The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: How to fix an ATM


Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

In Honkai: Star Rail, Wolf of Glaux Avenue is a secret achievement of patch 2.0, to unlock which you need to know why The money thrower is broken. To do this, you will need to find an abandoned ATM and try to fix it. In this guide we will tell you where you can find the device and how to repair it.

How to unlock the achievement “The Wolf of Glux Avenue”

Where is the broken money launcher

Teleport to the Oti Mall anchor located on the 2nd level of the Golden Flash, and then turn right, go up the stairs and go to the end of the corridor. Here in the corner you will find a money thrower that should be examined.

 The Wolf of Glauksa Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

How to fix an abandoned ATM

When you first interact with the machine, you will try to withdraw money, but you will not succeed, since the device turns out to be broken. Click on it again, and then select one of the possible answer options. Next, we will analyze each of them separately.

The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

Important: Regardless of your choice, you will unlock the achievement and also receive the “Hour Credits” sticker, adventure log x1, Aiden tokens and 3 thousand credits.

Knock gently

You shake the machine and 200 credits reluctantly fall out. Inspect it again to find out that your actions only worsened the operation of the ATM. Next, put some bills in it to get a standard reward. Be sure to interact with the device again to receive the “Money Thrower” sticker.

The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

Kick as hard as you can

In this case, you will be able to put the car into working condition for a short time and take 2 thousand credits from it. However, then it will fail again. Next, put a few bills in it to get a standard reward.

The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

Hit with a baseball bat

You will only damage the body of the money thrower without receiving a single credit from it. Next, put a few bills in it to get a standard reward.

The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

Try to fix the ATM

You take the ATM apart to try to repair it yourself. However, you will end up with extra parts, so you will receive Rusty Gears x5. Next, put a few bills into the machine to receive a standard reward.

The Wolf of Glaux Avenue in Honkai Star Rail: how to fix an ATM

Let's add what a trophy discovery from our section memories you will receive exactly 5 star jades.

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