Lian – Hero Wars

Hero Wars

Lian – Excellent control character. Possesses two control skills and great damage. Versatile in relation to her team and can be a great addition to both physical and magical teams. Lien has very good defensive stats and excellent damage parameters, but lacks breakthrough magic defense, which is compensated by good control.

ALSO READ: Hero Wars – guide and tips for beginners


  1. Excellent control;
  2. Relevant at any stage of the game;
  3. Easy to get and improve to maximum star;
  4. Great for both magic and physical damage teams;
  5. Great with teams where there is mass damage;


  1. Requires a team that only does damage on a single target;
  2. Does not do well with Rufus.



Charms all enemies, putting them to sleep for 7s. If an afflicted opponent takes damage from someone other than Lien, they will wake up immediately.

Hypnotic Orb

Launches an energy disk that explodes in the front ranks of the enemy team, striking opponents with pure damage.

Sparks of Sense

Creates 5 magical spheres and launches them at the nearest opponent, dealing magical damage


Passive skill. When Lien takes damage, the hero who did the damage is enchanted for 4s.

Tips on the Lian

Skills Upgrade

Seduction – A must-have. Excellent control skill.

Hypnotic Orb – must be cast if Lien is a damage hero on the team. If he’s just a controlling hero (against Kira, for example), swing it if you have some gold to spare.

Sparks of Sense. – Not recommended because it can charge the enemy Isaacs, unlike the second skill. If Lien is a situational hero in a pack, it’s good if you have gold.

Calm – A must-have skill. Great control skill against a character with massive damage.


Since the main feature of this character is Control, it means that the first thing you need to do for Lian is to pump up her survivability. After all, the longer she lives, the more control she can give.

The priority is to swing the Sun Shape for Armor, and the next Demonic Shape for Protection from Magic. If your server has a lot of magic teams, then first swing the Demonic Shape, and the second the Sun Shape. The third is pumped the Base Look on Intellect, and the last in turn – the Romantic Shape and the Beach Shape on Magical Attack.

  • The first is not the Intelligence Shape, because Cornelius can kill Lien with the Monolith.
  • The Shape for Magical Attack swings last due to the fact that Lien is primarily a Control character. In a properly designed pack she needs to survive, not deal damage. There will be other characters on the team to deal damage.

If Lian is acting as a damage character, then the recommendation is as follows:

  1. The Beach Appearance.
  2. The Romantic Appearance
  3. The Basic Appearance
  4. The Sunny Look
  5. The Demonic Appearance


The priority of character improvement is as follows:

1. Health

2. Armor

3. Protection against magic

4. Intellect

5. Magic Attack

If Lian is acting as a damage character (or Mage Pack), then the recommendation is as follows:

1. Magic Attack

2. Intellect

3. Health

4. Armor

5. Protection against magic


  • If Lian is in the physical team and there is no Healer in the pack – you can not pump the artifact at all.
  • If Lian is on the physical team and there is a Healer in the pack – Heal to 3 stars, stardom is pumped after the second artifact.
  • If Lian is on the magic team – Heal to 3 stars in priority, Stellarness is pumped equal with the second artifact.
  • If Lian is on the physical team, Stardom is pumped with priority.
  • If Lian is on the Magic Team – Stardom is evenly pumped with the first artifact after he gets 3 stars.

– Swings last.


Excellent control character, allowing to control different heroes with massive damage. Has pretty good defensive parameters, but requires a guise for that. She’s versatile to the team, which is an advantage. If you decide to swing Lian, she only needs heroes that don’t deal massive damage so as not to knock down control. The following heroes are recommended:

For the physical team, the recommended ones are:

  1. Ju;
  2. Ismail;
  3. Qing Mao;
  4. Elmir;
  5. Yasmin;
  6. Fox;

From the tanks:

  1. Chubba;
  2. Marcus (In packs where he acts as a tank);
  3. Ziri

For the magic team, recommended:

  1. Phobos – Great addition to Lian with a huge one-target damage and a Magic Defense Artifact;
  2. Arachne – Extra control to the team and, most importantly, an Armor Piercing Artifact;
  3. Cornelius – Deals damage to single targets, gives protection from magic. But it will require a character with armor piercing and is only used against magic packs;
  4. Celeste – The perfect complement to Magic damage and single-target damage;

Of tanks:

  1. Chubba
  2. Astaroth

With the right selection of heroes, Lian will be able to reach his full potential as a control hero. Not recommended for beginners, as it requires the right team, otherwise Lian’s skills will be poorly effective.

