Memories of Tulaytullah in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use


Memories of Tulaythullah in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Memories of Tulaythullah in Genshin Impact is a new legendary catalyst, signature weapon for the Wanderer. In this guide, we'll take a detailed look at all the characteristics and features of the weapon and tell you which characters it will suit.

How to get the Memories of Tulaithulla

For the first time, the weapon will become available in patch 3.3, in the “Incarnation of the Deity” banner. The catalyst can only be obtained through prayers.

Tulaytullah's Memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Tulaytullah's Memories stats

  • Rarity: 5 Stars
  • Basic Attack: 48-674
  • Crit Damage: 9.6%-44.1%

Tulajtulla's memories in Genshin Impact : how to get and who to use

Passive: Increase normal attack speed by 10%-20%. When the weapon wielder activates an elemental skill, normal attack damage will increase by 4.8%-9.6% for 14 seconds. At the same time, hitting an enemy increases damage by an additional 9.6%-19.2% every 0.3 seconds. The maximum damage increase is 48%-96%. The effect is reset when the active hero is changed or the elemental skill is used again.

How to upgrade Tulaithulla's Memories

The table below shows all the materials needed to ascend the bell.

< tr>
ElevationLevel CostMaterial 1Material 2Material 3
12010000 mora

Tulaithullah's Memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Echoes of Blazing Might

Tulaytulla's Memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Inactive mold core

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Mold spores

2< /td>4020000 mora

Tulaitullah's memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and by whom to use

Reflections of Blazing Power

Memories of Tulaytullah in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Inactive mold core

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Mold spores

3< /td>5030000 mora

Tulajtulla's memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and by whom to use

Reflections of Blazing Power

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Sleeping Mold Core

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Glowing Pollen

4< /td>6045000 mora

Tulaitulla's memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and by whom to use

Dreams of Blazing Might

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Sleeping Mold Core

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Glowing Pollen

57055000 mora

Tulaithulla's Memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Dreams of Blazing Might

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Healthy Mold Core

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Crystalcyst Dust

68065000 mora

Tulaytullah's Memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Burning Might's Past

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Healthy Mold Core

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Crystallocyst Dust

The screenshot below shows the total amount of materials needed to fully elevate this catalyst:

Tulajtully's memories in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

< p>Echoes (and other resources) of Burning Power can be found in the Tower of Contemptible Pride dungeon on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Moldworm Cores and Spores drop from the corresponding monsters. You can read more about how to get these resources in our molder guide.

How to awaken Tulaithullah's Memories

Awakening the catalyst increases the characteristics of the weapon's passive ability. This can be done by knocking out copies of the bell in the banner. In addition, you will need 2000-16000 mora to awaken.

Which character to give Tulaythullah's Memories

The bell is a great weapon for catalytic damage dealers, with high base attack and a good bonus on critical damage. Let's see how each of the characters can reveal themselves with it:

CharacterReasons for Choice< /th>

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use


For Scaramucci, Tulaytulla's Memories are signature weapons. The hero fights mostly with normal attacks after using the 'Ear', so the bell buff is perfect for his fighting style. In addition, the Wanderer himself, when ascended, increases his chance of critical damage, so the catalyst will help to perfectly balance crits.

Memories of Tulajtully in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use


Roughly speaking, the gameplay of the detective is similar to the Wanderer: both play from normal attacks. For Heizo as a main DPS, critical damage is also important. It is important to remember here that after using the elemental skill, the hero must remain active for at least 14 seconds, while it is undesirable to press the “yoke” at this time.

Memories of Tulaytullah in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Ning Guang

One of the disadvantages of the head of Qixing is her low attack speed, so the catalyst passive will be extremely useful for her. Speaking of fighting style, when playing as Ning Guang, it's just convenient to first use the elemental skill, putting up a screen, and then attack with simple blows.

Memories of Tulaytullah in Genshin Impact: how to get and who to use

Kli/Yan Fei

Not the best option, since both heroes play from charged attacks, but the bonus for critical damage will not be superfluous. You can try to play from normal attacks, but most likely you have more suitable catalysts for these young ladies in your inventory.

As for Mona and Yae Miko, they usually act as a secondary damage dealer in the team and are not on the field for a long period of time, so this catalyst will not suit them. Although you can try to make them a main damage dealer, even in this case, they will deal most of the damage with abilities, not simple attacks.

How to use Tulaytulla's Memories

Tulajtulla's memories in Genshin Impact: how to get it and who to use it with

The bell fighting technique is quite simple. Considering that it will be used by the main damage dealer, we advise you to first burn the skills of the supports, and only then switch to the main-DD, since he will have to stay longer on the field.

After switching, we act as follows:

  1. Using an elemental skill.
  2. 14 seconds with normal attacks only.
  3. Going back to supports and doing it all over again.

With such a simple rotation, a hero with the Memories of Tulaytulla is able to deal a huge amount of damage in just a quarter of a minute. It is only important to remember the order of actions, not to press the “yeshka” once again and try to attack as often as possible.

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