted to defeat him is limited, however, the final reward for participating in the challenge will be given to fighters regardless of whether whether or not the Treasurer was defeated.

If killing a monster seems like a difficult task, here are some tips and tips:

  1. As mentioned earlier, having a charged ultimate ability and area-of-effect skills is a must when facing a Tax Collector. Sometimes the event has a huge number of people, which can reduce the chance of successfully hitting the boss at least once.
  2. In order to receive the event reward, the player needs to deal damage on the monster.
  3. If a small group of people participate in the test, in the process of direct collision with the enemy, be sure to dodge his attacks in an area to avoid unnecessary damage.

The rewards for killing the Tax Collector

The rewards for defeating the boss and participating in the event are as follows: Arcane dust, several experience orbs, and a rare or legendary equipment.

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