Team with Lian (Lian-pack)

A time-tested, effective team based on Lian, which is still relevant today. The team itself is mostly easy to assemble, very flexible in relation to the enemy team and perfectly suited for both defense, and attack. The main advantage of such a team is pure damage and control. The team is recommended for beginner players. In this article we will look at the main heroes that ,will fit in such a pack, recommendations for pumping and general tips that will help when building a team.

Advantages of the team

  1. It is easy to collect and improve to the maximum star most of the necessary heroes for the team, especially Lian herself;
  2. The team is relevant throughout the game;
  3. Huge net damage that doesn’t charge Isaak;
  4. Lots of control (Not always the enemy Sebastian will be able to block all effects);
  5. Flexibility in builds, allowing you to pick the right heroes against any team;

Disadvantages of the team

  1. Vulnerability to Rufus (Problem solved by adding Morrigan to the team);
  2. Some difficulties in Campaign, Asgard (Compared to other teams);
  3. Heavy dependence on pets. Without some of them, the team will not perform well;
  4. Enemy Axel puts the entire team out of control.

General team tips

You can collect Lienpack from the very beginning of the game. The only thing that will be missing is Lian, which you can get from level 50 of your team. Nevertheless, before getting Lian, you can already start swinging the heroes we need and prepare your team to get the last/pre-last hero. Most variants of this pack are played through Celeste, which greatly enhances magic damage with her artifact, and in attacking variants it sometimes replaces a full-fledged healer. That’s why the first artifact of Celeste swings in priority (if there is such a hero in the team). Both in terms of stars and levels. There are several tank options: from Astaroth, which will help with his resurrection against the same Yasmin, to Andvari, which is used quite successfully against Karhopacs.

If you play without donation / without Vip 1 / did not get Celeste at the beginning of the game – there is an effective command through Arachna. In that case, the stones for Arachna must be collected at the very beginning of the game before the absolute star.

Rocking by symbols, runes, gift of the elements, etc. standard. Until the orange +1 pump the whole team evenly, after that focus only on Lian (and Nebula). Tank continue to pump if he starts to die too quickly. If you have Martha on your team, you can leave her on the orange rank for a long time.
Heroes that are useful for your team: Arachna (we get her at the beginning of the game), Phobos (Excellent damage addition, allows you to kill the enemy main shooter), Celeste (One of the best characters for such a team), Jorgen ( you can get quickly, extremely effective because of his skill).
Extremely not recommended to use with heroes who have mass damage, as Lian’s enchantment will be knocked down.

  1. The enemy team has Axel, so the enchantment will be knocked down anyway;
  2. The enemy team has Sebastian;
  3. You are not playing through control, but through pure damage.

Heroes on the team

  1. Andvari is an excellent hero against Carhopacs. On such a team he acts as a Tank.
  2. Aurora is an excellent tank with the only disadvantage – her skill knocks out Lien’s control. In case it’s not critical against a certain magic team, use Aurora.
  3. Astaroth is a classic tank with resurrection. Very often used in Lian-pack.
  4. Celeste is a very strong hero for such a team. Because of her artifact she is able to multiply her net damage, and under Biscuit she shows excellent results against Sebastian.
  5. Nebula is one of the most popular heroes at the moment. It is recommended to put her in a team between Celeste and Lian. If no control is placed on the team, Nebula’s orb combines perfectly in time with the damage of Lian’s second ability.
  6. Lian is a very strong mage with control and pure damage. Able to handle an entire enemy team by herself.
  7. Martha is one of the best healers in the game. In the classic version of Leenpak, she is always present in defense. Sometimes replaced by a situational hero in the attack.
  8. Helios is a mage against the Crits. He’s a situational hero, especially effective against Yasmin.
  9. Amira is a very strong mage with control and high damage. Excellent at supporting. Can act as an alternative to Helios.
  10. Arachna is a control hero who fits perfectly into such a team. One of the best uses of Arachna.
  11. Jorgen is a classic control hero. His first skill is a great complement to control, allowing him to keep the enemy team either in control or without energy.
  12. Phobos – A Hero that deals damage to a single target without knocking control off the rest of the team. Because of its mechanics, it usually hits the main shooter/fighter, burning out his energy.
  13. Jhu is an excellent hero, dealing a huge amount of damage. Used in teams like this to kill backline heroes. Is situational, as he won’t be able to kill the enemy Martha later on. Used if the last enemy heroes are weak.
  14. Ishmael – The classic attacking hero, popular in the old days. Used in such a team, as it deals a lot of damage to a single target.
  15. Elmir – Another situational hero, dealing a lot of damage to a single target. Excellent at distributing Karh’s and Dante’s damage because of his clones.
  16. Morrigan is the hero used in this team against Rufus (Rarely, Astaroth) instead of Martha.

