K’arkh – Hero Wars

Hero Wars

K’arkh – One of the most popular characters in the game. K’arkh-team is capable of defeating a huge number of different packs and has remained undefeated for a long time. Huge damage, combined with a toss-up of other characters and Nebula’s enhancement, allows him to kill multiple characters at once. He is the reason for the emergence of a character like Andvari. Having a lot of merits, his pumping is not a big problem.

ALSO READ: Hero Wars – guide and tips for beginners


  1. Huge damage on multiple targets at once;
  2. Excellent survivability;
  3. Under the ball of Nebula is able to kill multiple characters, charge again, and use the ability again;
  4. Possesses control skills;
  5. Can heal;
  6. Can block attacks and gain extra energy to re-charge enemies.


  1. Requires a character capable of tossing (Kai, Faceless);
  2. Requires Nebula for huge damage;
  3. Hard enough to get and pump to maximum star for a newbie;
  4. One resource to improve stardom, like Nebula.


Singularity of Terror

K’arkh tosses three opponents with the least health into the air.

Law Denier

Creates a rift that can block enemies’ physical attacks for 8 seconds. Each time he blocks an attack, he gains bonus energy.

Deathly Weaves

As long as K’arkh is alive, he strikes every opponent thrown into the air and deals twice the damage.

Survivability Factor

Attacks on enemies thrown into the air heal the hero by a fraction of the damage dealt

Tips on the K’arkh

Skills Upgrade

Singularity of Terror – Must Download.

Negator of the Laws – Must download.

Death Wraps – Must download.

Survival Factor – Must pump.


First of all, the Star Shape is swung on the Piercing. Armor. Next pump the Base Shape for Dexterity.

The Dark Depths Shape for Protection from Magic is pumped after the other heroes of your stack are pumped.


The priority of character improvement is as follows:

1. Physical attack

2. Armor penetration

3. Dexterity

4. Health

5. Armor


– We swing for 3 stars. After the second artifact is pumped.

– After pumping the first artifact to 3 stars is pumped in priority.

– Swings last.


The perfect assassin, capable of storing energy and using the main ability very often, dealing incredibly huge damage to the enemy team. The most important thing for this hero is the presence of characters that can toss, namely Kai/Featherless. When paired with these heroes, defeating K’arkh will be incredibly difficult.

Team options with K’arkh – K’arkh team

This can be the starting team, which is very easy to assemble at the beginning of the game.

This team is much more impressive and can play in the middle of the game and even at the highest level.

Heroes, of course, must be chosen situationally, based on the team that the enemy has.

Team with K’arkh ( K’arkhopack)

The most famous and popular K’arkh based team, long considered invincible. Because of the immense popularity and tremendous potential of this pack, Andvari was released as a way to fight K’arkhs. The team has a lot of merits and is ideal for any newcomer who needs a physical team. Unfortunately, choosing the right heroes for the K’arkhopak is limited by their usefulness and most experiments with this team will lead to pitiful results.

The advantages of the team

  1. Easy enough to assemble a pack;
  2. Most heroes are easy to get and improve to the maximum star;
  3. Easily handles most enemy teams;
  4. Great for beginners;
  5. K’arkhopack is strong at any stage of the game;
  6. Few heroes can stand up to K’arkhopak.

The disadvantages of the team

  1. The most useful heroes are bought for the same currency as K’arkh;
  2. Worse against mage teams (Deer, Orion+Helios);
  3. The main problem with heroes is Martha, which you can’t buy in the store or get in the campaign;
  4. The threat of teams with Andvari.
  5. K’arhopak without Sebastian is difficult for Satoripacks and Teams with control.

General Team Tips:

When swinging K’arhopak you should pay attention to the priority of pumping heroes. First of all, the Symbols and the Gift of the Elements are always pumped to the tank. The faster the tank is pumped, the faster you can move to the K’arkh itself. Further priority of pumping depends on the chosen team.

