Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: shooting gallery -list of the best heroes

In Wuthering Waves, the characters have significant differences among themselves, with some of them being able to perform their basic functions more effectively than others. For this reason, we decided to prepare a hero tier list that will help you choose the best fighters for your team and save astrites.

Criteria for choosing the best characters in Wuthering Waves

All heroes, depending on their effectiveness, can be divided into several ranks (classes). The evaluation is mainly based on demonstrating their capabilities in the end-game mode called Tower of Adversity.

The tower consists of several floors where players need to fight various opponents. Combinations of enemies change regularly, and at the same time, rewards are updated, so clearing it is one of the main sources of premium currency and rare materials. So it is extremely important to keep with you heroes with whom it will be easier to clear these levels.

In general, the ranking of the best characters was built according to the following rules:

  • The tier list is based on on long-term testing of hero mechanics within the framework of CBT3 and partially tested using data from the current update. In the future, it will most likely be improved, as some aspects of the game have been changed.
  • The assessment begins with selecting the optimal team composition for the character – taking into account the role and importance of the hero in different positions and the overall strength of the squad with him. As in the case of Genshin Impact, you should not immediately combine SS-class heroes with each other, since they may well not be combined with each other. We encourage you to view our command guide for more information on forming effective packs.
  • For the analysis, we took characters without open Resonance Chains, that is, S0, with the exception of Rovers. In terms of equipment, each hero uses the best 4-star weapon for him without “awakening” (R1).
  • The fighter is assumed to be used in a team with the best rotation to maximize  his energy regeneration, rather than relying on based on filling the full scale of energy with him alone.
  • Damage calculations are usually made on single targets or training dummies. If we take into account battles with many opponents, then Jiyan's rating will immediately increase, and Chixia's, on the contrary, will decrease.

Tier list of characters in Wuthering Waves

< p>We have conditionally divided all the characters into several ranks (classes), reflecting their overall effectiveness on the battlefield:

  • SS rank: powerful and versatile characters that will benefit almost any squad. Extremely productive when it comes to recharging energy.
  • S rank: slightly inferior to the previous options, both in terms of utility and energy recharge, but are still an excellent addition to any team.
  • A rank: average characters in all respects, with a couple of unpleasant flaws, from -why they may have restrictions when forming squads.
  • B rank: this includes fighters with insufficiently high characteristics or imperfect mechanics. They can show themselves well with proper leveling and proper team selection.
  • C rank: characters who demonstrate viability only in certain situations and the right build.

Note: SS rank heroes are of course good, but should not be considered that they are several times stronger than characters of lower rank. Therefore, you should not constantly chase after them, considering everyone else useless. You can easily create an excellent team with only one S-rank hero or a couple of A-rank fighters.


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes



Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

Rover Havok

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes



Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


< p>Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


 Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes



 Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

Rover Spectro

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes



Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


< p>Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes


SS rank characters


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Element: Electro

An excellent sub-detailer with a focus on support, with a double Outro Skill buff, which allows her to combine well with damage dealers who play through Resonance Liberation or dealing Electro damage. Playing as Yin Lin is relatively easy thanks to the ability to cancel the Resonance Skill animation by dashing.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

This heroine is limited by her role, as her multipliers are not impressive. Even if the Resonance Chain is fully opened, its effectiveness as a damage dealer will be inferior to zero Jiyan.


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Element: Spectro

An excellent support that effectively heals allies. In addition, he can increase the attack power of the entire party, protect a team member from lethal damage (although the cooldown of this ability is 10 minutes), and increase damage of all types by 15% using his external skill.

Wuthering Waves characters: shooting gallery -list of the best heroes

Her abilities are mainly scaled by attack power, which is why her survivability suffers greatly. For this reason, you will have to be sure to give Verina an echo that can reduce the damage coming to her.

S rank characters


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Broadblade
  • Element: Aero

An excellent damage dealer who becomes an incredibly powerful fighter in Qinglong mode. Best suited for fighting multiple targets due to its huge AoE damage. His combinations are quite easy to understand and master.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

However, you will have to pay special attention to Energy Restoration, otherwise you will not be able to maintain the Qinglong mode on a constant basis. Without it, his damage will begin to sag. In addition, he does not perform well against single bosses, so in such battles he is not much superior to S-rank damage dealers.


