Tales of Erin – Tips and tricks. Guide for Beginner’s

Tales of Erin — Tips and Tricks. Guide for beginners Tips

Tales of Erin – Tips and tricks

What is gold used for?

  • Costume preview
  • Discovering the potential of the characters
  • Resetting skill points
  • Mass battle in which you farm to get costumes (this will be the most beneficial way to use your gold and you may run out of gold because of this)

How to cultivate gold?

  • By making your Journal you will get 30.000 Gold.
  • Expeditions to obtain gold
  • Darktide Ruins
  • Jade exchange, 1600 jades for 50.000 gold.

How do I level up my units quickly?

The fruits of the tests give a lot of exp, to use them go to : Main menu -> Party -> Upgrade character. There are several ways to get them. Here are the most efficient ones.

  • Tests ( Main menu -> Tests -> Upgrade material tab ) give you fruits (S) and (L).
  • You can get a limited amount of fruits (100) in the guild store after each restart. To get guild coins to buy fruits in the guild store, you have to run to join a guild and run the Blue Tower. From floor 1 to 200, each entry costs 5 stamina and gives up to 10 coins. With 20 coins you can buy 2 fruits (L), which means that 5 stamens give you 1 fruit (L). Note that you can also buy a medium potion in the guild store to have even more stamina to burn.

Should I use a monotheme? (a group with units of the same element)

Currently, yes. For now, single-element outfits are superior to rainbow outfits. They are superior because some of the character buffs are for one element and the costumes give party buffs for the same element, making it possible to achieve high values for a single element.

Why do I see so many people with monolight equipment?

The monolight team that many people use consists of Tiamat 5* (soul suit available), Mirafuse 5* (event banner), Gilford 4* and Angelica 4*. This team is very good, but it is no better than any other mono element team that has multiple 5* units. The reason so many people are running this light team right now is because it’s really affordable with the previous Mirafuse banner giving Mirafuse pretty “easily” and the group warrior/healer being 4*. Once you get those two 4* out, you’re ready to get Tiamat with the summon coins and mirafuse from the event banner.

I’m new and I can’t get over this chapter fight anymore, what to do?

It is very important to perform trials to level up your units and costumes. To access the Trials, you must go to the main menu -> Trials (a yellow rectangle). From there, you can farm materials to limit the level of your characters (increase their maximum level + skill points) and farm fruits of the trials that will increase the level of your characters using upgrades. You can also get some materials to improve your costumes.

Where can I get good costumes?

  • Multiple fights. It costs gold and depending on the level of the fight and your contribution, you can be rewarded with costumes.
  • Crafting. It costs low level breakable materials, gold and some time. The longer you have to wait for crafting, the better rank the costume will have.
  • The jade store sells +% atk and +% hp suits with a level 3 skill for 2500 jades. These are not the best (the max is level 4 skill) but they are very good in the early game and will help you a lot.

Where can I get more stargems?

You should take a look at the events tab and the achievements tab accessible from the main menu. You also get 30 stargems for completing the fights of each chapter for the first time. There are also some gift codes you can use, which give multiple rewards, including stargems:

  • TOE12345,
  • TOE55566,
  • TOE88888,
  • TOE54321,
  • TOE52000,
  • TOE99999,
  • FG3000YT,
  • KGTOE100,
  • TOECPX01 (halloween event),
  • TOECSC02,

To use them, click at the top left of your screen on “information” and then at the bottom right you have a “Gift Code” button.

How to get the spring water of destiny (evolution of the high-level soul suit)?

You can exchange your elemental crystals for Fate Spring Water in the Workshop. These crystals are farmed in Mass Battle (Multiplayer), which means you will have to farm each and every boss element.

How do you throw it away again?

A : You can simply make new accounts as it does not require any email or anything to register. You don’t have to uninstall/delete anything. Once you are logged into an account and want to make a new one. You go to the info tab in the corner and click on change account. Once there, just click on a member’s login and click on register. Make a new account and then log in with it and you’re done.

How to get summoning coins for the summoning store?

You get a good handful at the first 8 day login event. You also get some of the ranking rewards at the end of each week and also 20 for each summon (200 for 10 * summon). A 5 star character costs 5000 coins and a 4 star character costs about 1000. Eventually you will get all the 4 stars, I advise you to save your coins only for the 5 star characters.

Help I am stuck on chapter 4.

There is no chapter 5 yet, if you have completed chapter 4 you are done with the story mode (easy). Now you can try the hard and extreme mode of chapters 1 to 4.

What are action points?

You’ll notice the action points in boss fights. Those little diamonds next to the HP meter. When they are all filled during the berserk, the boss unleashes his ability. Reducing an action point removes one of the filled diamonds, thus delaying the boss’s ability.

Which character appears in the Character Round? (RoC)

Current list of characters that can be obtained through RoC (Emblem Shop);

5 stars

  • Hera
  • Renniscan
  • Mimiru
  • Yuna
  • Tiamat
  • Nicolas
  • Valla
  • Shaedu
  • Leona
  • Wu Lian
  • Mao
  • Garcia

4 stars

  • All water (except Sulasha)
  • All fire
  • All light
  • All winds
  • All the winds of darkness

3 stars

  • All characters
  • Can only be obtained through RoC
  • Shaedu
  • Mimiru
  • Wu Lian
  • Leece
  • Darchess
  • Fremy

What costume should I put on my units?

There really are many different combinations, if you want to follow some guidelines here is what I recommend:

  • Defensive warrior (e.g. Gilford): 2 artifacts (hp) + 1 party buff (crit, hp or atk)
  • Offensive warrior: 2 swords (hp + atk) + 1 dagger (crit) OR 2 artifacts(hp) + 1 bow(atk)
  • Mage/Sniper: 2 bows (atk)+ 1 dagger (crit). Can’t really argue with this one.
  • Therapist: 1 bow (atk) + 2 party buff (crit, hp or atk)

How to level up the divinities quickly?

The best way to level up the divinities is to run the chapter fights on the hardest difficulty you can. If you need materials to upgrade a soul suit, I advise you to farm them at the same time.

How to get a higher probability of skill enhancement in costumes?

Suits with a higher skill level give more % chance of improvement. Thus, a 4* suit with a skill level 3 might give 8% while a 4* suit with a skill level 4 would give 12%. It could be useful when a suit reaches skill level 9 and it becomes difficult to have 100% chance of improvement.

Should I pull the event banner or make normal calls?

The first draw of the event banner is half price. The event banner usually comes with an event that gives you rewards depending on how many 10 x draw you made. Also, it’s not confirmed because the game doesn’t tell us its rate, but the event banner would have a 3% rate of getting a 5* character while the normal summon pull would be at 2%. So as it stands now, you always have to pull the event banner.

What are the materials needed to evolve a soul spirit of “x” character?

Click on the names to access the lists (in Japanese, but you can recognize them with the images).

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