Mistress of Wisdom: Enduring Heat in Genshin Impact – Quest of the Legends of Nahida


Mistress of Wisdom: Unceasing Heat in Genshin Impact – Legends of Nahida Quest

In Genshin Impact, Unending Heat is the first chapter of the Legends of Nahida quest “Mistress of Wisdom”. During it, you will have to participate in the Dream Moment tea party, where people talk about their dreams, find a person in danger and enter his dream, and also find the culprit in what happened. If you're having trouble starting and completing this quest, check out our guide.

How to start the Legends quest “Unceasing Heat”

The events of the first part unfold in Sumeru, so access to this mission will not be possible immediately. First of all, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions, namely:

  • At least 40 adventure rank. In a separate article, we've provided some tips on how to increase this stat.
  • Complete the Archons' quest “Akasha's Pulse and Kalpa's Flames”, which is the fifth chapter of the third volume of the game's main storyline.
  • Prepare one Key of Legends by completing 8 daily quests (only 4 such missions can be completed per day). You can keep no more than three keys on you at the same time, so saving them in reserve will not work.

Mistress of Wisdom: Unceasing Heat in Genshin Impact – Nahidy Legends Quest

Having dealt with all the specified conditions, go to the quest log, open the “Legend Quests” tab and select the required hero. Then simply unlock access to his quest.

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