Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker


Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

In Honkai: Star Rail, Railboard 100 is a Patch 2.2 achievement that requires you to obtain the Robin's music records to unlock. You can do this by completing a small hidden quest on Penaconia, where you have to decide what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker – buy albums from him or report the dealer to the Hound. In this guide, we'll cover the consequences of each choice.

How to unlock the Railboard 100 achievement in Honkai: Star Rail

Where to find the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Most likely, access to this task opens only after completing the “In Our Time” storyline, but you can try to take on it earlier. Teleport to the Clock Square dimensional anchor on the second floor of the Golden Moment, and then go up the stairs, turn right, climb the steps ahead, and you will see an Upset Pepeshe Guest and a Lone Erudroid Guest on the flight of stairs.

< p>Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Listen to what these characters are talking about. You find out that they were unable to purchase Zaryanka's new album, Inside, because they sold out too quickly. Suddenly, a Mysterious Dream Seeker will contact you and offer to buy the record at an affordable price.

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Zarjanki's plates and what to do with Mysterious dream seeker

With the first answer, you can choose any dialogue options, and in the second, you can either ask him for the price or threaten him with Hounds. Next, we’ll look at both options, but let’s immediately note that in any case, you can get records and achievements.

Buy a new album from the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Choose the answer “… How much are you selling for? Will you give me a discount?” Next, you will be told that this illegal action requires one High Moral Praise. To get said ending, say “Why not? I’ll take it” and spend a piece of your conscience. To conduct the transaction, you will step aside.

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find the Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Hounds will suddenly appear and chase after the resellers, and you will be left with a bag containing 3 copies of Robin's album. You will again have a choice: take the albums for yourself or give them to the Hounds.

Take the albums for yourself

In this case, the Hounds will still catch you, but they will not imprison the fans, but will only offer them to buy the records at the price indicated on the site – you will have to pay them 68 thousand credits and part with another Praise of High Morals.

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find the Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Give the albums to the Hounds

The Guardians of the Family will express their gratitude to you and allow you to keep 1 record completely free of charge without any additional payment. We advise you to choose this option. Let’s add that in any case you will receive the tunes “Sway to My Beat in Cosmos” and “Hope Is the Thing With Feathers” as a reward, as well as 5 thousand credits and 2 condensed ether. Plus, you will unlock the Railboard 100 achievement.

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find the Robin's records and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

Tell the Mysterious Dream Seeker to the Hound

Immediately select the answer “I will report you to the Hound clan,” and this will end the conversation with the reseller. Turn around and approach the Hound clan man with blond hair. Tell him about the crime. Then approach the fans and reseller again. Choose any answers, since the criminal will still be detained.

Railboard 100 in Honkai Star Rail: where to find Zarjanki's plates and what to do with the Mysterious Dream Seeker

The Hounds will thank the Trailblazer and give him the album for free. All other rewards will remain the same. So this ending can be considered the best in this quest, because you won’t spend a penny and will still receive a reward.

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