Talking to Animals in Baldur's Gate 3: All Ways to Communicate


Talking with Animals in Baldur's Gate 3: All Methods of Communication

In Baldur's Gate 3, talking with animals is a unique ability with which the hero will be able to communicate with various animals. Such dialogues will not only help you pass the time in a fun way, but also help you gain valuable information or even a new quest. In this guide, we will tell you about all the ways to talk to animals.

How to talk to animals in Baldur's Gate 3

There are several methods of communicating with animals that almost every character can use, so you are unlikely to have a situation where it is impossible to dialogue with a furry friend with proper preparation.

Note: If the cut-scene with the beast began suddenly, and you did not have time to prepare for a conversation with him, then you should not rush and immediately load the last save – perhaps you can help the animal by passing the Test for Training, Performance or Survival.

Spell Conversation with Animals

We are talking about ritual spells of the 1st circle, which, when activated, will last until a long rest is taken. With it you can talk with any animal in the game world. You can get it using several methods. The simplest is to choose a class that can learn it:

  • Pathfinder – you can open it at level 2.
  • Druid – you can choose it already at the character creation stage .
  • Bard – you can select him already at the character creation stage.
  • Paladin (subclass “Oath of the Ancients”) – you can open him at level 3.
  • Barbarian (subclass “Wildheart” ) – you can open it at level 3.
  • Priest (subclass “Domain of Nature”) – you can select it already at the character creation stage.
  • Sorcerer – you can select “Beast Speech” ” in Eldritch Invocations at 2nd level, which functions the same as Talk with Animals, but does not consume a spell slot.

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

If you chose another class, when you reach 4th level, you can select the Arcane Initiate: Bard or Arcane Initiate: Druid trait to learn Talk to Animals from the spell list. However, we still do not recommend doing this, because choosing traits is an important part when building your build and should not be spent so thoughtlessly, especially considering that there are other ways to communicate with animals.

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

You can simply take a companion into your squad who already knows how to communicate with our smaller brothers. Such a companion, for example, is Will, who can be found almost at the very beginning of the game and added to your team. He will immediately become level 2, and when leveling him up you will be able to choose “Animal Speech”, since this hero is a Sorcerer.

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

You can also use the multi-class system and, during character development, choose any of the above as the second class, and then learn the necessary spell. Plus, you can simply find the corresponding scroll while exploring the game world (although this method is less reliable).

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

We add that if you choose the Forest Dwarf subrace, you will immediately receive the necessary enchantments. So it makes sense to start the game as this secretive little guy and animal lover.

Potion of Communication with Animals

If you don't want to bother with classes, and also spend experience points and cells on learning a spell that you may use only a few times in the entire game, then we advise you to simply stock up on potions of communication with animals, which act exactly the same as the spell .

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

You can simply purchase it from various merchants. For example, in the first chapter, it is sold in a single copy by Arron, who can be found in the Emerald Grove. Then simply use a long rest to renew its stock.

How to create a potion of communication with animals

If you don't want to wait a long time to update the goods, then you can try creating the elixir yourself. To do this you will need two ingredients:

  • Acorn Truffle Essence – crafted from acorn truffles, which again can be purchased from Arron and Aunt Ethel.
  • Any salt – Wormwood salt will do, which is crafted from the appropriate herb (grows in almost all places; can be bought from Ethel ).

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Having the necessary materials in hand, press the “H” key to open the alchemy window. Then expand the “Potions” section and find the required elixir (the recipe will open automatically if the necessary ingredients are available). Craft it by spending the indicated resources.

Transformation into an animal

Not a very convenient way, since to communicate with animals in this case you need to take the form of the animal you want to talk to, that is, if you want to talk with a cat, you will need to turn into a cat, with a dog – into a dog, and so on.< /p>

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

To transform, you must use the “Battle Wild Shape” ability that the druid has. You can turn into a cat, bear, spider, wolf, badger and so on. Note that some of your companions have a similar skill: Halsin and Jaheira.

Why you need to talk to animals in Baldur's Gate 3

As we noted above, some animals may have useful information about the characters or locations you need. In addition, conversations with some animals are quite funny, so they help to dilute the gloomy atmosphere of the game.

Conversation with animals in Baldur's Gate 3: all methods of communication

Some conversations also open access to secondary missions with good rewards (chat with the squirrel Twig in the Emerald Grove and with the Strange Ox) or allow you to have pets, for example, a bear cub. So we advise you to communicate with animals whenever possible.

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