Corvus – Hero Wars

Hero Wars

Corvus is not a bad tank, capable of dealing a huge amount of damage and reducing the enemy’s defensive parameters. He has the Undead ability, which allows him to interact with other heroes of this category (Phobos and Morrigan). Has support abilities. Can’t fully perform his role as a Tank without Morrigan, and dies very quickly.

ALSO READ: Hero Wars – guide and tips for beginners


  1. Combined with the Morrigan, can significantly lower the defensive characteristics of the enemy’s front ranks;
  2. Increases attack of all undead, significantly increasing damage;
  3. Altar is able to kill heroes that deal massive damage;
  4. Can save allied heroes from death;
  5. Great against heroes that deal intermittent damage (because of the Altar).
  6. Because of the Altar is one of the best tanks for Asgard.


  1. Hard to get and improve to maximum star;
  2. Can’t dance without Morrigan;
  3. Needs a special pack for him;
  4. Without Morrigan, Corvus has the lowest defensive characteristics.


Blow of the Damned

Corvus deals damage to the enemy’s front lines and temporarily reduces all defenses: Armor, Magic Protection, and Dodge. Increases the efficiency of defense reduction and damage dealt by 10% for each Undead ally on your team.

Unity of the Damned

Corvus increases the physical and magical attack of Undead allies by 10 seconds.

Altar of Souls

Corvus creates an altar in the center of his team, attacking enemy heroes with pure damage every time they deal damage to allied heroes. The altar loses health when the team takes damage.

Royal Defense

When an ally’s health drops below 20%, Corvus moves him to the center of his team.

Tips on the Corvus

Skills Upgrade

Damned Strike – must be pumped. The higher the level of the skill, the greater the reduction of defensive parameters of the enemy front ranks.

Unity of the Damned – must pump. Support skill that allows all undead on your team to deal more damage.

Altar of Souls – must cast. A skill that allows you to deal a huge amount of pure damage to your opponents.

King’s Defense – Must rock. Skill is tied to the level.


It is recommended to swing the Basic Shape for Strength first. Next is any of the physical attack skins – the Dark Depths or Spring Skins.


The priority of character improvement is as follows:

1. Health

2. Armor

3. Strength

4. Protection against magic

5. Physical Attack


– Pump first up to 3 stars. Finish the stardom in parallel with the second artifact.

– After reaching three stars in the first artifact, the stardom is pumped evenly in the first and second artifacts.

– Stardom is swung in the last turn.


A tank that can only fulfill its role with Morrigan. Without the second hero, he is a weak hero with useless abilities. Can do well with Morrigan, but needs a good balanced team. Not recommended for beginners because of the complexity of the character and dependence on another character.

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