How to help Paimon remember her dreams and get all the rewards.
Sweet dreams by the seain Genshin Impact, a browser-based event where players need to help Paimon remember her dreams. The event is made in the style of a quiz. Successful completion of levels will earn Source Stones, Morata, and other useful resources.
This guide contains general information about the Sweet Dreams by the Sea event in Genshin Impact, as well as the correct answers to Paimon's questions.
Browser Event Dates
The event is available from July 22 to July 31 2022.
Make sure to claim your rewards before the end of the event, because after the end of the event resources become unavailable.
Terms of Participation
Travelers with Adventure Rank 32 and above can take part in the event. Please note: game update time varies on different servers. For example, some players may get access to new content before others.
Read more about how to quickly increase the rank of adventures.
How to play Sweet Dreams with Sea
To take part in the Sweet Dreams by the Sea event, follow the link below:
>>Participate<<< ;
Click Login. A sign asking for authorization will be displayed. Choose a convenient method: character UID or HoYoverse account login. The UID of the character can be copied in the game itself. It's in the Paimon menu, right below the avatar.
Basic rules of the event:< /strong>
- Answer Paimon's questions to restore her sleep: the quiz is related to the trip to the Golden Apple archipelago in the Summer Sea Voyage event.
- The event consists of 5 dreams. Each new level is unlocked daily.
- To unlock one level, you need to spend 3 pieces of Paimon inspiration – exactly that much is given for completing all the daily tasks of the event.
- If an incorrect answer is given, you can be reborn , feeding Paimon a treat.
- For the first 5 days of the event, 3 treats are given out daily. To get more delicious dishes, you need to complete in-game tasks.
You can leave the game at any time, the dialogue progress is saved.
How to get Paimon's inspiration
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The adventurers have to help their companion remember the dreams. To do this, you need to use Paimon's inspiration. It is awarded for completing simple tasks:
- Log in every day;
- Complete 2 daily quests;
- Catch 1 Crystal Butterfly.
If everything is clear with the first two points, then crystal butterflies can be quickly caught near the statues of the Archons, or near some Dungeons. For example, near the statue of Anemo Archon in the Dawn Distillery or next to the Guyun Domain dungeon.
When the actions in the game are completed, click on the plus sign next to the light bulb. A list of tasks will open. The inscription “In progress” will change to “Get” – click on the button and inspiration will be credited to the account.
Up to 3 pieces of inspiration are issued per day – this is enough to unlock one dream.
How to get Paimon treats
The first 5 days of the event will give out 3 treats each. They will be credited after a short dialogue. To get more resources, complete tasks. Go to the desired panel using the plus sign next to the bag icon.
In the window that opens, you can collect rewards for completing quests. All of them are completed in the game itself, and 3 goodies are given for each. There are 4 tasks available per day, the maximum number of consumables received for completing them is 12.
To get items, do the following:
- Collect the treasures of the cloister in the Kettle of Serenity;
- Craft 1 item in the forge;
- Spend 1000 mora.
< li>Cook 1 dish;
How to start remembering a dream
Enter Paimon's dream by clicking on the cloud above her head.
A map will open. You have to go through each island to get the maximum number of rewards. Resources that will be obtained for passing can be studied by clicking on the “View rewards” button.
Click on the lock and confirm the action to start remembering the dream. A quiz will start in dialogue with a companion. While talking to Paimon, you can:
- Turn off the music (note icon);
- View the entire conversation history (clock icon);
- View the restored picture no text window (eye icon);
- Change language (planet icon).
All the buttons you need are on the top bar:
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Walkthrough Sweet Dreams by the Sea in Genshin Impact – Answering Paimon's Questions
Guide will be supplemented as new levels are opened.
Day 1
3 treats will be given out – the Traveler's (Traveler's) Magic Dish.
The participants of the event need to recover their memories of their first arrival on the islands. Correct answers for Paimon:
- The first island we hit when we went to the archipelago is It's an island where there are a lot of Dodokos.< /li>
- The vehicle that brought us to the island is Dodofortress.< /li>
- What Paimon saw when she left the fortress – Flying Chest .
The reward will be:< /p>
- Source Stones x20;
- Mora x30,000.
Day 2
Day 2 Treat — Kazuha's Dish, 3 pieces of resource will be credited.
The following questions were opened on July 23, and here are the correct answers:
- Strange-colored wild boar… I wonder what kind of boar it is? – Fairy transparent boar.
- Every time the Traveler encounters this flying vicious creature, his head starts to hurt. I wonder why so? – Ghost.
- The creature looked like this. What could it be? –An animal that can play tricks on people.
The reward will be:
- 3 hero experience cards;
- 4 magical enhancement ores;
- 2 sacred oil.
Day 3
July 24, the third part of the questions opened, catch the correct answers:< /p>
- The Traveler is very good at destroying them, Paimon remembers that well. What could it be? – Slime Balloon.
- Coming closer, Paimon heard a suspicious “Ya!”… Who could steal Paimon's chest?
– Hilichurly.
- He has a silhouette like this… I wonder what kind of creature it is? – Flying Live Canned.
The reward for completing a day is as follows:
- 30 Source Stones;
- 30,000 mora.
Day 4< /h3>
On July 25, the penultimate part of the questions was opened, and in order to get inspiration this time, in addition to the daily cards, you also need to collect 3 units. ores. Here are the correct answers:
- It also has a lot of cultural significance for Nirvana Night! What was that?
– Theatre.

- It liked to ask weird questions. What or who could it be? – Night Raven Statue.

- He has a silhouette like this… I wonder what kind of creature it is? – Paimon.

Day 5
The final part of the questions, which can be unlocked by completing two quests and catching any Crystal Butterfly. The questions and answers are as follows:
- She is somehow connected with one of our good acquaintances… What was it? – Divination Bowl.

- Something to do with a bowl pattern in the sky… Oh, what was it? – Star Index.

- The shape of that object was like this… What could it be? – Kitchen ingredient, formerly ornamental plant.

Help Paimon remember all the dreams to get:
- source stones x80;
- mora x90,000 ;
- hero experience x6;
- enchantment ore x8;
- holy oil x4.
If if anything remains unclear, ask questions in the comments. Read about the ongoing Summer Sea Voyage event and follow the Genshin Impact guides on our website.

– Theatre.

If if anything remains unclear, ask questions in the comments. Read about the ongoing Summer Sea Voyage event and follow the Genshin Impact guides on our website.