Pets are an important part of any team because the outcome of any battle depends on the right pet. There are currently 8 pets, each of which is unique both in ability and in its task for the team. Each hero can be patronized by one pet, enhancing his characteristics and adding abilities to the hero, and one pet will be the main pet, being with the team.
List of pets at the moment:
- Cain
- Oliver
- Mara
- Merlin
- Fenris
- Albus
- Axel
- Biscuit
- Khorus
The pets can be roughly divided into two types:
- Pets that strengthen your team (Cain, Oliver, Axel)
- Pets that weaken the enemy team (Mara, Merlin, Fenris, Albus, Biscuit)
In other words, attacking and defending pets
Pet Skills
The first pet skill opens immediately when you get a pet.
It only works when the pet is selected as the main pet and is standing with the team.
The second pet skill opens at Green rank.
Only works when the pet is chosen as the main pet and is standing with a team.
Patronage of the pet is available from the Blue rank.
Works regardless of the main pet. Each hero can be patronized by one Pet. The patronage enhances the hero’s characteristics, and at the purple rank of Pet, the hero with the patronage gains a unique ability from the pet.
At blue Pet rank, you must choose a hero for patronage (1 pet – 1 hero), but you can change at any time.
The third pet skill opens at the Purple rank.
Works regardless of the main pet. This ability only opens to the hero who is under patronage.
Pet Review

Fenris – A great pet for physical teams against physical teams. You can get this pet right away and improve it to two stars. Recommended if you have a hero that deals a lot of physical damage.

Thunderous Growl
Blinds opponents for 3 seconds and deals physical damage.
The skill works well against physical teams, allowing enemy heroes to miss their attacks. Unfortunately, 3 seconds is very short.

Defenseless Target
Passive skill. When taking physical damage, blinded enemies take bonus damage.
This skill opens at Green rank. Increases the damage on targets that are currently blinded. At max level, the damage bonus is 50%. When patronized, allows you to significantly increase the damage of the main damage-dealing hero.

Blind Fury
The master gains a chance to blind an opponent with a base attack for 2 seconds.
The skill only works with Patronage and only on the chosen hero. Good passive ability, 40% chance to blind at max level.
Characteristics under patronage
- Physical Attack
- Armor Piercing
Heroes for Patronage

Used if the team does not have a hero that deals physical damage.

Good choice for patronage, because it gives the necessary armor penetration among other things.

Good choice for patronage if there is no other character that deals physical damage.

Use it if you don’t have a physical damage hero on your team.

Good choice for patronage if there is no other character that deals physical damage.

Good choice for patronage since it gives armor penetration, among other things.

Good choice for patronage, especially if Cain is on another character.

Often used when Dark Star as a control character for extra control.

Good choice for patronage, considering who Artemis has his own dazzle.

Used if there is no physical damage hero on the team.

Good choice for patronage, since it gives the necessary armor penetration among other things.

Used if you don’t have a physical damage hero on your team.

Good choice for patronage since Qing Mao has his own dazzle.

Good choice for patronage, as it gives the necessary armor penetration among other things.

Good choice for patronage, as it gives the necessary armor penetration among other things.

Bad choice. Used if you don’t have a physical damage hero on your team.

Good choice for patronage, because it gives armor penetration among other things.

Good choice for patronage if there is no other character that deals physical damage.

Used if there is no physical damage hero on the team.

Used if there is no physical damage hero on the team.

Good choice for patronage, though sometimes better than Albus because of the net damage boost.

Good choice for patronage. The only available pet for Tristan.
As the main character, Fenris is used against physical teams.
Tanks are patronized only if there is no character in the team that deals physical damage or if Fenris is not suitable for other characters.

Oliver is an excellent defensive pet against physical teams. You can get this pet immediately and improve it to two stars. The pet itself is intended for long battles and patronizes mostly tanks (rarely the healer). Great pet if you don’t have a healer in your team or if you have a weak healer because his two abilities heal one hero. Against magic teams, his main ability is practically useless, which makes him situational as the main pet. Often used in defense.

Embrace Floria
Shrouds allies in a protective cloak. When an ally takes any physical damage, the cover instantly restores the lost Health.
Excellent skill against physical teams, a shield for the whole team. When dealing physical damage to your hero, it instantly restores his lost health.

Magic Dust
Heals the hero with the lowest health.
This skill is unlocked at Green Rank. A very good skill that can heal heroes if the team has a weak/absent healer.

Eternal Blossom
Heals if his health drops below 50%.
The skill only works with Patronage and only on the chosen hero. Excellent ability to heal his patron, mostly the target for patronage is Tank, which increases his survivability many times over.
Characteristics under patronage
- Health
- Armor
Heroes for Patronage

Good choice for patronage. Sometimes used for Aurora Cain, since Dodge is the main feature for this character. If Cain is another character then Oliver is a good choice.