How to rock the team

The priority of pumping heroes in Lian-pack:

Andvari – Swings as a priority in this pack to the orange rank.

SkillsAll four
SymbolsHealth, Armor, Strength.
SkinsBasic, Eastern. If you are in Jhu team, after Basic/Eastern, swing the basic for Jhu and return to Andvari to pump the second appearance.
Gift of the elementsThe first is pumped to the maximum.
GlyphsThe first up to 3 stars. Then 2 and 3 in priority.
AscensionRed initial nuggets in priority only to him. If there is no Jhu – all red nuggets in Anvari

Aurora – Swings as a priority in this pack to the orange rank.

SkillsAll four
SymbolsDodge, Health, Strength
SkinsNorthern, Basic. Northern appearance is a priority. If there is no way to get a look, start with Basic. If the team Jhu – guise for Ju pumped after the Northern guise of the Aurora.
Gift of the elementsThe first is pumped to the maximum.
GlyphsThe first is pumped to 3 stars. After that, all three artifacts are evenly pumped.
AscensionRed initial nuggets in the priority only her. If there is no Jhu – all red nuggets to Aurora.

Astaroth – Swings as a priority in this pack to the orange rank.

SkillsThe third and fourth. If you are not lagging behind other players / already at the maximum level / have extra gold – then the second.
SymbolsArmor, Health. Strength
SkinsBase, Barbarian. If the team is in Jhu, after the basic / Barbarian swing basic for Jhu and return to Astaroth to pump the second guise.
Gift of the elementsThe first is pumped to the maximum.
GlyphsThe first up to 3 stars. Then 2 and 3 in priority.
AscensionRed starting nuggets are only a priorRed initial nuggets in priority only to him. If there is no Jhu – all red nuggets to Astarothity to him.

Celeste swings third/fourth, after Lien and Tank (and Nebula). Celeste’s artifact is swung in priority.

SkillsAll four skills
SymbolsMag. attack and Intelligence at maximum. Health rolls to 30. If Celeste begins to die quickly, pump some health.
SkinsWinter/Spring, Basic. Glimpses are swung after pumping the appearance of at least one of Lian’s looks. Lian’s Looks are a priority.
Gift of the elementsGift of the Elements swings to maximum after Tank, Lian, Nebula, Ismail, Jhu, Amira.
GlyphsThe first artifact swings to the maximum in priority of both stars and levels. Priority over the artifacts of all your other heroes. The second and third are swung for the remainder of the resources.
AscensionBlue nuggets initial priority to Lian, Phobos, Amira. If these heroes already need higher blue nuggets, Celeste swings.

Nebula – swings third, after Lien and Tank.

Skills2 and 4 are a priority. If possible, also 1. The third skill is pumped if you have extra gold
SymbolsPhysical Attack, Health, Dexterity.
SkinsRomantic/Winter, then Basic. Swing in priority, even if the team Elmir, Ismail. After these skins, you can go to other heroes who need Dexterity stones.
Gift of the elementsSwings to maximum after Tank and Lian.
GlyphsThe first swing to 3 stars, after that you can evenly swing all three artifacts.
AscensionAll green nuggets are a priority for Nebula. If she already needs stones of a higher level, the starting stones to other heroes with the parameter “Dexterity”.

Lian – swings second, after the tank. When an orange rank is reached, it is swung first in priority.

Skills1, 2, 4. The third skill doesn’t hit as hard and the damage is magical, which makes it charge Isaac. 1 and 4 are tied to level, and the second is basic damage.
SymbolsHealth, Mage Attack, Intellect
SkinsIf it is possible to get a guise for magic attack, swing it first. If not, swing the base one. After pumping the base / appearance on the mag. attack, go to the other heroes who need Intellect stones.
Gift of the elementsSwings to the maximum after the tank.
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, after that priority 2 and 3.
AscensionAll blue nuggets are a priority for Lian. If she already needs higher level stones – starting stones to other heroes with the parameter “Intellect”.

