AtomTeam’s first creation practically follows the RPG classics of Fallout and Baldur’s Gate in every way, including the high level of difficulty. Not all modern players can withstand the rigors of the Russian wasteland. In addition, sometimes in the game, there are unpleasant bugs that do not allow getting the desired quest item. Fortunately, all of these problems can be solved with a few keystrokes & with ATOM RPG Cheats.
To do this, you only need to use Atom RPG cheats, codes and console commands. With them, you can either make yourself a real virtual god or just add a couple of bullets that are not enough to kill an annoying enemy.
How to activate the console in Atom RPG
The first thing you need to include a window with the console, where you actually enter all the commands. To do this, press the “0” and “*” keys in the Numpad section of the keyboard, that is, where the “NumLock” key is located.

A new command window will appear. Immediately type into it “youshallnotpass!” or “youshallnotpass” (without the quotes). The word “command not found” may appear, but the console will still be unlocked. Now you can safely enter any codes.
Basic cheats in Atom RPG
- radiation [n] – sets the level of radiation poisoning by n units (“0” completely removes radiation poisoning).
- hunger [n] – sets the level of hunger by n units.
- toxic [n] – sets the level of toxins by n units.
- AP [n] – sets the number of action points by n-units (useful in combat).
- KillAll – allows to kill all creatures on the map.
- AddXP [n] – adds a character experience points in the amount of n-units.
- AddLevel [n] – increases the character’s level by n units.
- Teleport – allows you to instantly teleport to the place where the mouse cursor points.
- Help – all console commands available in the game will appear on the screen.
- UnlockCraft – allows you to learn all of the in-game crafting recipes.
- UnlockMap – allows you to open the whole map (you will see the location of all the main objects on the global map).
- Pobeda – allows you to get the use of Soviet car GAZ (can only be used outside of settlements).
- addfuel [n] – adds fuel to the car’s tank.
- Hero – allows you to create a perfect character with maximally boosted characteristics and skills.
- AddItem [x] [n] – adds the selected item to the character’s inventory (more details below).
- Items – allows you to see a list of all items in the game.
How to add items to your inventory
Thanks to the console commands, you can equip your character with almost any item available in the game, from consumables to weapons. To do this you need to write in the console the following phrase:
AddItem [x] [n] – instead of “x” you need to write the ID (identification number) of the desired item, and instead of “n” – the desired amount.
Let’s say you need two AK-47 assault rifles. In this case, write: AddItem [AK47] [2] and press “Enter”. After that, the necessary weapons will appear in your backpack. Below we will indicate the names of all items.
List of all Atom RPG item IDs
- 10mm_AP – adds 10mm ammo to inventory
- 10mm_JHP – adds 10mm ammo to inventory
- 12_AP – adds 12 cal. (Jacan)
- 12_JHP – adds 12 cal. (Buckshot)
- 14_5mm_AP – adds 14.5mm ammo to inventory
