Peppi – Hero Wars

Hero Wars

Peppi is an excellent mage. Allows you to turn any of your tanks into a weapon that kills multiple enemy characters at once. Has one of the best abilities in the game. In a pack with a magic defense piercing it gives amazing results.

Hero Wars – guide and tips for beginners


  1. Possesses control;
  2. Relevant at all stages of the game;
  3. Ideal character for Arena and Grand Arena;
  4. Deals a huge amount of magical damage.


  1. Difficult to obtain and pump up to maximum star;
  2. Her control skills only prevent her from dealing damage;
  3. Very demanding to pack. Combined with such characters as Luthor and Tesak;
  4. Has an unnecessary ability if you don’t have a pack specialized in Control;
  5. Very Weak Defense. Cannot survive Jorgen’s transfer or Ju’s attacks;
  6. Can’t put her in the last row of the team.



Smites each of your opponents with magic, dealing damage, stunning, blinding or slowing your opponent for 6 seconds.


Places a shield on an ally for 4s. When an ally takes damage, the shield deals damage to opponents near the ally.


Strikes a nearby opponent with magic, dealing damage and stuns for 3s.


Prank gets a chance to deal double or quadruple damage.

Tips on the Peppi

Skills Upgrade

To avoid wasting gold (which will later be lacking) on unnecessary abilities, it is recommended to pump the following skills:

Masquerade – Not recommended to pump. The main damage comes from the Courage, which Peppi throws at the tank. If the enemy team will be stunned – they can not hit the tank, and if they can not hit the tank – Courage will not work and the damage will not be inflicted. Swings only in the team under control.

Courage is a must for pumping. Main damage is dealt by this ability.

Prank – Required to pump. In contrast to the first ability, it only controls the enemy tank, which is not crucial and only helps your team.

Trickster – pumped after the second and third abilities. As mentioned above, the main damage comes from the Courage, and the Prank is only a supplement.


If your team has characters that give magical armor penetration, then the first to roll is the Sweetie’s Shape for Magical Attack,

then the Eastern Shape . If there are no such characters, the first to swing the Eastern Shape is for Magic Penetration, followed by the Sweetie’s Shape .
The Basic Shape for Intellecte is swung third. Last to swing the Guild Wars Shape and

the Demonic Shape for health is because Peppy already has a small amount of defense, which will not allow her to live long anyway. Her goal in the team is to put a shield on the tank and deal them a huge amount of damage.


The priority of character improvement is as follows:

1/2. Magical Attack

As with the guises, it all depends on the presence in the team of characters, giving a breakthrough magical defense. If there are such, then first swing the character for magical attack. If there are no such characters, then swing the symbol second.

1/2. Penetration. protection from magic

As with the skins, it all depends on the presence of characters in the team, giving the piercing of magical protection. If there aren’t any such characters, swing the character for Magic Immunity first. If there are such characters, then this character is rolled second.

3. Intellect

4. Health

5. Protection Against Magic


– Swings first to 3 stars. After that, swing all three artifacts evenly.

– After pumping the first artifact to three stars, pump all three evenly.

– After pumping the first artifact to three stars, pump all three evenly.


A great mage, with both pluses and minuses. In a properly matched pack with Luther/Cleaver, can kill 2-3 Characters with her shield. Has very low survivability, which is why it is highly not recommended to put her in the pack last. Cannot survive Jorgen’s transfer and Jhu’s attacks. Often paired with Orion+Helios. When paired with control, she ceases to be a character that deals a lot of damage but becomes support. If properly pumped can change the course of the battle in your favor. Not recommended for the main team, but a good extra kidney for the Grand Arena.

Team options with Peppi – Peppipuck

Team with Peppi

Peppi is a very strong character with magic damage and control, but unfortunately very demanding on the team. Peppi’s abilities can be divided into two types: Control and Damage. Therefore, packs based on this character can be built either based on her damage or as an additional control, you can’t combine them without damaging the pack.

The advantages of the team

  1. It is possible to create an effective and inexpensive team, even without a monetary investment in a short period of time.
  2. Peppi is able to deal a huge amount of damage because of her shield;
  3. Peppi herself can be added to the standard Orion+Helios magic team, which only strengthens the team;
  4. Great against both magical and physical teams;
  5. Great team for the second pack in the Grand Arena;
  6. Good on defense if you have Arachna and Lian in your pack.

The disadvantages of the team

  1. Loses to teams with Faceless. Since Faceless is in almost every Karkh Team, Teams with Peppi are almost always unable to handle such a pack;
  2. Peppi herself is a very thin character with little health and armor. Killing Peppi will simply leave the team with no damage;
  3. A pack is not capable of a quick kill, as the damage will mostly be intermittent.

