One of the stages in the development of the fair in the “Alchemical Breakthrough” event in Genshin Impact will be work not only with the Mondstadt market, but also with other regions. In this guide, we will look at how to start working with sales representatives and choose the best strategy for selling the product.
Sales representatives in Alchemy Breakthrough
You will first encounter them upon reaching the 21st cycle as part of the third stage of the “Foreign Markets” event. They will be waiting for you on the podium next to Lisa's tea table.
As part of your cooperation with each of the representatives, you will need to provide them with potions that have a certain property, and then choose the best distribution strategies for the goods. Please note that each drug can be sold simultaneously both in a store at the fair and through a foreign dealer.
You can find representatives behind the counters near Lisa. After fulfilling all the conditions of cooperation, they will bring you a certain income at the beginning of each cycle. To get it, go to the desired merchant and collect your proceeds. At the same time, you will be able to provide new potions that meet the requirements of the current period. As for the distribution strategy, you should always check the same options.
Next we will look at what options are suitable for each of the sales representatives.
Sameru Sales Representative
You will meet Atefa as part of the mission “Foreign Markets”. A dialogue with her will begin automatically. After the conversation, you will be asked to check the potion request.
In our case, the merchant needed potions that had the effect of Vital Power. For this cycle, you probably have several suitable options. Note that here, just like at the beginning of trading, you cannot choose drugs that have exactly the same properties. If you don't have enough of these elixirs, you can see some useful recipes in the main event guide or in the special order guide.
As for the choice of strategy, in each cycle you will need to give preference to the “Academy Certification” and “Celebrity Advertising” options.
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Sales Representative Li Yue
To meet with a merchant from the Geo region, you will need to purchase a distribution agreement from Freda for 600 thousand funds. It will appear in stock after completing the mission “Foreign Markets”. Then you can approach the representative who appears behind the counter.
In our case, at the first meeting, De Yu required potions with the effect of Wisdom. Just like a Sumerian representative, he will not be able to take drugs with the same properties.
When choosing a strategy, the best options will be “Guarantee of Authenticity” and “Free sample delivery.”
These are all the sales representatives you can meet at the alchemy fair. Don’t forget to approach them every cycle to collect the proceeds and give them a new portion of drugs.