Hymn Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree


Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

In Genshin Impact, Hymn to Tir Yazada 1 is Sumeru's world quest and part of the “Hwarna of Good and Evil” storyline. During it, you have to place all the great songs of Hvarna, clear a giant tree and deal with monsters. If you're having trouble accepting or completing this quest, check out our guide.

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Hymn of Tir Yazad 1 quest walkthrough

How to start the quest

It starts automatically immediately after the completion of “When the Light of Hvarna Manifests”. If for some reason you were not given a quest, then try logging out of your account, wait 20-30 minutes and re-login.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Visit the oasis of Vurukash and Tunigi Gap

Visit the oasis first, moving to the southernmost location teleport. Once you do this, a cutscene will start immediately. Cheer up Sorush, and then chat with Zurvan, who is nearby.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 hymn in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

Having decided on further goals, move to the teleport near the Tunigi breach. Then run down the road to the huge gray crystal ahead and chat next to the withered tree with Rashnu and Mihir. After talking to them, go to the tree and click on the “Give” button to place the first great song of Hvarna. Watch a short cutscene.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 anthem in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

How to place the remaining great songs of Hvarna

So now you will need to give away 4 great songs of Khvarna to clean up all the filth. To do this, you will need to visit the four places shown on the map and pass certain tests. Next, we will consider each location separately in detail.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: How to place songs and clear the tree

Great Song of Hvarna 1

Go to the purple aura tree in the northwestern part location and turn the camera up – you will see a light color there.

Tir Yazada's Anthem 1 in Genshin Impact: How to place songs and clear the tree

Activate Sorush, fly up and use her ability to open a green bud to reveal a flower platform and a four leaf symbol.

Return to character, go slightly to the north and use the quatrefoil to fly up. Then gravitate toward the 4-leaf sign above the flower area.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 hymn in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

Next, use the third quatrefoil to get to the source of corruption. Destroy it with any attacks. Now go down and give the great song to the tree.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: How to place songs and clear the tree

The Great Song of Hvarna 2

Go a little northeast to the next tree hit bad. Here you will only need to defeat three Hilichurls. You can then freely post the song.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 hymn in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

Great Song of Hvarna 3

Go southeast and look for the next tree, which will be surrounded by Rupture Puppies. Deal with them and hand over the song.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: How to place songs and clear the tree

The Great Song of Hvarna 4

Go even further south to the last tree. The source of corruption is located at the top. Go around the back of the crystal and turn the camera up to grab the four leaf symbol. Pull towards it and then destroy the purple orb with any attacks.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 hymn in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

Climb down and place the song on the tree. You will then need to chat with Mihir, who will be waiting for you on the other side of the breach.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

< p>Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 hymn in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

How to find and clear giant trees

Note that at this stage you will have to fight a lot, so we advise you to take Geo and Electro characters to the squad to destroy the Hounds of the Rupture, as well as Hydro and Cryo heroes to kill the Abyss mages. Next, approach Sorush and start following her to the first giant tree. Don't get too far away from her or you'll fail the challenge.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazad's Anthem 1 in Genshin Impact: How to Place Songs and Clear the Tree

As soon as you get close to the tree, a green bar with the name “Tishtriya” and a circle gauge will appear. Wait until it is full and go to the next object. In doing so, you will need to protect Sorush from enemies.

After clearing the first tree (there will be no opponents here), run up to the bet again and move on. Once you reach the second tree, prepare to fight the Rupture Puppies. Recall that shields against their attacks are useless, so we advise you to keep a healer in the team. At the end you will be attacked by a Pyro Abyssal Mage.

Tir Yazad 1 Anthem in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

After dealing with the enemies, run up to Sorush again and go to the third tree. Here you will be attacked by puppies and hounds of the gap. Then the Electro Mage of the Abyss will join the battle. When the gauge is full, a new cutscene will start.

Anthem of Tir Yazad 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

Tir Yazada 1 hymn in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree< /p>

After the cutscene ends, talk to Rashnu and Mihmir. They will report that the road to the depths is now open. After talking with them, the quest will come to an end and you will unlock the Rope Above the Abyss achievement.

Anthem of Tir Yazada 1 in Genshin Impact: how to place songs and clear the tree

You will also receive a reward of 350 adventure points, 40 primogems, 25k pestilence, 6 magic enhancement ore, and 3 hero books. You will also be able to start the last quest in the Hymn of Tir Yazad 2 chain.

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