Nahida in Genshin Impact: a guide to the best builds


Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

In Genshin Impact, Nahida is a 5-star Dendro Elemental character that uses a Catalyst in combat. In a group, she can play the role of a secondary damage dealer, support, or even a main damage dealer under certain conditions. In this guide, you will learn about her best builds, weapons and artifacts, as well as recommended commands for her.

Note: Kusanali is not yet officially released, so the data presented here is based on the information received during the beta testing. If necessary, we will update the guide when the heroine appears in the game. In addition, her banner with an increased drop rate will be launched on November 2.

Nahida's main features

Nahida's stat progression

The table below shows how the basic parameters change character as they level up.

< thscope="col">Basic Attack


LevelBasic HPBasic DefenseElemental Mastery BonusCrit Chance HitsCrit. damage
18072349 05%50%
40< /td>

4165 120 253295%50%< /td>
809140 264556 865%< /td>50%
9010360 2996301155%50%

Advantages and disadvantages of Nahida

Thanks to its unique abilities, this Catalyst is perfect for destroying large groups of enemies by creating deadly Dendro reactions. It also has the following advantages:

  • Comparatively high basic attack, which makes it easy to use as a main DPS.
  • Pairs well with Hydro, Pyro and Electro heroes, as greatly enhances Dendro's related reactions when using an elemental skill.
  • Receives bonuses from characters of other elements when using an elemental explosion: Pyro increases damage, Hydro extends the duration of Maia's shrine, and Electro reduces the cooldown of activating Purify Trikarma of an elemental skill.
  • The higher the elemental mastery of the heroine, the more she deals total damage. At the same time, this parameter increases along with the ascension of Kusanali, which greatly simplifies the construction of her build.
  • Can strengthen an active character who is in the area of ​​​​her elemental explosion, increasing their MS by 200 points (requires certain conditions to be met ).
  • One of the talents makes it easier to collect local curiosities and allows you to read the minds of some characters, which opens up access to additional dialogues.
  • Ulta is relatively inexpensive, and its duration exceeds the cooldown, which allows you to use this ability in continuous mode.< /li>

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

However, there were some disadvantages, many of which follow directly from its advantages:

  • It practically does not combine with Anemo, Geo and Cryo fighters, which causes certain restrictions when selecting a team.
  • To turn Nahida into a strong main damage dealer, you will have to open constellations.
  • Ulta cannot deal damage – it only strengthens Nahida or the active hero (if his combat skills depend on the MC).
  • It is highly undesirable to take more than two characters of the same element into the squad, otherwise the potential of the explosion of the elements will not be used to its fullest.

How to get Nahida

In the first phase of update 3.2, this catalyst will appear in the banner, which will increase the likelihood of it falling out. Thus, it will be possible to get this heroine only with the help of Prayers. Unfortunately, miHoYo has never hosted an event that rewards a 5-star fighter, so you won't be able to get Nahida for free.

Nahida's Abilities

When performing a normal attack “Akara”, the character makes up to 4 shots with a catalyst in front of him, and when charged, he casts a short spell that deals area damage to Dendro and spends some stamina. If she attacks while falling, she gains energy and lands on the ground, attacking all enemies in her path and then dealing AoE elemental damage.

When quickly using the All Known Intents elemental skill, Kusanali hits Dendro with the element in a small area and imbues up to eight enemies hit with skandha seeds. If you hold down the skill button for a long time, then the aiming mode is activated, allowing you to independently specify up to 8 targets in a certain zone, which will receive skandha seeds and Dendro damage (higher than with a quick press).

You can aim for 5 seconds. During this period, the heroine's resistance to interruption is greatly increased. As for Skandha Seeds, they have the following parameters:

  • The duration of their action does not exceed 25 seconds.
  • Invoke the effect of Cleansing Trikarma when exposed to mobs that are marked with Skandha Seeds , any Dendro reactions. It deals additional damage to Dendro, the amount of which depends on the mastery of the elements (to a greater extent) and the attack power of Kusanali.
  • Trikarma Cleansing can occur once every 2.5 seconds.

After using the Phantom Heart Elemental Burst, a Shrine of Maia will spawn, which grants the following bonuses depending on which elements the heroes are present in squad:

  • Pyro – Increases the damage dealt by Purification of Trikarma.
  • Hydro – Increases the duration of the ultimate.
  • Electro – Reduces the duration of Purification of Trikarma .

