Just best heroes for game — TapTap Heroes Tier List.
10 Star Tier List — Best TapTap Heroes
Horde | Cleric | God |
Best Hero in the game!
Ok so, 285 attack score is enormous. It is much, much higher than any previous hero in the game.
Phoenix only has slightly above-average damage and heals. His stuns when he revives are very good, but they are not crazy either. He doesn’t have shudde and drow’s huge heals. The energy he gives with his skill is cool but that’s it.
But he has one single, HUGE, strength: his skill applies burn to all enemies, who then take +30% damage from all phoenix’s team thanks to his passive Flame Ambition, and most of them get their defense reduced by 10. Overall, all the enemy team takes around 40% additional damage from all sources and this, is huge. This is what makes him incredibly strong. And he’s immune to burns so he’s the only one who is not affected by this.
Also, his ability to lower by 25% the attack of the enemy with the most attack with his auto hit is super strong.
By far the best hero in the game.
Alliance | Warrior | S++ |
Second biggest damage dealer in the game after chessia. Huge heals. Demential attack debuff. Big survivability in the frontline. What can I say, she is game-changing with a TOTG.
Heaven | Assassin | S+ |
He has lower damage, survivability and ccs than mars but he is faster (so he can stun him) and he has a stun immunity, which is very valuable against mars and himself, 2 extremely strong heroes. An extremely strong hero for pvp.
Heaven | Wanderer | S |
Huge damage, great survivability with his revive and above all incredible early stuns. Needs the speed rune for the ccs to hit early. He doesn’t even need TOTG, he’s fast enough with Wind Walker or Light Pace.
Shudde M’ell
Undead | Cleric | S |
Shudde has insane healing and silences, along with great damage and super high speed. She is so fast that she can afford the attack rune. She doesn’t even want TOTG because her speed lets her silence enemies with TOTG before they can use their skills, which is even better. Her speed also lets her empty her energy soon and get back more through Creation to use her skill again on the next turn. Outstanding hero, both in pvp and pve.
Elves | Cleric | S- |
Pretty big damage and incredible heals. Nice stuns against clerics, and a non-negligeable silence when she reaches 50% hp. She’s comparable to Shudde, with less silences but more damage and healing. If you use Star Pray, you can use an attack rune instead of an accuracy rune. An incredible hero for sure.
Horde | Wanderer | A+ |
Medusa has good damage and a pretty low survavibility. Very nice 2-turns petrifies with her attacks and skills. Very versatile, provides both good damage and control. Overall, she would be a great addition to any unity team. The new best horde hero after her rework?

Hell | Wanderer | A |
Chessia deals insane damage increasing during the fight. If she hits her skill for the second time, you can basically consider the fight is won. The downside is, her survivability is low and her damage is all she has to offer. She reallyneeds TOTG though, because it lets her use her skill on turn 1, charge it during turn 2 when other heroes use their skills, and then use her skill again on turn 2 (or 3 depending on the other heroes’ speed) because she is slow. Pair her with support heroes with early ccs to protect her and compensate for her low utility, and expect huge damage from her.
Hell | Mage | A |
Freya has some high damage but her really big strength is her early petrifies and energy steals. She can be a real pain in pvp. Without TOTG she’s not fast enough to land her ccs on Shudde, Mars, Lindberg, Xexanoth, Verthandi or Luna, which are all great heroes, but she’s still amazing. With TOTG.. endgame mage.
Hell | Warrior | A |
MK’s damage and survivability with his counter, skill and revive are outstanding. His damage is really among the highest. His petrifies are also a good asset. He’s a great hero but he misses speed or more ccs to be in the S tier.
Alliance | Cleric | A |
Ultima’s survivability and damage are not great and he doesn’t do any cc to the opponents, but he increases the backline’s speed and attack and Celestial Opposition lets him turn the fight the other way around for 3 turns. Both are very valuable abilities that make him a very interesting hero in many cases.
