Searching for Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Genshin Impact

We will tell you which questions and answers to use in the 2nd stage of the Bahar test.

Looking for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Looking for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact – the second part of the event mini-game B searching for the truth. The traveler will have to hear the story and ask the organizer of the test a few questions, and then make a verdict on what happened, giving the right answers.

In the guide, we will analyze all the key questions and the correct answers to the stage In Search of Truth 2 and explain on what basis correct options are determined.

The plot of the story

Searching for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Bahar will describe a situation that needs to be considered and come to the truth. The fact is that the student Haravatata mistakenly took some thing from his mentor. He sent it along with the letter, but the teacher was still angry with him.

Find out the truth by carefully analyzing the information and asking the right questions.

Story Analysis 2: Key Questions

Searching for Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Part 2 has 5 momentsconcerning the incident and needing clarification. Initially, only one of them is available, and you can open the rest by finding key questions.

About that thing

Searching for Truth 2 in Genshin Impact Key Questions and Correct Answers

Keyword: “Is this item related to a mentor?“. Bahar will confirm and add that the recipient needed it urgently.

About the purpose of this item

Searching for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact Key Questions and Correct Answers

Keyword: “Does this item relate to the daily work of a mentor?” . The organizer of the test will answer positively.

On the significance of this thing for the mentor

Searching for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

There is no keyword. None of the options will raise new questions and will not play a significant role.

About the situation with the letter

Searching for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Keyword: “Has anyone else touched the letter?“. The narrator will confirm this assumption.

About the person who dealt with the letter

Searching for Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

None of the questions have a keyword.

Truth Search 2: Correct Answers

Finding the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Finding out the details of what happened and opening all questions, click on the “Search for Truth” button at the bottom right. Bahar will then ask fourquestion. Based on the information given, give correct information about each of them.

Why was his mentor angry?

Correct answer: “Because he didn't was able to receive the email.”

In Search of Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Formerly Narrator herself mentioned that the message was not received. Therefore, this is a valid option.

Who last touched this letter?

The correct answer is: “The darshan employee in charge of sending letters”.

In Search of Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

Bahar reported that only one person touched the message, and that person was a employee of the Academy doing his usual job. All signs match the description in the second sentence.

Where is the letter now?

Correct answer: “Mentor's office”.

Searching for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

The girl said that the message ended up being delivered to Harawatat, where the teacher works. Therefore, the most suitable option is his office.

What was in the letter?

Correct answer: “Key from the office.”

Searching for the Truth 2 in Genshin Impact: Key Questions and Correct Answers

A teacher needs a lost item every day and it is impossible to work without it. Bahar also mentioned that the recipient did not have access to the location where the message ended up, which, based on the previous question, was delivered directly to his office. It follows that the key was inside.


Recovering the true picture of the event, you will receive the following reward:

  • Source Stones x30.
  • Festival Rush x100.
  • Hero Experience x3.
  • Varunad's Lapis Lazuli Fragment x3.
  • Wit Instructions x4.

We hope this guide helped you find the right answers to all the questions for the Quest for the Truth II stage. If there is anything you don't understand, ask questions in the comments. Read walkthroughs of other trials of the Triumph of Reason event and follow the Genshin Impact guides on our website.

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