Imprisoned Lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: Where to Find a Place with Lots of Books


Prisoned Lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with a lot of books

In Dragon's Dogma 2, Prisoner Lawman is a story quest during which you will need to find and pull out Valdar from prison, having first found a place for him with many books. To do this, you have to complete a side quest. If you have difficulties accepting and completing the task, then study our guide.

Completing the “Prisoned Lawyer” quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2

How to start the task

When completing the story quest “The Throne of the Lord” you will be taken to the city of Vernworth, where you will immediately meet Captain Brant. He will want to chat with you again in the tavern, but only at night. Head to the Stardrop establishment, the location of which is shown in the pictures below.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with a lot of books

Imprisoned Lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with a lot of books

When you go inside, you will see Brant near the bar. If he is not here, then try to scroll forward in time by talking with the inn owner Glenna and selecting the “Pass the Time” option. Chat with the captain. He will want to talk to you alone, so he will step aside – follow him.

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

During the next dialogue, the captain will say that you need to gain fame and supporters in the city, so he will offer to complete several tasks. Select the “Tell about the lawyer” option, and then take on the mission to begin the corresponding quest. From Brant you will receive the key to the dungeon.

Where to find the lawyer Valdar

First, go to the nobles' quarter, and then continue up the stairs until you find yourself in the castle grounds, where pawns are not allowed to go. Climb the steps even higher and turn left. Run to the lonely tower, near which there is a guard – he will immediately talk to you as soon as you approach him (see screenshots below).

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find the place with many books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with a lot of books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Otto will say that you can go to the dungeons, since he received orders from Brant. Enter the tower and start going down. Note that the rest of the guards, in theory, should not pay any attention to you either, but some players note that for some reason the guards tried to grab them. This is most likely to happen if you try to enter a prison at night or perform illegal actions (for example, searching chests and pockets).

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Note: If you are discovered, you can either kill the guards or surrender to them and go to prison. There are two ways to get out of the cell: pay a bribe (10,000 gold coins) or break the door (you will have a key, so there will be no problems with this).

After going down the spiral staircase, go into the corridor and turn right, and then almost immediately left and right again. After entering the room with cameras, go to the first door on the right side and unlock it with the key. Here you will find Valdar – talk to him and invite him to leave with you.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

The imprisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with a lot of books

The old man will refuse to leave, saying that he is fine here, since he can do what he loves to do. He will tell you that he will only leave the dungeon if you find him a place with a lot of books.

Where to find a place with a lot of books

To do this, you will need to complete the side mission “On the Outskirts of History” in the Slums. We discussed this quest in detail in a separate guide, so here we will only give general information. First, find Kendrick near the church and give him food and 1000 gold. Then agree to find Malcom.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

The imprisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with a lot of books

To do this, you will need to find and chat with his three friends: Rick, Harvey and Aimee. Their locations are shown in the screenshots below. Next, talk again with the cleric, who will lead you to the entrance to the vaults.

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Go downstairs and move forward (it's almost impossible to get lost here) until you find yourself in a room with a closed lattice door and a chest. This is where Malcolm is. He will tell you that he found a secret library. Start following him and you will soon find yourself in a room with a lot of books.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

How to get Valdar out of prison

Having learned the necessary information, go down to the dungeons again and chat with Valdar – tell him about the vaults of the Gracious Hand. He will agree to go there, but will ask to be taken out of prison first. The old man moves slowly, so don't go too far from him. Plus, the guards at this stage may behave more aggressively towards the hero.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Imprisoned Lawyer in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Note that in our case, Valdar for some reason refused to climb the stairs, so we had to grab him and simply carry him. As soon as you get out of the tower, just put him on the ground, and a dialogue with him will immediately begin. The lawyer himself will find his way to the vaults.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Imprisoned Lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

Now wait until nightfall and return to the Stardrop Inn. Talk to Brant again. He will thank you, which will complete the quest. As a reward you will receive 7 thousand gold and a Move Stone x1. Let's add that the captain will have new tasks for you – be sure to accept them.

Prisoned lawman in Dragon's Dogma 2: where to find a place with many books

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We also advise you to return to the secret library in the Slums in 1-2 days. There you will find Valdar – chat with him to receive the side mission “Courtesy for the Lawyer”.

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