However, the emergence of very strong cc-oriented heroes like Mars/Lindberg/Xexanoth combined with insane damage/healing outputs like Chessia/Aden/Shudde and an artifact that lets you use your skill on turn 1 no matter your speed (TOTG) makes me thing that the Ultima-based teams won’t be the ones dominating the pvp meta anymore, because speed isn’t as valuable anymore when the fight order is driven by TOTG.
Heaven | Cleric | A |
Verthandi is a great tank. She can absorb damage while doing as much damage as top damage dealers and also healing a bit. She doesn’t care if her survavibility is low because she compensates with a big true damage team buff. Evasion rune is now weaker (because there’s no point in denying energy to the opponent when they start the fight with 100 energy with TOTG) so she prefers a speed rune instead to give an early true damage buff.
Elves | Wanderer | A- |
Luna’s damage reduction with her skill is so high that it makes her a great tank. She can deal nice damage and more importantly very dangerous early silences. Few tanks can compete with this damage and ccs.
Alliance | Mage | A- |
Tesla has a lot of ccs, but his damage is really low. He’s still a nice support to have.
Undead | Assassin | A- |
Aden deals nice damage and has a very nice survivability coming from his heals. Well-rounded hero.
Elves | Warrior | A- |
Vegvisir is a one-of-a-kind tank. His survivability with Willpower Awakening is extremely high and he hits a lot of ccs along with some damage, even though a majority hit during later turns.
Elves | Warrior | B+ |
Grand is not gonna die early. His survivability is huge and he has nice damage and even a little healing and utility. His tankiness is even better than the other tanks and he will also deal more damage, more heals and give more utility. Very nice tank.
Horde | Mage | B |
Scarlet has absolutely incredible damage per round. Unfortunately, they will be delayed over 3 turns and her survivability is super low so she won’t be able to cast her skill a lot. Plus, she’s slow. All in all, she’s a kamikaze damage dealer with outstanding damage who is strong but cannot hope to reach top tier in the current meta because she will be controlled. However, if you’re not facing early strong ccs like Mars, Lindberg or Luna, she might be as good as the top tier heroes.
Undead | Cleric | B |
Hester is surprisingly strong as a 10*. She lands some cc on the enemy backline but more importantly, she gives a big skill damage buff to her team, and with a speed rune she’s fast enough to do it before they use their skills. In the end, this increase the damage a lot.
Blood Tooth
Horde | Assassin | B |
Blood Tooth has average damage increasing during the fight and an interesting heal and attack drain, but he lacks more damage to be in the top.
Nameless King
Heaven | Warrior | B |
NK deals high damage but he will want to have a TOTG equipped because he is slow and vulnerable to ccs so it’s a pain for him to have to wait until round 2 to use his skill because he is likely to be CCed at that time.
Wolf Rider
Horde | Warrior | B |
Wolf Rider has very low damage and survivability for a tank. He has some cc but that’s not really enough. If you need a tank and cannot get better ones or need a horde hero for the aura, he will still be more valuable than Minotaur or Abyss Lord thanks to his stun. The meta is really centered around stuns with Mars and Lindberg so if you have them his team bonus damage against stunned targets will be pretty cool, but if you don’t he probably won’t be great.
Elves | Wanderer | B |
Centaur has big damage and an interesting ability to lower enemies’ speed, which is quite powerful if used on round 1 with TOTG, but without it he won’t be fast enough to make a good use of it. He’s a nice damage dealer but without the artifact he’s just ok.
Tiger King
Elves | Warrior | B |
Tiger King has very nice damage and survivability for a tank. He also has some utility. Nice tank.
Alliance | Cleric | B- |
Vivienne has very high healing and won’t die too soon thanks to Brave Song, but she will often be CCed because she is too slow. As a result she will use her skill later compared to Shudde, who is super fast (and also has much more damage and ccs).
Alliance | Wanderer | B- |
Mulan shines in denying energy to the opponents with her dodges. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have much else and she will die sooner than other tanks. She is still a better tank than many and probably worth investing in if you need one.
Undead | Mage | B- |
Reaper has high damage his low survivability and speed won’t allow him to cast his skill twice, which is annoying because his damage increases significantly when his allies die. It’s the same as scarlet, he can perform as good as top tier heroes if you can keep him alive but he will have trouble against early ccs like Mars, Lindberg or Luna. Still a nice hero with his death skill, even against them. Also has a cool warrior silence.