Heroes for K’arkhopac:

Astaroth is a versatile tank. His versatility lies in the presence of resurrection, which saves K’arkh from death and gives him a second chance. 99% of K’arkh include Astaroth.

  1. Glyphs – All are swinging.
  2. Symbols – Armor, Health, Strength.
  3. Looks – Barbarian, Basic.
  4. Skills – 3 and 4. If you have extra gold – 2.

K’arkh – The main (almost always) hero who deals damage in a given team. Able to kill multiple heroes at once when using his main ability.

  1. Glyphs – Swings all.
  2. Symbols – Armor Piercing, Physical Attack, Dexterity.
  3. Looks – Stellar, Basic.
  4. Skills – Swells all.

Nebula is the main support hero, increasing K’arkh’s damage manifold. If you have Nebula on your team, she swings third in priority after K’arkh.

  1. Glyphs – The first artifact is the highest priority. The second and third are swung for the survival of the Nebula itself.
  2. Symbols – Physical Attack, Health, Dexterity.
  3. Looks – Romantic, Basic. Skins are swung after pumping the skins from K’arh.
  4. Skills: 2 and 4. If you have extra gold, you can gain 1.

Martha – One of the most popular and powerful healers in the game. The only healer who shows the best results in K’arh. Swings last in parallel with the fifth hero.

  1. Glyphs – Swings all.
  2. Symbols – Magical Attack, Health, Armor.
  3. Looks – Sunny, Basic.
  4. Skills – 3 and 4.

Sebastian is a very good supporting hero, able to save the team from Overwhelm. Swings last in parallel with the fifth hero.

  1. Glyphs – Prioritize first and second artifacts.
  2. Symbols: Health, Dexterity, Physical Attack.
  3. Looks – Romantic, Basic. Looks are pumped after the appearance is pumped from K’arh and Nebula.
  4. Skills: 1 and 4. If you have superfluous gold, upgrade to 2 or 3.

Faceless is the perfect hero for this team, supporting and controlling them. His main purpose in this pack is to live longer. That’s why he can be pummeled into being a survivable character. He’s the last one to get pumped.

  1. Glyphs are only the third artifact.
  2. Symbols – Health, Intelligence, Magical Attack.
  3. Looks – Masquerade, Basic. Appearances are pumped after the appearance is pumped at Martha’s in the presence of her in the team.
  4. Skills – 2. If you have extra gold – 1.

Jet is an excellent support hero, turning any team into a crithopack. Ideally should be on a team with Sebastian. Situational hero for the Crytopack with K’arkh. Swings in parallel with Sebastian.

  1. Glyphs – Priority first and second artifacts.
  2. Symbols – Health, Dodge, Magical Attack
  3. Looks – Romantic, Oriental
  4. Skills – 1, 2, 4. If you have extra gold – 3.

Yasmin is one of the best physical heroes in the game. Often added to a team instead of a support hero to eliminate certain enemy characters. His main weakness is his lack of resources, which makes him a good defender. Great disadvantage of having the same resources to pump up both Yasmin and K’arkh. Swings after K’arkh.

  1. Glyphs – All of them are pumped.
  2. Symbols – Physical Attack, Chance of Critical Hit, Dexterity.
  3. Looks – Demonic, Base. Looks are pumped after the appearance is pumped by K’arkh.
  4. Skills – Swing all.

Jorgen is the perfect supporting hero for this team. Jorgen’s main role in this pack is to cut off energy, thus preventing the enemy team from storing energy after K’arkh has been hit. He’s an alternative to getting Sebastian. Swings last.

  1. Glyphs – Second and Third.
  2. Symbols – Strength, Health, Armor.
  3. Looks – Basic, Guild Warrior’s Look. Glimpses are swung after the appearance is pumped in the Tank.
  4. Skills – 3, 4. If you have superfluous gold – 2.

Heidi is a good hero for dealing damage. Has useful abilities and is a great alternative to Yasmin. Good at finishing off heroes that K’arkh didn’t kill. Rolls in parallel with the fifth hero.