If there are two characters of the specified elements in the group, bonuses intensify. We also can’t help but talk about Nahida’s unique passive talents, namely:

  • Comprehension of all things – allows her to interact with things that can be collected in a small area (simplifies the collection of consumables) and opens additional dialogues with NPC.
  • Enlightened Compassion – In the zone of effect of the ult, the elemental mastery of the active fighter is increased by 20% of the MC of the hero with the highest value. This stat can increase by up to 200 points.
  • Illumined Awakening – If the heroine's MS exceeds 200 points, then each additional point of this stat will increase the damage and critical hit chance of Purify Trikarma by 0.1% and 0.03% respectively (by a maximum of 80% and 24%).

Nahida Constellations

To open them, you need the Luck of the character, which is issued in the event of the loss of duplicates of the heroine, which, of course, is random. Given the low drop rate of 5-star characters, it will take you a lot of money and time to unlock all the constellations. However, even the first two can significantly strengthen the heroine. The sixth will turn her into an excellent main damage dealer.

  1. Seed of hidden reactions – when calculating the bonus from Pyro, Electro and Hydro heroes after activating the ult, the game adds 1 character to their number. That is, to get the maximum boost, one fighter of the specified element is enough, and not two.
  2. The Root of All Completeness – Reactions such as Budding, Blooming, Vegetation and Burning with a 20% chance can deal critical damage in the amount of 100 % when exposed to opponents with skandha seeds. Stimulate, Grow, and Aggravate reduce the defense of such enemies by 30% for 8 seconds.
  3. Sprout of Adopted Successes – Elemental skill level increases by three. Max level: 15th.
  4. Stalk of Clear Conclusions – Increases the heroine's MS by 100, 120, 140 or 160 points when the seeds of skandha can be placed on one, two, three and four opponents respectively.
  5. Leaves of Enlightening Speech – Increases elemental explosion level by three. Max level: 15th.
  6. The fruit of the climax of the arguments – when performing a normal or charged strike on a mob with a seed of skandha, while under the influence of an ult, the Karmic oblivion effect occurs, inflicting damage to Dendro in the amount of 200% of attack power and 400% of MS. It appears once every 0.2 seconds and disappears after 10 seconds or after 6 uses.

How to play as Nahida

Kusanali's main advantage is the ability to impose Dendro status almost on all nearby enemies, which allows her to easily create such reactions as Budding (Dendro + Hydro), Stimulation (Dendro + Electro) and Burning (Dendro + Pyro). Plus, she will receive bonuses from these characters when activating her ult.

Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for the best builds

In addition, Nahida can be a great elemental combo activator thanks to her high elemental mastery. Therefore, she should be placed in a squad with characters who quickly apply skills (Xing Qiu or Fischl) so that she closes reactions, causing maximum damage. True, it will be possible to do this after applying the marks.

Let's add that during the battle it is better to use a long press of the elemental skill, since the rollback time increases by only a second, and damage at high levels increases by tens percent.

As for the direct use of it in battle and rotations, it will all depend on what function it performs in the team. For example, if she plays the role of a support, then the order of her application will look like this:

  1. Long press an elemental skill to mark enemies with Nahida and use an elemental burst.
  2. Use the skills of sub-DD and supports that can apply statuses and deal damage from the “pocket”.
  3. Switch to the main damage dealer and hit opponents until they are dead or no longer marked.
  4. Repeat the process until the end.

When using Nahida as a sub-DD or main-DD (if C1, C2 and C6 are open), you will be able to use it much more often on the battlefield:

  1. Long press an elemental skill to mark enemies with Nahida and use an elemental explosion.
  2. Use the skills of sub-DD and supports that can apply statuses and deal damage from the “pocket”.
  3. Switch to Nahida again to hit enemies with normal and charged blows (if C6 is open) or elemental skill. Don't forget to re-tag your mobs and re-activate your ult.

Best builds for Nahida

Primary or secondary DPS

This build involves Nahida dealing maximum Dendro damage. Since there are a lot of reactions tied to Dendro, Elemental Mastery remains an important stat, but players also need to balance it with crits in order to increase Kusanali's personal damage. In this case, we recommend using the following catalysts:

Name and rarityStats (level 1-90)Passive ability

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Dreams of a Thousand Nights (5 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 58~265

Basic Attack: 44~542

Increases the character's elemental mastery by 32 if there are fighters of the same element in the squad, or increases his elemental damage by 10% if the elements of other team members do not match. In addition, all party members (except for the one equipped with this weapon) have an increase in MS by 40 points. A signature for Nahida that can be used by both a damage dealer and a support, as it equips the heroine with the right amount of elemental mastery and can greatly increase her Dendro damage.