Horde | Warrior | B- |
Lexar has very interesting damage and a lot of self-healing, even though it is dragged down by his self-damage. He needs to be kept safe in the backline because he stays at low health, so avoid using him as a tank. His speed his low and he will often get CCed but he has a high potential if he doesn’t.
Undead | Assassin | B- |
Ripper has a very good potential in both damage and ccs but he’s very vulnerable and really too slow. He needs a speed rune to release his skill at least once but very often he won’t even be able to do it. He’s as vulnerable as Scarlet, except he has no death skill to compensate and his Poison Nova isn’t strong enough compared to Scarlet’s Malefic. Plus, he really needs TOTG and will be even much worsea lot worse if he doesn’t have it. Probably a super good hero in pve though, where speed doesn’t matter because of the levels difference and where there are less ccs.
Hell | Assassin | B- |
Xexanoth is a really great and particular tank. He doesn’t deal a lot of damage but his big strength is about stopping enemies from using their skills on round 2 with Weak Point Stealing when used as a tank. This will have a much weaker effect against enemies with TOTG though. Also has nice silences. Cannot be silenced by Shudde, Luna or himself, all of them appearing very often in the meta.
Rest heroes is C (weak):
Abyss Lord
Saw Machine
6-9 Star Tier List Heroes
Heaven | Wanderer | Damage Reduction |
Paired with healer, if timed right healing him after his revive is game changing. Overall kind of an inconsistent hero ( Before 10 star).
Heaven | Assassin |
Immune to stun, energy regen. Guaranteed stun is amazing.
Shudde M’ell
Undead | Cleric | Heal Silence |
High attack value that makes her heal scale really well. OP with silenced aoe auto attacks (Counters Energy Artifacts). Necessary at late game
Elves | Clerc | Silence |
Very strong early. Huge Heals, decent damage, and has CC against the best class in the game. Best Elf hero
Alliance | Warrior |
2nd best Hero in the game
Monkey King
Hell | Warrior | Mark Revive |
Revive, reflect, good damage. Good hero in all game modes.
Hell | Mage | Petrify |
Freya is the second fastest hero in the game and also boasts above average stats in every other category besides armor. Freya utilizes an AOE skill and basic attacks to PETRIFY enemies, leaving enemy heroes useless for up to 2 turns.
Horde | Cleric | Heal Self-Heal |
Single Target Healer. With a high attack stat and 400% heal on lowest HP. Ryleh keeps herself alive. Ryleh is widely used for good reason, she is a tank.. Few downsides, like low speed and that she can only heal 1 person at a time,
Heaven | Cleric | Heal Reflect |
AoE healing. AoE damage. Reflect. Self heal. True Damage. Please stop. Too many good skills.
Elves | Wanderer | Silence |
She hits everyone and has great AoE with basic attacks. The real scary part here is the Silence. 50% chance for 2 turns. High Crit chance and Crit damage.
Horde | Wanderer |
Medusa is the premier Horde Wanderer. Here stats are all great. Being able to stack critical chance while reducing the enemies is great utility on top of her amazing dps. Do not ignore her counter, it has proven to do a lot of damage.
Alliance | Cleric | Speed Buff |
Utility – no heal – cleric. Buffs allies / Debuffs enemies. Celestial Opposition skill is one of the best. Decent HP. While not a generally useful hero, on the right team he can be really good.
Nameless King
Heaven | Warrior |
Nameless King… their is no substitute for this hero. He is arguably the best hero in the game. Boasting the number 1 power score, his combination of survivability, attack, crit, and speed are unmatched.
Undead | Mage | Silence (Warriors) |
He has huge attack numbers and it increases in fights. Bringing a nice silence, a lot of damage to everyone, and even death damage, Reaper is probably the best general damage dealer. Reaper makes up for his weak armor with a great death skill.
