Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Improve Relationships


Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Enhance Relationships

In ZZZ (Zenless Zone Zero) relations with the epic agent Sokaku can be developed within the trust system. If you are one of the players who have unwound this good-natured óni from Section 6 onto your account, then you can get many valuable rewards for leveling up your friendship with her: polychromes, live wallpapers, the achievement “Trusting Heart” and the title “Demon's Mealmate“.

Read in our guide how to increase your trust level with Sokaku, answer correctly in all encounters and collect trophies from the “Joint Walk” section.

How to level up all trust levels with Sokaku in ZZZ

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Upgrade Relationships

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Upgrade Relationships

You can start upgrading your friendship with the óni girl after fulfilling the following requirements:

  • Get an agent Sokaku to your account;
  • Complete the entire chain of orders in the 5th story chapter “And then the shooting stars came.”

Trust level with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up relations

With the release of version 1.4, players have more ways to pump up trust with knocked out agents:

  • Using invitations in Tuk-Tuk contacts;
  • Through random meetings;
  • Using the “Joint Walk” function.

Next, we will examine in detail what events await during the increase of friendship with Sokaku, how to respond in dialogues to receive trust bonuses and collect all the rewards from the “Joint Walk” tab.

Invitations to Tuk-Tuk

Trust level with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up relations

In order to schedule a conversation with any agent once per real day, you have 3 invitations(You can't invite the same character at a time). All the contacts of the heroes with whom you can develop friendship are in the messenger tab (quick access on the English key “Q”). To avoid searching for Sokaku's contact for a long time, mark it with an asterisk to the right of the “Invite” text – such chats are always at the top of the list.

By inviting Sokaku via chat, you will be able to attend the following meetings:

ChatMeeting PlaceAnswers
Are you here?/Sokaku, are you hungry?Hotpot at Lumina Square“Let's have a mild hotpot” – double up (++)
“Soup Falls” on Sixth Street

“Let's have the same noodles” – double up (++)

What are you doing, Sokaku?Section 6 OfficeEither of the two options in the second answer gives (+)
Lumina CinemaAny choice of film gives (++)

In one such meeting, with the right choice of answers, you will fill up to half of the emoticon indicating the current level of friendship (progress is visible in the chat and in the “Partners' Dossier” tab). And using all the methods, You can develop friendship to the maximum in 1-2 days.

Trust level with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to improve your relationship

As you progress in your relationship with Sokaku, you are guaranteed to participate in the story encounters described in the table below:


Trust level with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship


«Inedible and edible»20 polychromes, 5 thousand denni, 3 B-rank freezing chips.

Level of trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship


“No money” – watching the film “Reed's Guide”Sokaku can be appointed as a promoter at a video rental store.

Trust level with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship


«Unfussy taste»30 polychromes, buff for the Zero Caverna «Training before meals», 10 thousand denni.

Level of trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship


“No more nightmares”30 polychromes, live wallpaper with Sokaku, 15 thousand denni.

During such events, it is impossible to spoil the relationship with the agent (among the answers there are no those that increase or decrease the progress of trust).

When the agent has a full smiley for the current stage, wait for one of the quests listed above, and only then continue developing friendship. Until the level is advanced to the next level, all points earned will not be counted.

A Walk with Sokaku: How to Collect All the Rewards

The Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Enhance the Relationship

The Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Enhance the Relationship

The Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to pump up relations

Mode «“Joined Walk” is not tied to chat invitations and can be launched an unlimited number of times. Go to the chat with Sokaku and click on the corresponding button to get to a separate menu. It shows live wallpapers, at the bottom there is an icon with rewards and the action “Spend time” – click and choose a meeting place (the recommended one is marked with a quest mark). During a walk in the place suggested by the game, you will encounter the following events:

  • Wish Events (short story dialogues without answer options);
  • Entertainment Events (an agent will notice them during a walk around the location);
  • Godfingers Games (joint gaming in the arcade on Sixth Street).

