Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go


Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

In Honkai: Star Rail Only the Blind See the Truth, Only the Heavens Punish the Sinners is an exploration mission and part of the Sky Journey on a Star Raft chain, during which you have to find Dan Shu with clues, and then decide whether to let her go or fight her. If you have difficulty completing the tasks, then study our guide.

Passing the quest “Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners”

How to start the task

< p>It starts in automatic mode immediately after completing the previous quest of the line called “Branching Horns and Tangled Roots”, so no additional actions are needed. The main thing is that your mastery level is at least 34th.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight against Tribute Shu or let go

Talk to Dan Shu and Qingzu

First of all, head to the Crafts Commission, after reaching the pier, and receive a message from Dan Shu. After that, travel to the Exalted Shrine. Teleport to the northern part of the location and talk to the alchemist in the stone pavilion. She will ask you to take the report to the Chief Strategist.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

The passage to the Realm of Divine Foresight is located in the West. Talk to the guard to get to the right location. Find Qingzu inside and talk to her. Then you will again receive a message from the alchemist – the girl can be found in the same place. She will ask you to take the medicine to a girl she knows.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

How to find the little girl

You will receive a medicine that must be taken to a child in the same area, but in its southern part. Move to the anchor “Court of Tranquility” and go a little to the northeast. Talk to the children near the pond and protect the little girl.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

After handing over the medicine, return to Dan Shu and tell me what happened. She will ask you to take her to this girl who was left without parents. You can find her at the Crafts Commission, where the baby's father and mother used to work.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Teleport to the anchor Academy of Excellence” and move to the quest marker. You will see that the child is surrounded by monsters that are vulnerable to physical, wind, electrical and imaginary damage. Fight this group of enemies.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

After dealing with opponents, talk to girl. Then go back and talk to the head alchemist again.

Talk to Qingzu

Go to the Three Seasons of Leisure bookstore located in the same location and wait for a message from Dan Shu . Then return to the gazebo and talk to the woman. She will say that she has prepared a drug for us that can improve our body.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Here you have two options choices that slightly affect the narrative, but the reward and ending from them will not change:

  • If you take the potion without delay, you will become infected with Mara and lose your sanity for a while, which will get you into a fight in the Realm of Divine Foresight.
  • If you put it aside, you will consider the drug suspicious, so decide to give it away to test Qingzu.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Do not forget to also take from the table in the gazebo “Dan Shu's Diary. Entry 1″. Now go to the Realm of Divine Foresight. If you immediately took the medicine, then you will have a battle with the Werewolf and the Internal Alchemists. Otherwise just talk to Qingzu.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

In any case, Dan Shu will be put on the wanted list. You will be given Ditin the robot dog so that you can quickly find the head alchemist, who, apparently, is the very traitor everyone is looking for.

How to find Dan Shu using clues

Go back to the gazebo. The researcher will not be here, but you will find a bag with drugs. By following the scent, the robot dog will be able to automatically lead you to the location where the suspect is located – we are talking about the Crafts Commission.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Activate the dog skill to see green trail. Start walking along it, going down, and then going up the stairs. You will find Dan Shu along with the monsters of Abundance.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Let go Dan Shu or fight her

< p>Chat with the scientist and learn about her motives and plans. Next, you have to decide whether to release Dan Shu or fight her. We note right away that your choice will not affect the ending and rewards, but will only slightly change the narrative. Next, consider both options:

  • If you release Dan Shu, the quest will immediately continue, as the alchemist will say goodbye to us, and then leave peacefully.
  • If you join the battle with Dan Shu, then the battle will begin, in which you have to defeat two waves of opponents, among which there will be internal alchemists, werewolves and soldiers. We recommend taking physical, wind, imaginary and/or ice damage dealers.

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish sinners in Honkai Star Rail: fight Dan Shu or let go

Only the blind will see the truth, only heaven will punish the sinners in Honkai Star Rail: Fight Dan Shu or let go

In any case, you will find the second part of Dan Shu's diary on the ground. Then return to the Abode to Qingzu and talk to her. On this task and the whole chapter will come to an end. You will unlock the “Dragon Splendor” achievement and get a reward: 600 development experience, 3 refined ether, 25,000 credits, 2 melodies and 80 star jade.

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