Horde | Mage | Poison |
Scarlet’s stats are not great… but her skills have high percentages and work together very well. Her damage is surprisingly high, because she is damaging all enemies over time. Overall, Scarlet is a unique mage with low end stats but still viable
Hell | Assassin |
Blood Tooth
Horde | Assassin |
Huge attack #s, but relies on enemies dying to get going. Has potential, but needs to stay alive.
Undead | Assassin | Bleed |
Bleed hero with self heal. Stacking bleeds may be powerful in Friend/Guild boss. Will need to stay alive long enough to benefit from attack increase in PvP.
Hell | Wanderer |
Needs ToTG, but with it. Can do insane damage from turn one.
Undead | Cleric | Petrify |
Highest Attack. Can deal huge amounts out damage to enemy backlines and with an added chance to petrify, makes her first skill great. With each attack decreases dodge and with her increased hit, she is a nightmare for dodge reliant heroes
Undead | Assassin | Stun Poison |
Great for PvE. Lots of stacking damage and a 2 round stun just for fun. His attack stat is extremely high, which will make his stacking DoTs do insane damage against guild/friend bosses.
Undead | Wanderer | Stun |
Consistently high stats in every category, he is not to be taken lightly. Gerald does not do the most damage… but he compensates. With a 50% chance CC to stun up to 4 people per main skill, he will frustrate many enemies.
Elves | Wanderer | Poison |
Centaur has above average stats in every category, and brings a LOT of damage! Centaur needs crit, as it poisons the enemy which increases his damage tremendously. Top DPS
Elves | Warrior | Freeze |
Versatile hero who can be a great tank or decent backliner. Really low attack stat, so he relies on CC to be worth using as a backliner. Works well with teams that can stay alive as long as him!
Horde | Warrior | Self Heal |
The lower his health, the stronger he gets. Has a life steal mechanic so that he can stay at low health to do the most damage. Not good for PvE, but might be really strong in PvP.
Forest Healer
Elves | Cleric | Heal |
Forest Healer is probably the elite team healer. gnoring the fact he brings little damage, he does the job of healing extremely well. Great healer (tip: focus on increasing his attack, as all his heals scale from it).
Saw Machine
Alliance | Mage | Silence (Clerics) |
The Cleric Killer. The counter to best class in the game. On top of that, his other skills are great, giving more utility and attack.
Elves | Warrior | Armor Steal |
Grand’s Armor steal is great. Permanent damage reduction (20%) is amazing. Solid tank for elves if you care more about skills/utility instead of straight stats
Alliance | Mage | Freeze |
Reworked and defintely a lot stronger at 6 star
Alliance | Mage | Stun |
This guy is all about stunning, and adds decent damage too. Paired with Gerald… A tier.
Alliance | Assassin |
A safer lone hero. More health, less attack, but cannot be dodged. Attacks the lowest health enemy, but brings no utility
Alliance | Wanderer | Bleed (Mages) |
Fast! Stacks attack and dodge = good combo. Only attacks front line, makes mage bleed useless. Needs to survive to take advantage of high dodge chance and stacking attack.
Abyss Lord
Horde | Warrior | Armor Buff |
Abyss Lord is tanky. 100% armor puts him above everyone else in armor when he reaches 30% health. This is the extra tanky version of minotaur but with less damage
Tiger King
Elves | Warrior | Self-Heal |
Huge health pool and armor, with pretty decent speed too! His skills are average, but by reducing everyone’s armor break, he becomes very hard to kill with his high armor stat.
Alliance | Mage |
Tanky mage, who deals damage to the entire team. He has a ally and enemy death skill that makes him useful in almost every fight. Expect very high damage #s.
Horde | Warrior | Self-Heal |
Minotaur has not only has the highest armor (by a lot!) in the game, but is also the premier warrior killer! He brings a lot of damage and can self heal (albiet its not much).
Undead | Assassin | Stun (Mages) |
A mage’s worst nightmare. 80% chance to stun for 2 turns and an attack increase while below 50% hp.With a very high attack and speed stat. Against a team with multiple mages… A tier. Otherwise a solid hero.
Lone Hero
Alliance | Assassin |
Assassin poster child. High attack and speed; low health. All of his abilities do damage, so expect high dps. While there is nothing unique in his kit, he is reliable and fits the role of assassin perfectly.