- 14_5mm_JHP – adds 14.5mm ammo to inventory
- 307cal_AP – adds .30 caliber (AP) ammo to inventory
- 307cal_JHP – adds .30 caliber ammo to inventory
- 356cal_AP – adds 939 mm ammo to inventory (SP-6) 356cal_JHP – adds 939mm ammo to inventory (SP-5)
- 5_45mm_AP – adds 5.45mm ammo to inventory (BP)
- 5_45mm_JHP – adds 5.45mm ammo to inventory
- 6_49mm_AP
- 6_49mm_JHP
- 7_62mm_AP
- 7_62mm_JHP
- 7mm_54R
- 7mm_54R_AP
- 9mm_AP
- 9mm_JHP
- Bolt – adds a bolt to the inventory
- Bolt_AP – adds a metallic bolt to your inventory
- Fuel – adds gasoline to inventory
- PB – adds pellets to inventory
Consumables and quest items
- AmanitaEat
- Antidote
- AntidoteZina
- AntiJet
- Apple
- Beer
- Beetroot
- Biscuit
- Bottle_Water2
- Bottle_Watter
- Brandy
- BSF12
- Cabbage
- Cake
- Can_Milk
- Carrot
- Cheese
- Ciggy
- Cologne
- Corned_Fish
- Corned_Meat
- Craft_Antidote
- Craft_Heal
- DiselOil
- Fish.Gorbach
- Fish.Korushka
- Fish.Som
- Flask_Watter
- Ganja_Ciggy
- Glitches
- Gorilka
- JetVirus
- Kasparamid
- Maybe
- Meat
- MedKit
- Mildronat
- Milk
- Milk_2
- Moment
- Moonshine
- Morphine
- Onion
- Petrol
- Portwine
- RadX
- Razsol
- RedMoscow
- Samozelye
- Shashlik
- Stew
- StimFEN1
- StimFEN2
- Taren
- Vodka
- AlarmClock
- Amanita
- AntGland
- Battary
- BitCoin
- Bottle_Empty
- Bottle_Empty2
- Bumf
- BunchKeys
- Cards
- CBunker.Balon
- CBunker_C1
- CBunker_C2
- CBunker_C3
- Chip
- Coffe
- Condon
- Corn
- Cup_Glass
- Dice
- Dog_Collar
- EasterEgg
- Extinguisher
- FishingRod
- Flask_Empty
- Fork
- Fotoramka
- Ganja
- Geiger
- Gun_Powder
- Harbor_Ticket
- Herbal
- JadeSt
- Kaseta1
- Kaseta2
- Kaseta3
- Lab.Prison.Check
- LockPicks – picklocks
- loto
- Lupa
- Makuha
- Medal
- Money – money
- Nails
- NutCracker.Sword
- NutGold
- OldShoe
- Porn
- PortableRadio
- Potato
- Quest.BanditHead
- Quest.Books
- Quest.Busstop4.Pass
- Quest.Busstop4.Ring
- Quest.Carb
- Quest.Check.Kate
- Quest.Check.Tolken
- Quest.Cult
- Quest.DeadCity.Key
- Quest.Decoder
- Quest.Drug
- Quest.Factory.Pass
- Quest.Factory.Ring
- Quest.GhostEye
- Quest.Karpov
- Quest.Pkg
- Quest.Ruins.Locker.Key
- Quest.Starter
- Quest.Tolken
- Quest_Brassiere
- Quest_Jewel
- Quest_SickEar
- RabbitFur
- RedKey
- Rojo_full
- Rojo_part
- Rope
- Rubber
- Scanner
- SeedCorn
- Shovel
- Soap
- Solt
- SpiderBrain
- SpiderLymph
- Spoon
- Stew_Empty
- Sunglasses
- Tape
- Tea
- Tobacco
- ToolBox
- Totem
- WaspFeet
- Wastemetal
- Wastepaper
- WaterChip
- Whetstone
- WhiteKey
- WildClaw
- Wires
- Wood
- Book_1
- Book_2
- Book_3
- Book_4
- Book_5
- Book_6
- Book_7
- Book_VonJunz
- Bravo_Memo
- BusStop_2
- CanyonBunkerMap
- CBunker.Tobik
- CBunker_Memo_1
- CBunker_Memo_10
- CBunker_Memo_11
- CBunker_Memo_12
- CBunker_Memo_13
- CBunker_Memo_14
- CBunker_Memo_15
- CBunker_Memo_16
- CBunker_Memo_17
- CBunker_Memo_2
- CBunker_Memo_3
- CBunker_Memo_4
- CBunker_Memo_5
- CBunker_Memo_6
- CBunker_Memo_7
- CBunker_Memo_8
- CBunker_Memo_9
- CBunker_Taro_1
- CBunker_Taro_2
- CBunker_Taro_3
- CBunker_Taro_4
- CBunker_Taro_5
- Craft_Book1
- Craft_Book2
- Craft_Book3
- Craft_Book4
- Craft_Book5
- Craft_Book6
- Craft_Book7
- Cult_Code1
- Cult_Code2
- D_Popov_1
- D_Popov_2
- D_Popov_3
- D_Popov_4
- D_Popov_5
- D_Popov_6
- D_Popov_7
- D_Popov_8
- DeadCityBunker_Memo1