General team tips

Almost always a pack with Peppi is built based on her second skill. Two heroes are used for maximum effectiveness: Luther and Cleaver. Cleaver is not so afraid of Faceless, but you can get this tank only relying on luck. Luther, on the other hand, is easy enough to get, but Faceless will simply throw Luther back. The tactic itself is as follows:

  1. Luther jumps with his skill into the center of the enemy team, Peppi throws his shield at him, and the entire enemy team takes a lot of magic damage.
  2. Cleaver draws the fifth enemy to him and Peppi’s shield begins to deal damage to 2-3 enemy heroes at once (Fighters, Tanks + the character that Cleaver drew).

Heroes to the team

The best heroes that can increase Peppi’s effectiveness:

  1. Faceless – roll the first line hero backward, thereby leveling the front row of the opponent’s pack. Combines well with both Luther and Cleaver.
  2. Chubba – Fits into a team with control.
  3. Arachne – 2 control skill. If the enemy tank is “aligned” with the rest of the enemy heroes, Arachna is able to keep the team in control for a very long time.
  4. Lian – Suitable for a team with control.
  5. If you can’t get a decent shot, you’ll need to get a decent shot at the enemy hero’s defense.
  6. Luther – Alternative to Cleaver. Perfectly combines with Peppi, but against a team with Faceless loses its effectiveness.
  7. Maya – Pulls enemy heroes toward each other. When paired with Luthor the effectiveness of the shield increases if more heroes are near your tank.
  8. Celeste – Her benefit to Peppi is to increase mag attack with an artifact. Since Celeste uses the first skill twice as often as normal heroes, the damage to the shield will be higher.


Among all the pets, there are only two, depending on the pack:

Merlin is a great pet for any magical team. Suitable as the main team pet as well as Peppi’s patron.

Mara – A great pet for any team with control. As the main pet shows well in such a team, as a patron for Peppi is not as good as Merlin. Will be more effective on Arachne and Lian. But if you build a pack based on control, Mara is the best pet for that.


Luther + Peppi

A promising option for the Grand Arena.

  1. Luther, Arachne, Orion, Peppi, Helios – good team, combined control and damage from Peppi, but the main damage will not be from Peppi, but from Orion and Helios.
  2. Luther, Marcus, Orion, Peppi, Helios – the team has more survivability than the previous one, but less control. After jumping the tank, Marcus begins to tank the front ranks of the enemy. In doing so, Marcus’ ability makes Luthor invulnerable, which increases the tank’s survivability.
  3. Luther, Ishmael, Arachne, Orion, Peppi – Peppi, and Arachne keep enemies in control, Damage main will be from Ismail and Orion.
  4. Luther, Marcus, Maya, Peppi, and Helios are great options against critical teams and physical teams in general.
  5. Luther, Astaroth, Peppi, Helios, and Martha are very strong teams for defense, especially against physical teams. In some cases, Helios changes to Cornelius to fight against magical teams.
  6. Luther, Marcus, Jorgen, Peppi, Helios – A good all-purpose team to fight both magical and physical teams.
  7. Luther, Marcus, Jorgen, Peppi, Martha – Analogous to the previous pack, but with more healing.
  8. Luther, Marcus, Nebula, Peppi, Martha – huge damage from Peppi’s shield under Nebula. Glyphs of Martha and Luthor give armor, glyphs of Marcus – mag. protection. A good combination of damage and defense.
  9. Luther, Marcus, Faceless, Peppi, Martha.
  10. Luther, Alvanor, Kai, Peppi, Thea – after the jump Luthor, and Alvanor perfectly tank and protects the whole team barrier.

Cleaver + Peppi

One of the best bundles for the arena.

  1. Cleaver, Jorgen, Peppi, Helios, Martha – A great combo against most enemy packs.
  2. Cleaver, Alvanor, Kai, Peppi, Thea – A narrowly focused team against physical teams, but with great damage and defense.
  3. Cleaver, Jorgen, Faceless, Peppi, Martha
  4. Cleaver, Isaak, Sebastian, Peppi, Martha

Chubba + Peppi

Chubba with Peppi through control.

  1. Chubba, Arachna, Nebula, Peppi, Martha.
  2. Chubba, Arachna, Leanne, Peppi, Martha.
  3. Chubba, Arachna, Sebastian, Peppi, Martha.
  4. Chubba, Arachna, Peppi, Helios, Martha.
  5. Chubba, Arachna, Leanne, Phobos, Peppi.
  6. Chubba, Leanne, Phobos, Peppi, Martha.

Other pack options

  1. Aurora, Arachna, Dante, Peppi, Martha.
  2. Aurora/Astaroth Orion, Dorian, Peppi, Helios.
  3. Aurora, Arachna, Dante, Peppi, Jet.

This list is not exhaustive.

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