Wolf Rider
Horde | Warrior | Stun Damage Reduction |
Wolf Rider is an average tank. All his skills compliment his role to soak up damage and provide CC. His next best ability is damage reduction, but the 35% health threshold is kind of low. Although, against the right teams, he can do a lot of damage!
Puppet Maid
Undead | Assassin |
Stacking CRIT Rate and Damage. With her crit damage boost and crit chance gain she looks like a great assassin on paper… but her health and armor are holding her back.
Sir Conrad
Alliance | Warrior | Silence Damage Reduction |
2nd tankiest alliance hero. Amazing silence skill (45% chance) . Damage reduction at 50% health with high threshold, lasting 4 turns. Primary skill focuses the lowest HP hero with big damage… counters assassins
Undead | Cleric | Heal Freeze |
Forren brings EVERYTHING. He has a decent heal, damage, and utility. His freeze can win fights on its own. He keeps your backline alive and gains attack as he loses health. His biggest issue is he will waste heals on those who do not need healing.
Demon Fighter
Elves | Assassin | Poison |
Her skill does decent damage, and her crit rate/damage is high. Targeting low health heroes is always great, but she does not bring enough damage to be considered a better option than other assassins.
Undead | Mage | Burn |
This guy only burns. Low stats, low damage. Paired with Khalil, might move him up a tier. His Friend boss/guild boss damage is good, but requires team to be built around him to be used in PvP.
Cursed One
Undead | Warrior |
There are many heroes who stack stats. But Cursed One may be the most viable… He has great speed and health stats , backed up by skills with high percentages. He needs time to build up to 100% crit with 100% armor break.
King Lionheart
Alliance | Warrior | Stun |
Tankiest alliance hero. Extremely high armor stat, which is increased by Battlecry. Counter to teams with crit and low armor break. Lowest attack stat in the game, but compensates with a decent stun. Great tank!
Elves | Assassin |
His main skill does a lot of damage, and hurts mages. His biggest strength is “Fighting Spirit”, when combined with his high speed stat, it is possible he stops a key backline hero from being able to use their skill.
Sword Master
Horde | Wanderer | Burn |
Sword master does some serious damage over time.He seems to be a reliable damage dealer, but nothing special.
Alliance | Cleric | Heal |
Heal Over Time. Huge heal numbers over 3 turns. Great for teams with squishy backliners. SLOW!!! Will activate skill late. Check 9 star tier list, with guild tech and artifact, she is one of the best healers in the game!
Undead | Warrior | Self heal |
Highest Health. Wolnir is a simply hero with a simple job… tanking. He takes a lot of damage due to his low armor stat for a tank, but has ways to deal with it through self healing through every stage of the fight. When something attacks, Wolnir heal.
Heaven Judge
Heaven | Mage | Stun |
Heaven Judge has average stats in every category besides attack, but the buffs for skill damage and true damage can add up very quickly. Heaven’s Judge stun does pair well with Gerald.
Dark Judge
Hell | Cleric | Energy Drain |
Dark judge separates himself from many other characters based on his energy steal. Whether he is attacked or he is the one doing the attacking he gains an extra 30 energy.
Horde | Mage | Attack Buff |
Khalil has potential to 1 shot entire teams. Unfortunately his defense is very low, with one of the lowest health and armor stats. Although, his death skill is very nice, giving his entire team A LOT of attack. (kind of like a budget ultima).
Elves | Cleric | Heal Over Time |
Half healer/half damage dealer. Fits into teams that already have a strong healer and dps. Slowest character in the game, and squishy. “Forest Scholar” boosts skills a lot. Megaw is OK.
Elves | Mage | Self-Heal |
Orphee has average stats at best but her last skill really helps her survive. The ability to heal everytime an enemy dies is amazing. Also her skill does damage to all backline enemies.
Eagle-eye Shaman
Horde | Mage | Anti Assassin Attack Steal |
His only real skill that stands out his his attack steal, which sounds very nice, but his base stats cannot be ignored. He ranks lowest in Power and Health.Do not invest in this hero.
Best cleric taptap heroes!