Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give to


Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give to

The latest update 4.7 brought two new legendary weapons to Genshin Impact. The first was Absolution ā€“ Clorinda's personal one-handed sword ā€“ we have already taken it apart. In this guide, we will look at the second weapon, Sijwin's signature bow ā€“ ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€, namely how to get it, upgrade it and awaken it, and also who to give it to.


How to get ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€

How to get ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€

ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€ is a limited-time 5-star weapon, meaning it can only be unlocked within a limited period of time.

Heart strings of rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and to whom to give

This bow can be obtained in the second phase of update 4.7, that is, from June 25, 2024 to July 16, 2024, only from the weapon banner.

Stats of the weapon Ā«Heartstrings of RainĀ»

  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Base attack: 44 (lvl 1) ā€“ 542 (lvl 90)
  • HP bonus: 14.4% ā€“ 66.1%Ā 

Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give

The passive ability of the bow ā€œRain's Heartstringsā€ works like this: the character equipped with this bow gains the ability to accumulate up to 3 levels of the Blessing effect. The first level is given for 25 seconds after using an elemental skill. The second level is activated for 25 seconds after increasing life debt. The last third level of Blessing is given for 20 seconds after healing any other characters. The health of the owner of the bow with 1/2/3 levels of Blessing increases by 12%/24%/40%.

In addition to all of the above, when a character accumulates 3 stacks of Blessing, his chance of a critical hit with an ultimate increases by 28%, but as soon as the levels drop below three, the buff on the critical chance will disappear within 4 seconds.

How to awaken ā€ Heart strings of rainā€

By awakening a weapon in Genshnin Impact, we improve some of its passive ability stats. All weapons, except limited event ones, require a copy of themselves to be able to awaken; ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€ was no exception to the rule. To fully awaken the bow to the fifth level, we will need four duplicates and 30,000 mora.

Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give to

From the image you can see that the HP bonus from Blessing levels increases according to the following rule: 12%/24%/40% //15%/30%50% //18%/36/60% //21%/42%/70% //24%/48%/80%. The critical hit chance of ultimates increases by 28%/35% 42%/49%/56%. Simply put, by awakening the ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€ bow to level 5, we increase its characteristics exactly 2 times, which is quite a lot.

How to level up ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€

All resources for pumping up the Sijvin signature bow are shown in the image below. If you have problems finding this or that material, move on through the guide, we will analyze each resource separately.

 Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give it to

To upgrade the Heartstrings of Rain weapon to level 90 you will need:

  • 225,000 mora
  • 5 pure dew drop condensates
  • 14 pure dew drop condensates
  • 14 pure dew drop sources
  • 6 pure dew drop essences
  • 23 feather fins
  • 27 moon fins
  • 41 deep fins
  • 15 foreign sea pearls
  • 23 foreign sea fragments
  • 27 xenochrome crystals

Pure dew drops

Absolutely all types of drops of pure dew are knocked out from the dungeon ā€œEchoes of Deep Tidesā€, but this dungeon can be found in the Fontaine region, right above the city of Cour de Fontaine. The specific location is shown in the picture. Pure Dew Drops can only be obtained on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday. Take this fact into account when drawing up a weapon upgrade plan.

Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: How to Get and Who to Give


All fin rarities are knocked out of the elite enemies of the Liyue region ā€“ Xuanwen. These monsters have huge resistance to anemo and hydro damage, and can be found in the Chenyu Valley, added in update 4.4.

 Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get it and who to give it to

Pieces of Foreign Sea and Xenochrome Crystals

This type of loot drops from a very wide list of mobs. To be more precise, from armored crabs, hatted jellyfish, razorbacks, puffballs and bubble skates. Collecting this resource will not take much of your time.

 Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give it to

Which heroes are suitable for ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€

In the current update Genshin Impact 4.7, ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€ can only be fully revealed by their owner, that is, Sijwin. She is the only archer capable of applying the life debt debuff to herself, which is required to activate the second level of the weapon's passive ability. However, the bow can be used as an interesting plug on other heroes who would benefit from an increase in health. We will talk about all these heroes in detail


 Heartstrings of Rain in Genshin Impact: how to get it and who to give it to


The most ideal option for Sijwin, it was precisely for her mechanics that the ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€ bow was created. With her skills, she is able to activate all three levels of a weapon's passive skill. She gains the first level simply by using an elemental skill. The second level is given for increasing the life debt that Sidzhvin imposes on himself by creating ā€œDrops of Sourceā€ when pressing Eshka. When the heroine heals allies with her drop, she activates the third level.

Heart strings of rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to give

Ye Lan

All of Ye Lan's abilities are tied to her maximum HP. Ultimate, elemental skill, and even charged attack deal more damage as max health increases. Therefore, if you have Ye Lan, but do not have her signature weapon ā€œAqua Simulacrumā€, then ā€œHeartstrings of Rainā€ will be an excellent option, especially during awakenings.

Heart strings of rain in Genshin Impact: how to get and to whom to give


This bow may also suit Diona. Her shield directly depends on the maximum amount of HP, and as you know, the weapon in question gives an increase to this stat.

How to effectively use ā€œHeart Strings of Rainā€

Although the text describing the bow's passive ability is quite large, in fact the principle of operation is very simple, but requires the presence of a very important life debt debuff. Currently, the only archer capable of applying this effect to herself is Sijvin, so letā€™s look at how to properly use the bow on her.

Since the bow requires activation of three levels, the rotation consists of several parts. To begin with, we use the elemental skill and immediately get the first stack. The second stack is given for ā€œSource Dropsā€, which appear from using the Eshka. As soon as we heal our allies with these drops, we get a third stack and additionally increase our maximum health by 40%.Ā  When all levels of Blessing have subsided, we repeat the cycle.

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