Martha is rocking last in priority.

Skills1, 3, 4. If you have extra gold, also the second.
SymbolsMage attack, Intellect. Health is pumped only if Martha dies very quickly. Otherwise don’t swing that ability.
SkinsSwings when main heroes are already pumped. Basic anthe the Masquerade.
Gift of the elementsSwing last after main heroes are pumped. Swings midway up. Swings up when Martha begins to die too quickly.
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, then all three in parallel.
AscensionIf there are other heroes in the team that need blue nuggets – swings when such heroes need high level nuggets.

Helios is a situational hero. He swings last in priority.

SkillsIf in the team from the crithopacks – 3, 4.
SymbolsMag. attack, Health, Intelligence.
SkinsSwings usually instead of Martha and it is recommended to start with the appearance on the Health.
Gift of the elementsSwings to the maximum in the last turn.
GlyphsHe swings the first one up to three stars, then he swings the second one in parallel.
AscensionSwings when blue starting nuggets are no longer needed for Lian, Celeste, Amira, Phobos

Amira – when used as a situational hero, swings last in priority. When used as part of the main team, she swings third/fourth, after Lien, Tank and Nebula.

Skills1 и 2. If you have extra gold, also the fourth.
SymbolsMage Attack, Intelligence, Health (30-35). Health is boosted if Amira dies quickly before her main ability triggers.
SkinsSwings the base look. Swings after at least one of Lian’s basic looks when using her in the main team. After that rolls back to Lian. When using her as a situational hero, she swings when the main heroes (except Martha) don’t need Intelligence Stones anymore.
Gift of the elementsWhen used in the main team – after Tank, Lian, Nebula.
When used as a situational hero – when the other 4 heroes are pumped to maximum (except Martha).
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, after that evenly all three.
AscensionInitial blue nuggets should be spent on Amira, when Lian, Phobos need higher level stones.

Arachna – swings before the healer, one of the last.

SkillsPriority 1 and 4 skills for Rebound, as stun is not tied to level. If you have extra gold, also the second.
SymbolsMag. attack. Health rolls to 30. Can be boosted if Arachne dies too early.
SkinsThen a basic appearance for the magical attack.
Arachne’s Glamour swings before Nebula, Elmir, Ishmael.
Gift of the elementsSwings before healer to maximum, after the other three heroes.
GlyphsFirst artifact in priority.
AscensionGreen initial nuggets are recommended to spend when other heroes need stones of that color already at a higher level.

Jorgen is the last one to swing in priority.

Skills1 and 4 are a priority. If you have extra gold, also the second. If the team has physical damage, all four skills are swung.
SymbolsJorgen swings last, after Martha. When all the heroes are already pumped, swing magic attack. If Jorgen begins to die too quickly, we can raise his health and power a little.
SkinsWinter appearance is recommended to swing first. If it is not available – the base. Swings when the tank and Jhu (if any in the team) are already pumped all the basic guises.
Gift of the elementsSwings to the maximum in the last turn.
GlyphsThe first up to 3 stars, then pump him artifacts evenly on the rest of the resources.
AscensionSwings when Tank and Jhu (if he’s in the team) already need stones of a higher level.

Phobos – When using this hero in a team instead of Celeste, swings fourth in priority, after Lien, Tank and Nebula, but before Arachne.

Skills1 and 4
SymbolsMage attack and Intelligence at maximum. The health symbol swings to 30-35. It’s important for Phobos to use the ability before he gets killed. If he dies before then we pump up his health a bit more.
SkinsStellar Appearance is the priority. If he does not have one, you can use the Basic one. Shape is pumped after at least one of Lian’s skins is pumped. Phobos and Lian’s looks are pumped one by one.
Gift of the elementsSwings after Tank, Lian, Nebula.
GlyphsThe first to 3 stars. After that 2nd and 3rd are priority.
AscensionSwings after Lian needs blue nuggets of higher level.

Jhu – when using Ju on a team swings third in priority.

