Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win


A necromancer outcast with a worldstone – all about Lethys.

Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win

Letis – an outcast necromancer who renounced his comrades and only pursues his dark goals, not embarrassed by murders and betrayals. The boss is found in the game as part of the Ashwold Graveyard storyline, defeating her is the end of this arc.

This guide will detail where to find and how to defeatLethys in Diablo Immortal.

Where to find Letis in Diablo Immortal

Lethys in Diablo Immortal: how to win

To find the Lethys that escaped Zul, you need to exit the Mad King's Rift, go down a little lower and talk to an ally. After the dialogue, head to Lords' Retreat by crossing the bridge.

As soon as you cross the bridge, a notification will appear about the entrance to the story dungeon, which is the boss arena.

How to summon Letis in Diablo Immortal

Lethys in Diablo Immortal: how to win

The first story arc in Diablo Immortal is the Ashwold Cemetery quests. The last questThe Battle for the Shard is activated after the battle with the simulacrum Lethysand clearing the Mad King's Rift dungeon.

Talk to Zul, who will inform you that the girl has escaped and needs to be caught up. The main quest Kill Lethys and get the Shard of the World Stone will appear immediately. Since these are story quests, you won't be able to skip the boss, just follow the route.

How to defeat Letis in Diablo Immortal

Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win

Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win

Lethys in Diablo Immortal: how to win

Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win

Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win

U Lethysnot many skills, the necromancer prefers to stay at a distance and use only long-range attacks, allowing you to get close to her and start dealing damage. The boss has several basic moves:

  • After the fight starts, the girl usually uses the following skill: she attacks with a projectile that launches a chain of glowing green skulls. They fly in a line, slowly trying to overtake the warrior. The slow flight speed will allow you to evade the trajectory and continue the attack before the shards disappear.

The first skill with the chain of skulls can be knocked down if you attack the boss quickly and strongly enough.

  • Lethysuses its power to unleash many red skulls, flying in waves in a circle. If you stand too close to it, you can take damage from several projectiles at once. It's best to either retreat or move between the fragments as they fly by.
  • After taking some damage, the boss will summon a Bone Golem to assist her. Sometimes the creature performs a jump attack: this skill knocks back. Letis marks the right place with a red circle, her companion will land on this zone.
  • Periodically, the enemy will mark part of the arena with a red stripe, bone spikes will appear in this area , which will deal damage and throw them into the air. Often the skill is used after red skulls.

Health orbs often drop from the boss, don't forget to pick them up before Lethys starts attacking again.

Rewards< /h2>

Letis in Diablo Immortal: how to win

There are no rewards directly for killing Lethys, as this is only part of the story mission. When the necromancer's health drops to zero, at the place of her death there will be a shard of the worldstone, which must be collected and sent to Zulu. After talking to the man, you will receive Burden of the Exile and experience.

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