  1. Glyphs – First and Second.
  2. Symbols – Dodge, Dexterity, Magical Attack.
  3. Appearances – Winter, Basic. Looks are pumped after the appearance is pumped from Marta.
  4. Skills – 1, 3. If you have superfluous gold, 2 or 4.

Kai – the alternative to Faceless, has a number of advantages and disadvantages compared to him. Kai on this team is a support hero, whose main role is to drop heroes off. Unlike Faceless, Kai has the ability to toss heroes around but not to stun them. Rolls last.

  1. Glyphs – Third.
  2. Symbols – Health, Intelligence, and Protection Against Magic.
  3. Appearances – Guild Wars Appearance, Basic. Glimpses are pumped after the appearance is pumped from Martha.
  4. Skills – 1, 4.

In contrast to the characters, where the priority pumping three characters a tank, Gift of the elements can be pumped in parallel and the tank, and K’arkh (up to 20 Tank, switch to K’arkh, pumping to 20. After that pump up a tank and go back to K’arkh). In the presence of Nebula, Gift of the elements and the Symbols are pumped her after K’arkh and Tank. The last 2 heroes are swung in parallel. If you have Yasmin, she swings third.


The perfect pet for a K’arkhopac is Axel. Perfectly combines with Martha and allows the team excellent survivability.


  1. K’arkh – Fenris. Gives K’arkh the necessary armor piercing and physical attack. Is the best pet for K’arkh.
  2. Kai – Biscuit. A great addition to the team with healing reduction for all heroes.
  3. Heidi – Albus. Increases the hero’s net damage.
  4. Astaroth – Oliver. Perfect pet for tanks, giving the hero health, armor, and healing.
  5. Jorgen – Axel. With Martha on the team, Axel goes to her, and Jorgen without patronage.
  6. Yasmin – Albus. Increases the hero’s net damage.
  7. Jet – Axel or Cain. Both pets increase Jett’s survivability.
  8. Faceless – Mara. Increases stun duration.
  9. Martha – Axel. Increases healer’s necessary parameters and increases her survivability.
  10. Nebula – Cain.
  11. Sebastian – Albus.


Classic tutu options:

  1. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Faceless, Martha.
  2. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Sebastian, Martha.
  3. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Jorgen, Faceless.

Because of the same resources to get Nebula and Sebastian, it is recommended to start assembling K’arkh as follows.

  1. Astaroth, K’arkh, Celeste, Jorgen, Faceless.
  2. Astaroth, K’arkh, Jorgen, Faceless, Martha.
  3. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Jorgen, Faceless, Martha.

The remaining heroes can be added to the second team in the Grand Arena, as Jorgen, Faceless and Celeste are versatile heroes that fit into most teams and can make good physical or magic packs based on them.

Team with Yasmin:

  1. Astaroth, K’arkh, Yasmin, Nebula, Martha.
  2. Astaroth, K’arkh, Yasmin, Jorgen, Martha.
  3. Astaroth, K’arkh, Yasmin, Sebastian, Martha.

Great teams with 2 attacking heroes. K’arkh and Yasmin complement each other’s weaknesses perfectly. If previously one hero had a weakness against mag teams and the other had a weakness against fys, combining these two heroes solves that problem.

  1. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Sebastian, Jet

A good KritoK’arh option with fast fights and huge damage.


  1. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Heidi, Jorgen.
  2. Astaroth, K’arkh, Nebula, Heidi, Martha.

An old variant of K’arkh that is still relevant against many teams today. The Jorgen option is not recommended against Sebastian, but the team with Martha is more flexible both in the campaign and in the arena.


  1. Astaroth, K’arkh, Kai, Nebula, Martha.
  2. Astaroth, K’arkh, Kai, Faceless, Martha.
  3. Astaroth, K’arkh, Kai, Jorgen, Martha.
  4. Astaroth, K’arkh, Kai, Sebastian, Martha.
  5. Astaroth, K’arkh, Kai, Nebula, Orion.

This list is not exhaustive.

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