SkillsAll four
SymbolsIdeally, pump all characters up to 30. After that, the Chance of critical hit, armor penetration. and physical attack to the maximum. Dokachivaya strength if it starts to die too quickly.
SkinsPriority Winter appearance.
Second highest priority is Sunny.
Third priority is Basic.
After pumping at least one of the looks of the tank pump Jhu one of the guises. Return to Jhu after pumping the tank 2 looks.
Gift of the elementsSwings to maximum after Tank, Nebula, Lian, Phobos, Amira.
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, after that all three in parallel.
AscensionInitial red nuggets first recommended to spend in the tank. When high ranked nuggets are needed for the tank, the initial ones are spent in Jhu.

Ismael – when using Ishmael in the team, swings third in priority.

SkillsAll four
SymbolsPhys. attack, Dexterity, Armor piercing to maximum. Chance of critical hit and health to 30. After that we pump up the chance of critical hit to maximum. Health pump up if Ishmael starts to die too quickly.
SkinsThe priority is Sunny.
Second highest priority is Romance.
Third highest priority is Basic.
Swings after Nebula’s appearance (if there’s a Nebula in the team).
Gift of the elementsSwings to maximum after Tank, Lian, Nebula, Phobos, Amira (if they are in the team)
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, after that all three in parallel.
AscensionIf the green initial nuggets are no longer needed Nebula (if you have them in the team) – spend them on Ismail.

Elmir – Usually swings fourth in priority.

SkillsAll four
SymbolsPhysic attack, piercing, dexterity to maximum. Health to 30. Top up health if Elmir dies too early.
SkinsCybernetic in priority. If it is impossible to get it – the base. Swings after Nebula’s appearance (if there is one on the team).
Gift of the elementsSwings to maximum after Tank, Lian, Nebula, Phobos, Amira (if they are in the team)
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, after that all three in parallel.
AscensionIf the green initial nuggets are no longer needed Nebula (if you have them in the team) – spend them on Elmira.

Morrigan is a situational hero. Swings are last in priority.

SkillsAll four
SymbolsHealth, Armor, Intellect
SkinsSpring appearance is a priority. If it cannot be obtained, the basic one. The shape is pumped when all the heroes who need the Intellect Stones have already pumped almost all important skins.
Gift of the elementsSwings to the maximum in the last turn.
GlyphsFirst up to 3 stars, after that 2 and 3 are the priority.
AscensionBlue initial nuggets are spent on Morrigan, when all heroes already need blue stones of a higher level.

If the article says, for example, “swings to maximum after Tank, Lian, Nebula, Phobos, Amira,” then we’re talking about having at least one of these heroes on your main team, not all four of them.


Axel – a must-have pet for such a team. When distributing damage, Lian uses his fourth skill even if he hits a tank.
Albus – used less often and most often in attacking teams. Charged from Lian’s net damage.

It is recommended to use only Albus as a patron for Lian in any case.

Best Teams with Lian

Astaroth, Celeste, Nebula, Lian, Martha is a classic Lienpack variant. Great against most teams. Huge damage and good survivability.
Aurora, Celeste, Nebula, Lian, Martha – Astaroth’s replacement for Aurora. Justifies itself more against magical teams and against the Undead.
Andvari, Celeste, Nebula, Lian, Martha is a classic variant against Karhopacs and the Faceless.
Aurora, Celeste, Nebula, Lian, Helios is an attacking team option against Yasmin.
Aurora, Arachna, Celeste, Jorgen, Lian are an excellent Lienpack option through control. With a pumped Mara (on Arachna) and Bisquite (on Celeste) they are good against Sebastians.
Aurora/Astaroth/Andvari, Arachna, Lian, Phobos, Martha are not a bad team with good control and damage.
Astaroth, Amira, Nebula, Lian, Martha/Celeste – huge magic and pure damage.
Astaroth, Elmir, Nebula, Lian, Martha.
Aurora, Ishmael, Nebula, Lian, Martha.
Andvari, Jhu, Nebula, Lian, Martha.
Andvari, Jhu, Nebula, Lian, Phobos.
Aurora, Morrigan, Amira, Nebula, Lian.
Aurora, Morrigan, Celeste, Nebula, Lian

More often than not, the main unchanging heroes on the team are: Tank, Lian, Nebula, Martha/Celeste. The fifth hero is situational. Against Yasmin, you can put Amira/Helios. Against Karhov, Yasmin, Dante, Jhu it often helps to add Phobos to your team. Rufus is handled by Morrigan. If the Enemy Team does not have Sebastian, Jorgen can also be useful.

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