In the Dead Space 2023 Remake, the Comms Array is one of the systems on the Ishimura that you will need to repair in Chapter 8 “Find and to rescue”
In Genshin Impact, the primordial sparks and torches puzzle in Safha Shatranj is one of the mysteries of the Hadramavet Desert, by deciding which you can
In Genshin Impact, the Second Bloom is one of the events in Update 3.4, during which you will have to complete several combat challenges by taking part
In Dead Space 2023 Remake, weapon upgrades are special items that allow you to open new branches in the weapon upgrade tree and get an additional power node.
In Dead Space 2023 Remake, weapon upgrades are special items that allow you to open new branches in the weapon upgrade tree and get an additional power node.
In Genshin Impact, the Hadramavet Desert Luxurious Chests are the main treasure of the region, which was added to the game with the release of update 3.
Weapons in Dead Space Remake 2023 are mostly mining tools converted for combat use against Necromorphs. At the same time, unlike the original version of
In Dead Space 2023 Remake, the alternate ending is a secret ending that was not present in the original game. When you open it, you will receive a hidden
In Dead Space 2023 Remake, Peng's Treasure is a special collectible that unlocks the secret achievement “Peng's Always Hiding Something!”
In Dead Space Remake 2023, Obelisk Fragments are special collectibles that unlock an alternate ending and unlock the Reunion achievement.