Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia) in Genshin Impact: How to Find and Defeat


Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia) in Genshin Impact: How to find and defeat

In Genshin Impact, Seki no Kami or Scaramuccia is a weekly boss that was added to the game with the release of Patch 3.2 and is available within the Dzeruri Workshop dungeon. It drops valuable exaltation materials such as puppet strings, a mushin mirror, and an empty bell.

In this guide, we will explain how to find and defeat this mechanical deity, examining in detail all of its attacks and movements, as well as indicating optimal commands and effective tactics for fighting him.

Where to find Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia)

To find this boss, you will need to unlock the Jeruri Workshop dungeon, complete the fifth chapter of the third volume of the main storyline called “Akasha's Pulse and Kalpa's Flame”. After that, you can challenge the former Harbinger of Fatui at any time, however, you can only collect a reward for defeating him once a week. Let's add that this boss is a little weaker in the quest than in the weekly battles.

Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia) in Genshin Impact: how to find and defeat

The passage to the dungeon will be demonstrated after the release of patch 3.2. Make sure you have 60 Elemental Resin before the battle (or 30 if it's one of the first three weekly boss battles this week), otherwise you won't be able to get the reward later.

Characteristics of Seki no Kami

Even in the initial form, Scaramuccia has a 50% resistance to Electro damage, and in the second form it even rises to 90%, so we strongly do not recommend taking Electro heroes into the squad. The boss is equally resistant to all other damage types.

Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia) in Genshin Impact: how to find and defeat

Seki no Kami (Skaramuchcha) in Genshin Impact: how to find and win

As for the main characteristics, the Seki no Kami has a large amount of health points and a fairly high attack power. At the second stage, his HP decreases slightly, while his ATK, on ​​the contrary, increases. In addition, he is capable of delivering some fairly powerful area-of-effect attacks, so he is definitely not a light opponent.

The full stats for this false deity (in two forms) can be seen in the images below (2P, 3P, and 4P show the stats when playing co-op).

Seki no Kami (Skaramuccia) in Genshin Impact: how to find and win

Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia) in Genshin Impact: How to Find and Defeat

Information to be released after Update 3.2 is released…

Seki no Kami attacks and moves

Information to be released after Update 3.2 is released…

< h2>How to defeat Seki no Kami

Information will be available after Update 3.2 is released…

Rewards for defeating Seki no Kami

You can only receive a reward from Scaramucci once a week. In addition to pestilence, friendship points and adventures, you can get valuable materials required for the elevation of some characters. The higher the level of the boss, the better the reward will be. See the full list of items below:

  • Vajrad Amethyst, Vayud Turquoise, and Varunada Lapis Lazuli Shard (Level 0+)
  • Vajrad Amethyst, Vayud Turquoise, and Varunada Lapis Lazuli Fragment (Level 40+) )
  • Vajrad Amethyst, Vayud Turquoise, and Varunada Lapis Lazuli (Level 60+)
  • Vajrad Precious Amethyst, Vayud Turquoise, and Varunada Lapis Lazuli (Level 75+)
  • Dream Dissolver – allows you to convert rare materials.
  • Puppet Strings (level 70+) – required for leveling Nahida's talents.
  • Mushin Mirror (level 70+) – required for leveling Layla's talents .
  • Empty Bell (Level 70+)
  • Made of the Midlands One-Handed Sword (Level 0+)
  • Made of the Midlands Two-Handed Sword (Level 0+)< /li>
  • Cooking the Midlands Spear (level 0+)
  • Cooking the Midlands Bow (level 0+)
  • Cooking the Midlands Catalyst (level 0+)

Among other things, this boss drops various sets of artifacts, namely:

  • Berserker (3-4 stars)
  • Instructor (3 -4 Stars)
  • Exile (3-4 Stars)
  • Gladiator's End (4-5 Stars)
  • Traveling Ensemble (4-5 Stars)

We hope our guide will help you find and defeat Seki no Kami (Scaramuccia) in Genshin Impact by learning about all of his attacks and having prepared the optimal team for the battle with the god of mechanics.

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