Qing Mao is an excellent front line fighter that would be a perfect addition to any physical pack. She has excellent control skills and can knock back an enemy tank with her first skill. But the most important reason why she is taken to the team is to lower the armor of the enemy team.
- Quick ability to get and collect stars;
- Relevant at all stages of the game;
- Facilitates the completion of the Campaign and the Tower;
- Perfect addition to those packs where heroes have little armor penetration;
- Recommended for beginners;
- Control Skills;
- Decreases the enemy armor of those hit by Qing Mao, thus the enemy tank will die very quickly;
- Irreplaceable in Campaign and Zapland;
- If he’s taken over or knocked down, he can tank for a while thanks to his dodge;
- Very good hero for Asgard.
- Very vulnerable to control;
- Has low health, thus vulnerable to magical damage;
- Only suitable for physical packs;
- Sebastian blocking armor reduction.

Qing Long
Summons a dragon spirit that strikes three nearby enemies, setting them on fire for 5 seconds, repelling them and dealing damage.

Spear of Dawn
Blinds nearby foes for 3 seconds and deals damage.

Dragon’s Claw
Causes damage to the nearest enemy in proportion to his current amount of health.

Open Heart
Each attack by Qing Mao weakens target’s armor. Effect lasts until end of combat or target dies.
Tips on the Qing Mao
Skills Upgrade
To avoid wasting gold (which will be lacking in the future) on unnecessary abilities, it is recommended to pump the following skills:

Qing Long – in the priority of pumping abilities is in the third place. Swings after 4 and 2 abilities.

Spear of Dawn – is ranked second for priority rolls, and swings after 4 abilities.

Dragon’s Claw – Not pumped at the early and mid-game stages. Each level adds 0.1%, which is very, very low, and it’s not recommended to swing this ability until level 130.

Open Heart – The first priority ability to pump is pumped at the first opportunity. It is the ability that allows your physical pack to deal a lot of damage.
First, the Phoenix Shape is swung for Dodge.
After that, the Basic Shape is swung for Dexterity.
The Spring Shape for Physical Attack and
the Masquerade Shape for Piercing Armor are the last to be rolled, because other heroes will need Dexterity Stones in your stack. That’s why the Phoenix Shape and the Basic Shape are the first priority, the rest are swung after you pump other characters’ Skins.
The priority of character improvement is as follows:
1. Health

2. Dodge

3. Agility

4. Physical Attack

5. Armor Piercing


– Swings to 3 stars, after that evenly with the third artifact swings.

– Swings in priority after the first artifact is pumped up to 3 stars.

– After pumping the second artifact swings evenly with the first.
Excellent front line fighter with control skills and, most importantly, with armor reduction for enemy fighters and tanks. High evasion skills allow putting her in packs with evasion (Aurora, Dante), or with a team that needs armor piercing (Galahad, Keira, Ginger). A great choice for a beginner. If properly pumped, helps you feel comfortable in the Arena/Grand Arena, as well as in Outland. Great help in the campaign against the bosses. Recommended for the right physical attack pack.