Please note that walks are available with all agents whose friendship level is not lower than Sympathy. Special events in them can only be launched through the “Spend Time” tab.

All Sokaku's wish events have the same reward: 150 Internet Points, 10 Polychromes, 10 thousand Denni, 2 B-Rank Freeze Chips.

Wish Event: Uncrowned Glutton

  • Location: Sixth Street (“Soup Falls”);

Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Pump Up Relationships

Wish Event: The Secret of Seventy Percent Sweetness

  • Location: Lumina Square (Tea Shop);

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Boost Relationships

Wish Event: More Fun Together

  • Location: Lumina Square (Shop 141);

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Enhance Relationships

Wish Event: Life on the Bypass

  • Location: Blazewood (lift);

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Enhance Relationships

Wish Event: Reed Tour for Sokaku

  • Location: Gemini Ballet District (monument);

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Pump Up Relationships

All Entertainment Events

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Pump Up Relationships

Level of trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship

Entertainment events are specific places in the location, approaching which the agent will stop and say a short line, and before that an exclamation mark will appear above his head. When you are close, Sokaku's comment will flash in the upper left corner of the screen: “it seems there is something interesting nearby…“.

Look for these points of interest in Lumina Square, Sixth Street, Blazewood, and the Ballet Twins:

LocationEvent Area
Sixth StreetKiosk 141, The Bard's Needle.
Lumina SquareAIC building, pharmacy to the left of Meowchel, “Soup Waterfall”, posters near the cinema, cubic installation opposite the newsstand.
BlazewoodObservation deck to the right of the lift (top), cactus with a swing (bottom).
Ballet Twins DistrictArea behind the statue on the embankment.

If you can't activate all the events in one walk, come back to them another time. To get the reward, you need to find any 5 entertainment events, for which you will receive: 22.5k Denny, 6 B-Rank Magazines, and 3 B-Rank Power Sources.

Play Godfingers with Sokaku

Trust Level with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Boost Your Relationship

Walking with a companion along Sixth Street, be sure to check out the Godfingers slot machines. Have played 2 times in any co-op mode, you will unlock a small reward of 10 thousand denni.

All random encounters

Level of trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship

Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Upgrade Your Relationship

Level of Trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: How to Upgrade Your Relationship

Random encounters with Sokaku can happen at any time of the day, except at night. To find out where the girl is now, open the map and look at the tabs Sixth Street, Lumina Square or Porta Elpis– if there is a mini-portrait of the agent below, then you can meet him. In the table below, we have listed all possible topics for conversation and answer options that increase relations with Sokaku:

PlaceTopic of conversationTrust points
Sixth streetCat at the “Bard's Needle”Only the second answer “Are you scared?” gives +
Shopping at Minimarket 141The answers “He is the one” and “I will ask for you” give +
Lumina SquarePreparatory courses at the galleryOnly the sixth answer “I can teach you to read” gives +
Fans at the “Soup Falls”Only the seventh answer “I like you, Sokaku…” gives +
Conversation with the banbu at the parking lotOnly the seventh answer “I admire you too, Sokaku” gives +
Port ElpisFrench friesOnly the choice in the fifth answer “…with your appetite you will eat everything anyway…” gives +

In random encounters with Sokaku there are no negative forks, but most dialogues are long and have only one answer with bonuses.

Even if you have talked to Sokaku and received points, go to the time of day change mode (English key “T”) and rewind to a new day – the meeting may appear again, and the number of such rewinds is quite high.

All rewards for maximum trust with Sokaku

Level of trust with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship

Trust level with Sokaku in ZZZ: how to pump up the relationship

In addition to the rewards for advancing the trust level and those given in the joint walk mode, maximum friendship with Sokaku opens access to live wallpapers and the achievement “Trusting heart” – for receiving it they give 5 polychromes and the title “Demon's dinner companion“, which can be put on the profile.

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