Precious chest near the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies


Jewel Chest at Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: Where to Find Fairies

Jewel Chest with 3 Fairies at Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact is a treasure that can be obtained by solving a small puzzle and finding 3 fairies nearby. In the guide we will indicate the location of all the fairies and the chest itself.

Where to find the puzzle with the precious chest at the Chizhang wall

From the teleport near the Chizhang wall, fly south. The locked chest is next to the stone road. To open it, you will have to find three fairies and help them get to their houses.

Precious chest near the wall of Chichzhan in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

Precious chest against the wall Chizhang in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

First Fairy

Enter the ruins next to the chest. The fairy will fly away as soon as you approach her, but you will not be able to get out – the entrance will be blocked.

Precious chest near the wall of Chichzhan in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

 Precious chest at the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

You can read the charred inscription, which contains a hint – not to believe a single word written on the mechanisms.

 Precious chest near the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

There are two levers in total in the tower. You need to activate the one that is on the wall next to the blocked rich chest – the mechanism says that it activates the self-destruct mode. In fact, after 5 seconds you will be able to open the treasure and exit the ruins, and then bring the fairy to the house.

Precious chest near the Chichzhan wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

Second fairy

Go up the hill southeast of the chest. In the window of the ruins you will see a fairy – follow her.

Precious chest near the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

 Precious chest near the Chizhang wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

The fairy itself will activate the Anemo totem, after which you can rise on the wind flow and fly after her.

Precious chest at the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

After flying above the ruins, use the power of the Adepts and the jump of the golden carp to escort the fairy.

 Precious chest near the Chizhang wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

In these same ruins, by the way, another riddle with an ancient city key is hidden, which we described in a separate guide.

The Third Fairy

The last ruins are in the northeast. Follow the road to reach them.

 Precious chest near the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

Precious chest near the wall of Chichzhan in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

Climb through the window and escort the fairy to the roof of the tower. Open the normal chest and use two golden carp jumps.

 Precious chest near the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

Precious chest near the wall of Chichzhan in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

 Precious chest near the Chizhang Wall in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

When you reach the angry simulacrum, release a water ball in the direction of the departed fairy. Once again use the power of the Adepts and fly to the fairy in the form of a carp, and then together get to the chest.

Precious chest near the wall of Chichzhan in Genshin Impact: where to find fairies

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When the last fairy reaches its destination, the precious chest will open and the puzzle will be solved. In the chest you will find 10 primogems, pestilence and other resources such as artifacts, books and power-up ores.

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