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Broadblade
  • Element: Electro

A strong damage dealer that, when properly upgraded and used, can deal a huge amount of damage. The gameplay is combo oriented and therefore provides a variety of attack options. The external skill deals damage even outside the field.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

Beginners may have problems mastering this hero. Plus, if you time your combo incorrectly, you'll lose a ton of damage.

Rover Havok  

  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapons : Sword
  • Element: Havoc

A good damage dealer that requires less materials to level up, since it inherits the level of Rover (Spectro). While in Dark Surge, you will be able to skip segments with basic attacks that have low multipliers by using Dash, Resonance, or Resonance Release. At maximum level, his overall multiplier is slightly higher than that of Calciaro and Jiyan.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

It takes quite a long time to complete one cycle in Dark Wave mode and can be easily interrupted by heavy bosses. Rover's Resonance Chain (Havok) provides relatively little benefit, with the exception of S4.


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Converter (Rectifier)
  • Element: Fusion

Enkor is a relatively simple and easy-to-use damage dealer, capable of inflicting considerable Fusion damage to nearby enemies. Its combinations are easy to learn, so it is suitable even for beginners.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

As for the disadvantages, when activating the ult you will need to be on the battlefield and not far from the enemy. For this reason, bosses may well one-shot it (however, players have noticed that after using the ultimate, you can immediately switch to another character – the ability will still work, and you will not be allowed to deal damage to Encore). Her external skill is quite unreliable, especially when fighting very mobile opponents.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • Weapon: Sword ( Sword)
  • Element: Glacio

Good sub-damage, capable of enhancing basic attacks, which can be very useful for teams in which such attacks are the main one source of damage. Plus, she can independently deal a lot of Glacio damage to enemies.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

But its mechanics are very difficult to use. Players need to constantly monitor the course, which will quickly move while the heroine performs a heavy attack explosion. You will also have to create ice structures and explode them near your opponents – mobile mobs can easily avoid such explosions.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Element: Glacio

A good support with many abilities for healing allies. The External Skill increases any type of damage for the next character, and after unlocking her first Inherent Skill, she can also provide an additional bonus to attack power using the Euphonia mechanic.

Wuthering Waves characters: tier list of the best heroes

After unlocking S5, Baizhi will be able to revive a defeated ally and restore his health to 100%. You can get it completely free at the very beginning of the game and use it in any team. The only disadvantage of the heroine is that she is worse than Verina in almost every way, since her buffs do not affect all members of the squad.

A rank characters


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Gauntlet
  • Element: Glacio

A good damage dealer that can deal quite a lot of ice damage, but only with the right assembly. Able to use his resonance skill almost constantly and automatically dodge attacks while in the Striding Lion state.

However, he has a big disadvantage – his health and defense values ​​​​are lower than most other 5-star heroes, so he often has problems with survivability. Plus, its effectiveness largely depends on the skill of the player himself, which may not be suitable for beginners.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • Weapon: Pistol
  • Element: Fusion

A good sub-DD with a support bias that provides a powerful damage buff for damage dealers playing through heavy attacks. Can provide additional damage through Coordinated Attacks. Becomes much stronger after unlocking the entire Resonance Chain, so with S6 it is quite possible to transfer it to S-Rank.

You will have to pay special attention to the Energy Recovery parameter so that you can regularly use Mortefi's Resonance Release. The cooldown time of the ult is very long – this drawback can only be mitigated by opening resonance chains.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • Weapon: Sword
  • Element: Havoc

A good secondary damage dealer, capable of dealing a lot of damage for a 4-star character. She can heal herself on her own. Danjin can become a support for main damage dealers dealing Havok. Becomes noticeably stronger when the Resonance Chain is fully unlocked.

