On some reservoirs in the Chenyu Valley, which received a release with update 4.4 in Genshin Impact, You may discover stone lotus flowers with shimmering golden cores – this is one of the local puzzles that you will need a special Adept skill to solve. Some of them are quite easy, while others require the use of additional game mechanics such as moving along koi fish beacons or activating push pedestals. Our guide will help you find all the puzzle locations and successfully solve each water lotus scene.
General map of water lotus puzzles
Puzzles with such stone water lilies can be found in 11 different places throughout the Chenyu map. Before starting your search, be sure to complete the “Jade Blessing” series of quests, during which all areas with riddles will open (for example, the coast of the island under the Chivan Terrace).
How to solve puzzles with stone lotuses
Before you set out to solve the puzzles, we advise you to start the starting quest “Sacred Mountains, Qiaoying Village” – completing it will allow you to understand the general mechanics of stone lotuses, since almost First you need to solve one of these puzzles.
You need to solve riddles with stone water lilies using a special Adept skill. This power allows you to:
- Capture (“T” key on PC) large water lily lanterns;
- Install (“E” key on PC) them in other places.
And as soon as you pick up the largest flower, the character himself becomes the source of a round field, within the radius of which small lotuses light up. Your task: to achieve the simultaneous activation of all small stone flowers.
If you remove the field from the activated flowers, you have a little time to light the rest (the lanterns will not go out immediately). You can speed up your movement through water pearls (beacons for flying in the shape of a koi fish) and statues of owls – they can place such beacons in the direction you need.
More details about the mechanics of this and other puzzles from the Chenyu Valley, read our special guide.
Who to take with your squad
For comfortable solving of puzzlesWe advise you to pay attention to the list of heroes who will, to one degree or another, simplify the clearing of scenes with lotuses on the water:
Character | Benefit to the squad |
Ayaka | Moving along the water surface/sprinting between distant parts of the puzzle. |
Albedo | Activating pressure plates/overcoming vertical distances. |
Al-Haytham | Quickly maneuver between distant parts of the puzzle using the E-shki.< /td> |
Furina | Long running on water. |
Geo Traveler | Activation of pressure surfaces from E-shki and ult. |
E Lan | Convenient sprint through E-shka. |
Itto | Hold activation of pressure plates with a skill. |
Ke Qing | Overcoming horizontal and vertical distances through the E-shka. |
Lynette | Movement speed between puzzle pieces from an elemental skill. |
Mona | Sprint on land and water. |
Sayu | Long-term increase in movement speed using the E-Shki. |
Wanderer | Flight mechanics that make it easier to quickly cover the distance between distant parts of the puzzle. |
Zhong Li | Long-lasting column with E-shki, allowing you to keep the pressure plates active for a long time. |
Ning Guang | The E-shki screen is capable of keeping the pressure plate active. |
Amber | Baron Bunny is also a heavy subject, suitable for pressure surfaces. |
As a result, you will greatly benefit from heroes who speed up movement, walk on water, and place heavy objects on pressure plates. Now let's look at each area with stone water lily puzzles separately.
Stone lotuses on the water 1
- Location: coast west of Xuanlian Mountain;
- Reward: rich chest.
Let's start from the southwest coast near Mount Xuanlian. Here you will find a stone platform with a large lantern floating on the water. Pick up the lotus with the Adept skill and climb onto the slab (the nearest flowers will light up in its area).
Standing on the platform, aim the resulting lotus between a pair of small flowers nearby. The pedestal will begin to move towards the shore, and with it all the small lotuses.
As soon as the slab stops, turn the camera towards the large flower remaining in the distance and take it back. All that remains is to go ashore, simultaneously lighting the last water lily.
Stone lotuses on the water 2
- Place: pond under Mount Xuanlian;
- Reward: rich chest.
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Next, let's go to the foot of Xuanlian Mountain: in the place we marked there is another puzzle with water lilies, next to which there is a statue of an owl. Before solving it, let's prepare a little:
- Pick up a stone flower in the middle of the pond;
- Enter the statue and place two beacons on the places with inactive water lilies to the left and right of the owl.
From there you can use any direction, but we started by moving to the lotuses to the left of the statue. As soon as two flowers at the place of movement light up, we quickly return back.
From the owl we fly to the right and light the lanterns, after which we can go back or repeat the entire movement if Some flowers have already died out. The reward for your efforts will also be a rich chest.
Stone lotuses on the water 3
- Location: strait to northeast of Xuanlian Mountain;
- Reward: rich chest.
Another small puzzle awaits on the opposite edge of the foot of Xuanlian (the nearest teleport is marked on the map above).< /p>
Go to the bridge and pick up the large water lily. Next, place it closer to the bridge so that all the inactive flowers on this side of the pond light up.
Then we go to the bridge and take the lantern back: it needs to be placed within a radius of two small lotuses in the water to the left of the chest. If you make it before the first group of water lilies goes out, the chest will be successfully unlocked.
Stone lotuses on the water 4
- Location: strait southwest of the Tea Tree slope;
- Reward: rich chest.
Let's move on: the strait to the west of the slope of the Tea Tree, in the area of which the start of the world quest “Wandering Abode” awaits you.
