Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get comfortable with the game


Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

Palworld is a new survival simulator in the open world. You will find yourself on the Palpagos Islands, inhabited by unusual creatures – Palami or in Russian – Buddies.

In our guide you will learn in detail: where to start exploring the new world, how to build a base and tame the first pals, as well as about some errors that can make it difficult to start the game.

C where to start exploring the world of Palov

One of the main goals of the game is to create your own base and develop it. First of all, you need to set up a workbench. Create a pickaxe and an ax to facilitate the extraction of resources: wood and stone.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

Choose the optimal place to build a base and explore in the “Technology” tab “Container for Fireballs”. In it you can store captured Pals, as well as use them for work at your base.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

It is important that the “Container for Pals” is being improved, and with this the opportunity to add another Pal as a worker.

The Pals themselves are caught using the “Pal-sphere”, which must be studied there in the “Technology” tab.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

There are a total of six types of “Pal-spheres” in the game, but at the beginning only the simplest one is available. With its help, you can catch low-level Pals.

In order to catch a Pal, you need to weaken him, and then use the “Pal Sphere” on him. The less health Pal has, the easier it will be to catch him.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get comfortable with the game

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

Chikipi, Lamboll and Cattiva – the first Pals you will meet in the game. They are not unique, so they are mainly used on the farm.

The Best Pals for the Early Game

The first Pals you find do a good job in combat and farming. But on the starting island and near it you can find Pals, who will provide your base with the greatest increase in resources and effectiveness in battle. For example, Lymphunk, who is good at chopping down trees.

You can find him here:

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

For battle, you will need Pals such as Daedrim, Foxpark and Khukrat.

A feature of Foxpark is its fire attacks. And in the future, he can upgrade the “Flamethrower” ability, which will be very useful in battle with enemies. Foxpark lives near the starting island:

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

And Hucrats and Daedrim are found in this area:

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how get used to the game

It is important that Khukrat and Daedrim appear only at night.

In the early stages of the game you should be careful in night raids, because in the dark the hero is freezing for days. We'll look at how to protect ourselves from this further.

Day and night cycle

Like many other survival games, Palworld also has a change in daily cycles. During the day you will not notice any debuffs, but at night, as mentioned above, your hero may freeze from the cold. In addition, visibility deteriorates at night.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

There are several ways to protect yourself from the unpleasant effects of darkness.

  • The torch will be available to you from the 1st technology level. It allows you to both warm up and illuminate the space around.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

  • The fire also warms you up, but you will have to stay close to it.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

  • Clothes will protect you from the night cold. It is studied at the 4th level of technology and is created from fabric, which, in turn, is obtained from wool from the Lambolls. To do this, you need to study “Pasture for Livestock.”

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

At the early stage of the game, these items will be enough to ensure more or less comfortable movement in the dark.

Tips to make the early game easier

Don't attack friendly NPCs

Palworld has a wanted system. As soon as you attack a friendly NPC, your hero will display the “Wanted” status and will be hunted by the local police.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

If this happens, you can get rid of the unpleasant status in several ways:

  • Die. This will completely remove the status, but you will have to return to the place of death to pick up your things.
  • Escape. The most effective, but difficult way, allowing both to save things in the backpack and the life of the hero.
  • Remove witnesses before the police arrive. If your hero dies while eliminating witnesses, his status will still remain.

Oddly enough, NPCs in Palworld, just like Palov, can be caught in Pal-sphere. This is much more difficult to do, but it is possible. After this, your hero will also have the “Wanted” status.

Construction outside the base

A base can only be created using a Pal container, but you can take the resources for the workbench with you on your travels. When going on your next outing, stock up on a small amount of resources that can help you out, for example, in the event of nightfall.

Study the Pals

In Palworld, each Pal has its own characteristics. Some, such as Lamboll and Cremis, are better suited for base work and wool production. And, for example, Hukrat and Foxpark for battle. You can learn more about Pals in the “Palov Encyclopedia” tab.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

In addition, Pals can be improved. This will require level 6 technology and a new building – the Monument of Power.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

Through the monument you can both upgrade your character and the selected Pal. To upgrade your companions, you need to collect their souls, which lie in different places on the island. You can determine the most valuable characteristics for each individual Pal from its task. There are 4 total characteristics:

  • Maximum HP,
  • Attack power,
  • Defense,
  • Working speed.

For Pals working at the base, the best characteristic will be the speed of work, and for those that you take with you on forays: attack power and maximum HP.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

It is not recommended to upgrade the first Pals found, such as Lamboll and Chikipi, since the souls of Pals are a valuable resource that is better invested in other companions.

Take care of the Pals

They are your main companions. After difficult fights, your Pals can suffer greatly. Fortunately, they restore their own health, but they also have other scales. For example, “Reason”. Try to keep this scale filled so that your Pals do not slack off from work. And to maintain them in optimal condition, it is necessary to build a bed for each of the workers and a feeding trough.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

If Pal died for some reason, you can take him to the base and put him in the “Container for Pals”. It will take 10 minutes to resurrect him.

Later you will have the opportunity to create a “Medieval Pharmaceutical Table”, on which medicines are created.

Complete tasks

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get comfortable with the game

There are two types of missions in Palworld: tutorial and Pal Container missions. Completing training tasks will help you feel more confident in the vastness of the Palpagos Islands, and completing tasks “Container for Pals” will allow you to pump up the level of the base and add new Pals to it, and therefore obtain more resources.

Choosing the optimal location for building a base

You can survive the first nights without any problems by building a base in any place you like. But as you explore the world and progress further, you will need the most optimal place to build a base. When looking for such a place, you can rely on our advice:

  • Abundance of resources. Look around the area to make sure there is plenty of wood and stone.
  • Fast travel points. Palworld has a large open world in which you will have to navigate both on riding Palais and on foot. Since your base itself is a teleportation point, it is worth considering places that have few fast travel points.
  • Open space. In the early stages of the game, your buildings will not take up much space, but the further technology develops, the more space you will need for buildings. It is also important that your base site has a flat surface for construction.

Play with friends

Palworld, like many other survival games, offers players a multiplayer mode for up to 32 players. Teaming up with friends is quite simple.

When starting a new game, on the world setup screen, select the “ON” button in the “Co-op” line.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to it in the game

It is important that it is better to choose as a host the player who has the most powerful hardware, since the smooth play of other session participants depends on this.

Then create your character and start the game. In the settings menu you can see the invitation code with which other players can join your session.

 Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

Other participants need to select “Join a multiplayer game (invitation code)” in the main menu, then enter the code and connect to the game.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get used to the game

Possible problems

Inability to connect to the server.

Guide for Palworld: where to start and how to get comfortable with the game

This error may occur due to high load on the servers of Palworld itself. The developers recommend trying to connect several times in a row, or wait a while.

We hope that our guide helped you get comfortable in Palworld and learn the main points for the best start in the game.

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