But when using the resonance skill, she spends her own health every time, so, despite the regeneration, she may still need a good healer or Echo in her squad to restore HP. Plus, its overall damage greatly depends on the skill of the player himself.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • Weapon: Pistol
  • Element: Fusion

Chihia is a very simple and easy to use sub-damage, capable of dealing good Fusion damage to enemies. Her combos are easy to master, making her a good choice for beginners. This heroine is best used when fighting large groups of opponents. It also boasts high mobility.

Chihia's Resonance Release doesn't work well against bosses. It has low survivability, so you will have to either constantly move around the battlefield or dodge attacks in time. Her individual attacks do not do much damage – this is compensated by the high rate of fire, but to maximize the damage you will have to stay on the battlefield for a long time. Unable to use a Forte Skill without Resonance Skill charges.

B-Rank Characters


  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Gauntlet
  • Element: Aero

Thanks to her resonance release, Jian Xin is able to group mobs in one place, making them easier to destroy. Turns into a good tank after activating Forte Circuit. The resonance skill can practically prevent an enemy from attacking.

However, as a damage dealer she does not perform as well as she would like. First, she has low base attack power compared to other 5-star characters. Secondly, it lacks any built-in Aero Damage boosts. For this reason, she is not able to independently inflict great damage on enemies.

Rover Spectro

  • Rarity: 5 stars
  • Weapon: Sword ( Sword
  • Element: Spectro

Easy to use and his combos are easy to master. At the beginning of the playthrough, he can play the role of a main DD, dealing a lot of Spectro damage, and in the middle and late game he can be transferred to the position of a sub-DD.

An external skill allows you to cause stasis for crowd control, and you can use the Resonance Chain unlocked by simply progressing through the main story. Overall, he is a good damage dealer for the early game, which is best later transferred to Havoc damage.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • < li>Weapon: Sword

  • Element: Aero

At this point in time, he is the only character in the game who can restore energy using his external skill, so he combines perfectly with a main DD who relies on his ultimate. In a team, she can perform sub-DD, since she does not need to be on the battlefield often, but at the same time she can deal good damage.

Using her ultimate, she can group opponents, helping the main DD to quickly deal with large groups of enemies. You will receive it completely free at the very beginning of the game.

However, closer to the middle of the game, she will begin to be less and less useful compared to other characters, especially if you do not open her Resonance Chain. The fact is that at S0 she has no abilities at all that increase the damage of the squad, so you will have to use the Echo kit, which is focused on support. Only with S6 will she be able to increase the ATK of her allies after using an air attack and receiving 3 melodies (her Forte mechanics).


  • Rarity: 4 stars< /li>
  • Weapon: Broadblade
  • Element: Havoc

A good support, whose stone shield will increase the survivability of your squad. Able to enhance the damage from the resonance skill using her external skill. This is where its advantages end.

It’s definitely not possible to use her as a sub-damage due to the extremely poor damage figures. The base hit multiplier depends on attack power, and the remaining abilities depend on defense. Of course, you will be maximizing the second stat, so using Taoqi for attack is not recommended.

Rank C characters


  • Rarity : 4 stars
  • Weapon: Gauntlet
  • Element: Electro

A secondary damage dealer who can reduce the vibration strength of enemies when using his external skill or while in the Lighting Infused state. Shows itself well when fighting elite enemies or bosses. The thunder wedge summoned by his resonance skill remains on the field even when the hero goes into the pocket and delivers coordinated attacks. You can get this character absolutely free when completing the Tower of Adversity.

But with the exception of Anti-Interruption at S0, he does not have any abilities that would increase the overall damage of the team. Only at S6 does his Thunder Blade begin to increase the defense of the active hero. In addition, the area of ​​effect of this wedge is relatively small, considering how many mobile enemies there are in the game.


  • Rarity: 4 stars
  • < li>Weapon: Pistol

  • Element: Aero

Aalto is a good sub-damage dealer with a focus on support, which is great for strengthening damage dealers, causing Aero damage. Can use taunt to attract enemies and deal a decent amount of damage to them on the field.

However, his resonance release requires a huge amount of energy. The character's gameplay is a bit limited, as it only requires the player to attack through a gate.

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