Choose the source of the activating field and place it between the nearest three flowers.
Quite far from the activated water lilies (by the water to the north) there are two more stone lilies: to light them, move away from the first three to the chest and grab the water lily with the field from afar.
Run to the remaining flowers – as soon as they fall within the radius of the field, your reward will be unlocked.
Stone lotuses on water 5
- Location: gorge with a waterfall in the east of the mountain on the Chizhang wall;
- Reward: precious chest.
The next puzzle area is to the west of the last place (before the entrance to the cave under the mountain above the Chizhang Wall, inside of which there is a small deposit of jades for leveling up Xian Yun).
The solution to this puzzle is similar to the one solved in the 2nd one: there is also an owl figurine with which you can install beacons to move in any place convenient for you. We select the largest water lily and enter the owl control mode. Place the floating pearls in two directions: left and right (you can use the screenshots above as a guide).
Then move between the pearls as quickly as possible: you need to have time to light all the lanterns. Movement pattern: owl → beacon 1 → owl → beacon 2. If you don’t have time to aim with the owl, try flying without its help (set the direction, while in flight, turn the camera towards the second pearl and be attracted to it).
Stone lotuses on the water 6
- Location: bay south of the Jade vent;
- Reward: rich chest.
The sixth place is located in the Jade vent area, but you can get there a little faster from the teleporter on the top of the nearest mountain. You don’t have to place anything here, just pick up the largest flower and quickly move with it between the two sides of the stream.
Having received an energy circle from the lotus, we fly up to the beacon, and from it in any direction. When the first group of flowers flashes, repeat the action in the opposite direction.
Stone lotuses on the water 7
- Location: southern coast at the foot of Mount Laixin;
- Reward: rich chest.
Before exploration, completion of the quest “Ancient Sacrifice of the Sacred Comet” is required “.
The seventh riddle awaits us off the coast in the south of the island under the Chivan Terrace.
Pick up a stone water lily so that the energy field is around the character, and then run up to the rest of the flowers in this order: first the one that stands alone, then to the pair opposite, and then to the two above the deep water in the nook.
If you do not have time to light the last two, then after activating the three previous lanterns, install the lotus using the skill Adept within the radius of the remaining ones.
Stone lotuses on the water 8
- Place: the foot of the waterfall on the Upper Chenyu Gorge;
- Reward: ordinary and precious chests.
Perhaps the largest puzzle with water lilies is located in the lowland under one of the waterfalls of the Upper Chenyu Gorge. Its solution has several stages and two rewards: an ordinary and a precious casket.
First, deal with a bunch of cryo slimes who are interested in the owl figurine. After the battle, pick up the figurine and place it on the shimmering emerald pedestal in front of the river with the Adept skill. Once in its place, the owl will give a chest, and a water lily with a field will swim up to us from the waterfall – you can immediately pick it up.
On the opposite bank there is a beacon for flying, and from it we can carry out the movement scheme (start you can in any direction, the main thing is that the field from the stone lotus is with you): beacon → place 1 → back to the beacon → place 2.
We still recommend starting from the waterfall on the left – this way you will most likely land on the ground (on the right you can get into the water, but by the time you get out, the lit lanterns will have time to go out).
Stone lotuses on the water 9
- Location: the northern bank of the river in front of the slope of the Tea Tree.
- Reward: a rich chest.
To begin solving the next puzzle, move to the Geo Archon statue in the east of Chenyu and run west to the place we marked (map above).
Here we need a character who can place heavy structures on pressure podiums (inactive flashlights will float closer) . Press the slab and take the stone lantern with the field that appears above the water.
Next you can follow the following solution scheme:
- Go to the stone flowers on the right and place a lantern between them;
- Run to the opposite bank and from there return the water lily to yourself;
- Install it between the other three lotuses so that they all light up (point to screenshot above);
- If two flowers have already gone out, return to them and repeat the trick with returning the lantern;
Everything will go smoothly if you act quickly and do not forget that the structures holding the slab may disappear .
Stone lotuses on the water 10
- Location: western path from Qiaoying settlement;
- Reward: rich chest.
The penultimate puzzle is required to be solved during the quest “Sacred Mountains, Qiaoying Village”. Just pick up a large stone lotus in the pond and place it closer to the center – the radius of the field will capture all inactive lanterns and unlock the restriction from the chest.
Stone lotuses on the water 11
- Location: waterfall southeast of Yilong port;
- Reward: rich chest.
Last destination: the middle part of the waterfall in front of Yilong Port. Tap on the travel point above the water stream and jump to the marked area.
Pick up the stone flower with the Adept skill and place it between the three lanterns in front of the locked chest. Next, look at the stone platform above the waterfall and use the same skill (the structure will begin to move).
Climb up the slab that has begun to move up to the last flower, and once near it, return the stone water lily with a round aura – and the last puzzle will be instantly solved.
< img class="aligncenter" src="/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/sceny-s-lotosami-na-vode-v-genshin-impact-gde-najti-i-kak-reshit-zagadki-7072015. webp" alt="Water lotus scenes in Genshin Impact: where to find and how to solve the riddles" />
These are all the water lotus scenes riddles in Chenyu Valley in Genshin Impace. We hope that our guide will help you find and solve them.