Interactive map of Dragon's Dogma 2: chests, materials and equipment


Interactive Dragon's Dogma 2 map: chests, materials and equipment

In Dragon's Dogma 2, the world map makes it much easier to find various items and objects. Using it, you can easily find out where the entrances to dungeons, settlements, camps, shops, seeker tokens, weapons, rings, armor, treasure chests, materials, quest characters, riddles and bosses are located.

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This page contains a detailed interactive map and instructions for its use. Note that we are still talking about its early version. However, it is constantly updated, so if you could not find the right thing right now, we recommend that you just study the map a little later.

Interactive map of Dragon's Dogma 2

< p>Using the map above is relatively simple. It provides immediate access to all regions of the world. For this reason, there is no need to select any particular area – just move the map with your mouse or finger to find the area you need. All locations are labeled, which simplifies the search for the necessary places.

The default map shows the location of all items in the game (information is constantly updated). If you are looking for a specific item, click on the “funnel” icon in the upper right corner of the screen to open the legend. In the menu that appears, first click on the inscription “Hide All”, and only then select the object you need so that it appears on the main screen.

Interactive map Dragon’ s Dogma 2: chests, materials and equipment

You can also use the search function by clicking on the “magnifying glass” icon and entering the name of the desired item in English. Don't forget to click on the icons themselves on the map to see additional screenshots or tips for finding things. Let's add that if you register in the mapgenie system, you can save your progress and add your own markers.

Interactive map Dragon’ s Dogma 2: chests, materials and equipment

To change the scale, use the “+” and “-” buttons located in the lower right corner of the screen. If the map itself does not seem large enough for you, then simply increase the size of the site page using the “Ctrl + mouse wheel” combination. Below is a list of all the items that are available in Dragon's Dogma 2.


  • Area
  • Campsite )
  • Dungeon
  • Peddler (Peddler)
  • Settlement
  • Transition
  • < li>Waypoint


  • Apothecary
  • Barberie
  • Inn
  • Ox station
  • Riftstone
  • Tavern

Key items

  • Golden beetle
  • Implement (Tools)
  • Seeker's token


  • Armor
  • Cloak )
  • Ring
  • Weapon


  • Chest ( Chests
  • Curative
  • Material
  • Valuable

Quests )

  • Main quest (Story quests)
  • Side quest (Side missions)

Enemies (Enemies)

< ul>

  • Boss
  • Enemy
  • Other

    • Miscellaneous (Other)< /li>
    • Npc (Characters)
    • Riddle solution

    We hope that the interactive map of Dragon's Dogma 2 will help you find all the chests, shops, quests, weapons, armor, dungeons, materials and other interesting objects in the game world.

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