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Kagura Truth (5 stars)

Crit. damage: 14.4%~66.2%

Basic attack: 46~608

After using an elemental skill, the skill's damage is increased by 12%~24% for 16 seconds. This bonus stacks up to three times. At the third level, the hero gains a 12~24% damage bonus from all elements. Ideal for Nahida when using her as a damage dealer, as it boosts the heroine's elemental damage and greatly increases her crits.

 Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Prayer to the Holy Winds (5 stars)

Critical Hit Chance: 7.2%~33.1%

Basic Attack: 46~608

Increases speed character movement by 10% and increases their elemental damage by 8%~16% every four seconds. The effect can be stacked up to four times, but disappears when the hero leaves the battlefield. Another good option for a main damage dealer. Not suitable for a secondary damage dealer, as you need to constantly be on the battlefield.

Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for better builds

Wanderer's Song (4 stars)

Crit. damage: 12%~55.1%

Basic attack: 42~510

After switching to a character, a random melody starts playing, which can increase attack power (by 60 percent), elemental damage (by 48 percent), or elemental mastery (by 240 points). The effect lasts for 10 seconds and can appear once every half a minute. After the 5th awakening, it does the previous variant in terms of damage and effectiveness. In addition, it can also be used by a support due to the increase in MS.

Nahida in Genshin Impact: best build guide

Marine Atlas (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 24~110

Basic Attack: 42~510

Increase elemental damage by 8%~16% for 10 seconds after triggering an elemental reaction. The bonus stacks up to two times. Another good option that can be used as both a secondary damage dealer and a support, as it increases Dendro's damage and MS.

Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for better builds

Sun Gem (4 stars)

Critical Hit Chance: 6%~27 .6%

Basic Attack: 42~510

When hit with a normal hit, elemental skill and explosion damage is increased by 20 percent for 6 seconds. This also works in reverse. Although the effect of the passive will not be used to the maximum (Nahida's ult does not deal damage), however, this catalyst can still bring considerable benefits to the damage dealer, increasing his crits and elemental damage.

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Magic Guide (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 41~187

Basic Attack: 38~354

Increases damage by 12%~24% when fighting enemies that are under the influence of Electro or Hydro elements. On the 5th Awakening, it can be a good option for both a damage dealer and a support if there are Hydro or Electro heroes in the team.

As for artifacts, in this build we strongly advise using the full set of “Memories of the Deep Forest”, 2 parts of which increase the Dendro damage bonus by 15%, and 4 parts – in case of hit by an ult or elemental skill, reduce the enemy's resistance to Dendro damage by 30 % within 8 seconds. The bonus is activated even if the character is not on the battlefield. It can be found in the Spire of Lonely Enlightenment dungeon.

If another character, such as Kollei, already uses this set, then you can give Nahida a full set of Gilded Dreams, 2 parts of which increase elemental mastery by 80 points, and 4 parts increase attack power by 14% for each fighter in the squad with the same god's eye and elemental mastery by 50 points for each hero with a different element. The effect occurs every 8 seconds and occurs even if the wearer of the set is not on the battlefield. It can also be obtained from the Spire of Lonely Enlightenment.

If we talk about the main characteristics of artifacts, then they should look like this: take an hourglass for mastery of the elements, a goblet (cup) for the Dendro damage bonus, and a hat (crown) for critical damage/critical hit chance in a ratio of 2 to 1 Elemental Mastery, Crits, and Energy Regeneration among the additional parameters.


This build assumes that Nahida is a Dendro support, whose effectiveness is directly dependent on elemental mastery. Maximizing this parameter will allow her to create powerful Dendro reactions. The following catalysts can be used as weapons.

Name and rarityStats (level 1 -90)Passive

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Thousand Nights Dreaming (5 Stars)

Elemental Mastery: 58~265

Basic Attack: 44~542

Increases the character's elemental mastery by 32 if there are fighters of the same element in the squad, or increases his elemental damage by 10% if the elements of other team members do not match. In addition, all party members (except for the one equipped with this weapon) have an increase in MS by 40 points. A signature for Nahida that can be used by both a damage dealer and a support, because it provides the heroine with the right amount of elemental mastery and can significantly increase her Dendro damage.

Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for better builds

Ceremonial Memoir (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 48~221

Basic Attack: 41~454

When you deal damage with an elemental skill, it has a 40~80% chance to instantly restore its cooldown. The effect occurs every 30-16 seconds. Its main advantage lies in providing Nahida with a large amount of MS. Passive, on the other hand, allows you to use E-shku much more often, with which Kusanali creates Dendro reactions.