- DeadCityBunker_Memo2
- DeadCityBunker_Memo3
- DeadCityBunker_Memo4
- DeadCityBunker_Memo5
- DeadCityBunker_Memo6
- DeadCityBunker_Memo7
- DeadCityBunker_Memo8
- DeadCityBunkerPhoto
- Ella_Memo
- Farmers.Masha
- Headhunter_1
- Headhunter_2
- Headhunter_3
- Help_Memo
- Karpov_Memo
- KillList_Memo
- Kostya_Memo
- Lab_level_Memo1
- Lab_level_Memo2
- Memo_Maleshev
- mybook
- Myst_Sky
- Quest.Check.Pig
- Quest_Borslava_Memo
- Quest_City_Agit
- Quest_Jewel_Memo
- Rat_Cave_Memo1
- Rat_Cave_Memo2
- Redbaron
- Rogue_Slang
- Rojo_Memo_1
- Rojo_Memo_2
- Ruins.CityBook
- Ruins.KeyBook
- Ruins.Memo1
- Ruins_Lazarenko
- Ruins_Vavilova
- Shashlik_Memo1
- Shashlik_Memo2
- Skill_Book_1
- Skill_Book_11
- Tunnel_Memo_1
- Tunnel_Memo_2
- Tunnel_Memo_3
- Tunnel_Memo_4
- Z_4_2_Memo1
- Z_4_2_Memo2
- Z_4_2_Memo3
- Z_4_2_Memo4
- Z_4_2_Memo5
- Z_8_Memo1
- Z_8_Memo2
- Z_8_Memo3
- Z_8_Memo4
- Z_8_Memo5
Armor and clothing
- AntArmor – adds myrmic cuirass to inventory
- AntHat – adds Mirmik Helmet to inventory
- Armor46 – adds a High Quality Armor to inventory
- Armor57 – adds Quality Armor to inventory
- Armor58 – adds Stalker Armor to inventory
- Armor58_Stalker – adds Kaidan Armor to inventory
- Armor81 – adds 6B2 Armor to inventory
- Armor_Home – adds Spiked Armor to inventory
- ArmorLA – adds a Steel Bib to his inventory
- ArmorLJ – adds a Leather Armor to your inventory
- ArmorTire
- ArmyCap
- ArmyHat
- Backpack
- Backpack_2
- Balaclava
- BlackBeret
- BlueBeret
- Cap
- CivilCap
- ClownNose
- CraftDogArmor_1
- CraftDogHelmet_1
- CraftDogTop_1
- DyniaHat
- Eyepatch
- Fedora
- FishCap
- FoilHat
- Gasmask
- Gasmask_2
- Glasses
- Hand_Bag
- HandMadeMask
- Hat
- Helmet
- Helmet_2
- Helmet_3
- Helmet_Chaos
- Helmet_Home
- Helmet_Rust
- Helmet_Sfera
- Helmet_Space
- HokkeyHelmet
- Kipa
- KitBag
- Kolpak
- Kosinka
- KosinkaBig
- Kufiya
- MaskBear
- MaskHockey
- MilitiaCap
- Necklace_1
- Necklace_2
- Necklace_3
- Necklace_4
- Necklace_5
- Necklace_Atom
- PanamaAfghan
- PanamaRanger
- PilotCap
- PiratHat
- Platok_1
- Platok_2
- Platok_3
- PNV57
- SeaCap
- SektaHat
- Shield_A
- Shield_B
- Shield_C
- Shield_Wood
- Shlemofon
- SkiHat
- StalkerMask
- Svarshik_Maska
- Tyrban
- Tyubeteyka
- 10mmPistol
- ABC36 – adds ABC-36 to the inventory
- ACVAL – adds ACVAL to inventory
- Air_Pistol – adds Air Pistol to inventory
- AK47 – adds AK-47 to inventory
- AK47_Rust – adds a Rusty AK-47 to your inventory
- AKMS – adds AKMS to inventory
- AKS74U – adds AK74U to inventory
- AntBite
- APS – adds APS to inventory
- Brick – adds a brick to your inventory
- BumblebeeBite
- ClawBite
- ClawedShot
- Crossbow – adds a Crossbow to your inventory
- Crossbow_2 – Adds Wooden Crossbow to your inventory
- Crossbow_3 – Adds Metal Crossbow to your inventory
- Crossbow_4 – Adds Heavy Crossbow to your inventory
- DeinodonteClaw
- DesertEagle – adds a Mark-19 to your inventory
- DevourerBite
- DynamiteStick – adds a DynamiteStick to your inventory
- GiantRatBite
- GorilaBite
- Grenade – adds an F-1 Grenade to the inventory
- Grenade_Fake – adds an F-1 Training Grenade to your inventory
- Griddle – adds a Griddle to your inventory
- Hatchet – adds Axe to inventory
- HK33 – adds HK33 to inventory
- Home_Grenade – Adds an Improvised Incendiary Grenade to inventory