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Roaming Star (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 36~165

Basic Attack: 42~510

Every ten seconds, the character's attack power increases by 24%~48% of their elemental mastery, even when not on the battlefield. The effect lasts for 12 seconds, and nearby team members receive 30% of the bonus. The effect is stacked if other members of the group have this weapon. This catalyst will increase the damage of Archon Dendro's elemental skill (scaled by MS and AD) and increase the main damage.
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Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for better builds

Naval Atlas (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 24~110

Basic Attack: 42~510

Increase elemental damage by 8%~16% for 10 seconds after triggering an elemental reaction. The bonus stacks up to two times. Another good option that can be used as both a secondary damage dealer and a support, as it increases Dendro's damage and MS.

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

Replenishment Fruit (4 stars)

Energy Regen: 10%~45.9%

Basic Attack: 42~510

When triggering Elemental Reactions, Elemental Mastery increases by 24~36 and attack power decreases by 5%. The bonus occurs every 0.3 seconds and stacks up to five times. Every 6 seconds, one level of the effect will disappear if no elemental reactions are triggered. Nahida doesn't require as much energy regeneration, but she can benefit from her passive's Elemental Mastery (up to 180). In addition, you can get this weapon for free by crafting it.

Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for best builds

Magic Guide (4 stars)

Elemental Mastery: 41~187 < /p>

Basic Attack: 38~354

Increases damage by 12%~24% when fighting enemies that are affected by Electro or Hydro elements. On the 5th Awakening, it can be a good option for both a damage dealer and a support if there are Hydro or Electro heroes in the team.

For this build, you can take absolutely the same sets of artifacts as for the sub-DD, that is, the full set of “Memories of a dense forest” or “Gilded dreams”.

However, the main characteristics should be different: take an hourglass for mastery of the elements, the chalice for mastery of the elements, the crown for mastery of the elements. The priority of choosing additional parameters is as follows: elemental mastery, crits and energy recovery.

Best commands for Nahida

Overall, Kusanali pairs well with most Pyro, Hydro, and Electro heroes, with whom she can create effective Dendro reactions. At the same time, in squads, she can play the role of a support, primary or secondary damage dealer.

We advise you to make the squad as diverse as possible in terms of elements, especially if you have the 1st Constellation open, in order to get the most out of the ult. You can also combine Nahida with other Dendro fighters to create a resonance that increases the team's elemental mastery.

Note that although Geo does not interact with Dendro, we still recommend adding Zhong Li to some groups, who will be able to cover allies with a shield and increase their damage when wearing the Archaic Stone set. The table below shows all the optimal commands.

Primary DPSSecondary DPSMinor DPS/SupportSupport

Nahida in Genshin Impact guide for better builds


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Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide< /p>


Nahida Leveling

How to Improve Skills

You have to search and collect many different materials, namely:

  • Teachings, directions and philosophies about “Wit” – obtained on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays in Tower of Ignorance dungeon
  • Mold Spores, Glowing Pollen, and Crystalcyst Dust – Drop from Molds, purchasable with Starlight, or crafted with Alchemy.
  • Unknown Material – Dropped by a weekly boss Scaramucci.
  • Crown of Insight – can be obtained during events, as well as by leveling the Sacred Sakura, the Tree of Permafrost and the Tree of Dreams.

Nahida in Genshin Impact: Best Build Guide

In the case of using Nahida as a support and a secondary damage dealer, you will deal the main damage with an elemental skill and an explosion of the elements, so up to level 6 they should be downloaded at the same time. Then upgrade E-shku to the end and after that finish the ult. You can ignore normal attacks.

If Dendro Archon is a main damage dealer (6th Constellation unlocked), you can also upgrade normal attacks to at least level 8.

How to Ascend

Get ready to search and collect a lot of different materials. Their list and methods of extraction are listed below.

  • First Ascension (Level 20; 20,000 mora) – 1 Nagadus Emerald Shard, 3 Kalpalata Lotus, 3 Mold Spores 10 Kalpalata Lotus, 15 Mold Spores
  • Third Ascension (level 50; 60,000 mora) – 6 Nagadus Emerald Fragments, 4 Suppressed Vine, 20 Kalpalata Lotus, 12 Glowing Pollen
  • Fourth Ascension (Level 60; 80,000 mora) – 3 Nagadus Emeralds, 8 Suppressed Vine, 30 Kalpalata Lotus, 18 Luminous Pollen Vine, 45 Kalpalat Lotus, 12 Crystalcyst Dust
  • Sixth Ascension (Level 80; 120,000 mora) – 6 Precious Nagadus Emeralds, 20 Suppressed Vine, 60 Kalpalata Lotus, 24 Crystalcyst Dust

You can get Nagadus Emeralds from Feathered Mold and Hypostasis Dendro. The latter also drops a suppressed vine. The kalpalata lotus is a local curiosity of Sumeru. In a separate guide, we indicated its location.

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