- IZ58 – adds IZ 58 to inventory
- Kastet – adds a Kastet to inventory
- Kick – adds Kick to inventory
- Knife – adds Knife to inventory
- Knife_Machete – adds Taiga Machete to inventory
- Knife_Rust – adds a Rusty Knife to your inventory
- Knife_Sharp – adds a Quality Knife to your inventory
- Knife_War – adds Soviet combat knife to inventory
- KS_23 – adds a KS-23 to inventory
- M24 – adds Remington 700M to inventory
- M249 – adds FN Minimi to inventory
- M4A1 – Adds an M-16 Rifle to inventory
- Makarov – adds a Makarov to inventory
- Makarov_Kovalev – adds a Reward gun to inventory
- Makarov_Rust – adds a Rusty Makarov to inventory
- Mauser – adds M-712 to inventory
- Mauser_Rust – adds M-712 Rusty to inventory
- Molotov – adds Molotov Cocktail to inventory
- Montirovka – adds a Montirovka to inventory
- MP5K
- Nagant – adds a Nagan to inventory
- Nagant_Rust – adds a Rusty Nagant to inventory
- Old_Rifle – adds a Hunting Rifle to inventory
- Pipe_Pistol – adds a Pipe_Pistol to inventory
- Pipe_Pistol_2 – adds a Pipe_Pistol to your inventory
- Pipe_Pistol_3 – adds a Quality Hack Gun to your inventory
- Pipe_Pistol_4 – adds a Triple Barrel Pistol to your inventory
- Pipe_Revolver – adds an Artisanal Revolver to your inventory
- Pipe_Revolver_2 – adds a Pipe Pipe Pipe Revolver to your inventory
- Pipe_Revolver_3 – adds a Pipe_Revolver+ to your inventory
- Pipe_Rifle – adds a Pipe_Rifle to your inventory
- Pipe_Rifle_2 – adds an Artisanal Double Barrel to your inventory
- Pipe_Rifle_3 – adds a Pipe_Rifle_3 to your inventory
- Pipe_Rifle_4 – adds a Four-Barrel Samopal to your inventory
- Pipe_Sniper – adds an Artisanal Rifle to your inventory
- Pipe_Sniper_3 – adds a magazine rifle to your inventory
- Pipe_Sniper_4 – adds a Sniper Rifle to your inventory
- PKM – adds a Kalashnikov Machine Gun to inventory
- PPS43 – adds PPS-43 to inventory
- PPS43_Rust – adds PPS-43 Rusty to inventory
- PTRD – adds PTRD to inventory
- Punch – adds Punch to inventory
- Rifle – adds a Hunting Gun to inventory
- Rifle_Rust – adds a Rusty hunting gun to inventory
- Rozochka – adds Rozochka to inventory
- RPD – adds RPD to inventory
- RPD_Rust – adds RPD to inventory
- RPK74 – adds RPK-74 to inventory
- Sawed-off – adds a Sawed-off Rifle to inventory
- Sawed-off_Rust – adds a Rusty Gun to inventory
- Scorpion – adds a Scorpion to inventory
- Screwdriver
- Shovel_Work – adds a Shovel to your inventory
- SKS – adds SKS to inventory
- SKS_S – adds SKS with telescope sight to inventory
- SpecialKnife – adds the Knife “Leningrad” to his inventory
- SpikedTruncheon – adds Stick with Nails to inventory
- StoneTool – adds Stone Weapon to inventory
- StoneZatochka – adds Stone Knife to inventory
- SVD – adds SVD to inventory
- Svinchatka – adds a Swinchatka to inventory
- T1
- Tin_Grenade – adds a Self-Made Fragmentation Grenade to inventory
- Tokarev – adds TT to inventory
- Tokarev_Rust – adds Rusty TT to inventory
- Tokarev_Rust_Shish
- Truncheon – adds Stick to inventory
- Tulyak – adds a Pole to inventory
- Vintorez – adds a Vintorez to inventory
- VVE – adds VVE to inventory
- WrathLenin – adds Wrath of Lenin to inventory
- Zatochka – adds a Sharpening Point to inventory