A great choice for patronage, together with vampirism and excellent defensive characteristics make Galahad a very survivable tank, which will often help you in defense.

Good choice for patronage increases the tank’s defensive parameters.

Good choice for patronage increases the protective parameters of the tank.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet, a team without a tank, or Marcus acts as a tank himself

An excellent choice for patronage, given Tesak’s huge Survivability.

Good choice for patronage, as it restores the health that LilithLilith sacrifices when applying skills. Selected for patronage if another pet is on the tank.

An excellent choice for patronage will allow Luthor to live longer in the center of the Enemy Team.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

An excellent choice for patronage, in defense, will make Ziri a very, very survivable hero.

A great choice for patronage, on defense, will make Rufus a very, very survivable hero. Rufus will be immortal in defense against mag. commands.

Good choice for patronage, even though Axel is often used.

Good choice for patronage increases the hero’s defensive parameters.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Good choice for patronage increases the hero’s defensive parameters.

Used for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Good choice for patronage, since Isaak is designed for long fights and the longer he lives, the more damage he will deal to mages.

Good choice for patronage if there’s another pet on the tank or a team without a tank.

Good choice for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Good choice for patronage if the tank has another pet or team without a tank. Increases Amira’s survivability.
Oliver is often used in defense or if the server has a lot of physical teams.
Great character to patronize Tanks, other characters are patronized only if the tank has another pet or team without a tank.

Merlin is the perfect pet if you have a magic team. Has everything you need to deal magical damage and weakens the magical defense of the enemy hero in the front row. You can get a pet right away and improve it to two stars. Recommended to take and pump if you have a magic team.

Magnus Magic
Deals magical damage to opponents on the front line and leaves an area of distorted space for 5 seconds in which opponents take increased magical damage.
A great skill to deal damage. The weak magical defense of tanks in the initial stage of the game allows your team to get to the rest of the heroes very quickly.

Phobia de Magica
Decreases the defense against the magic of the nearest enemy.
The skill opens at Green rank. Very strong reduction of the enemy tank’s magical defense.

Tempus Magic
Boosts the master’s skills that deal magic damage.
The skill works only with Patronage and only on the chosen hero. At max level, it speeds up abilities by 50%.
Characteristics under patronage
- Magic Attack
- Breakthrough Defense Against Magic
Heroes for Patronage

Good choice for patronage if Aurora has a magic team to increase her damage, but it is recommended to use Merlin specifically on characters that always deal a lot of magic damage.

A great choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats.

Good choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats. Especially if the enemy team has a Fighter as a tank.

Used for patronage if the Mage has another pet or team with physical damage.

Used for patronage if the Mage has another pet or team with Physical Damage.

A great choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats.

A great choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats.

Use for patronage if the Mage has another pet or team with Physical Damage.

Excellent choice for patronage increases missing attack stats.

Excellent choice for patronage. Merlin gives Lilith the necessary penetration against magic and magical attack, but more importantly, speeds up her skills, allowing her to use her abilities more often.

Use for patronage if the Mage has another pet or team with physical damage.

A great choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats.

Excellent choice for patronage increases missing attack stats.

Good choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats.

Good choice for patronage, increases missing attack stats.

Good choice for patronage, increases missing attacking stats.

Good choice for patronage.
Ideal Pet for Mage Teams, always up to date.
Rarely used on tanks and healers if the team is physical or mages already have other pets.

Mara is a situational pet. You can use it both in defensive teams with control to win time, and in attacking teams, if you have all heroes with control. Patronizing this pet turns any hero with control into a threat to the enemy team (at the maximum pumping the duration of the hero’s control effects increases by 3 times!), but unfortunately, it takes a very long time to pump it and is not desirable to use it against Sebastian.

Guardian of Darkness
Deals magical damage to all enemies. If at that moment the enemy has blinding, stun, silence, or enchantment effects, it takes triple damage.
An excellent skill that combines with characters who have more than two control effects.

Consciousness Control
Mara charms an opponent, forcing him to fight on his side for 3 seconds.
Skill unlocks at Green rank. Combines well with a similar Dark Star skill.

Lethal Vulnerability
Increases the duration of host stun, dazzle, silence, slow, enchant, and mind control effects.
This skill works only with Patronage and only for the chosen hero. At a maximum level, it increases the duration of the hero’s control effects by 3 times.
Characteristics under patronage
- Magic Attack
- Defense Against Magic
Heroes for Patronage

Used if there is no other hero on the team with control and the other pets are busy.

Used if there is no other hero on the team with control and the other pets are busy.

Good choice for patronage if Faceless is used as a control character.

A great character to patronize.

Use if there is no other controlling hero on the team and the other pets are busy.

Excellent character for patronage.

Not a great choice for patronage.

Excellent character for patronage.

A great character for patronage.

A great character for patronage.

Excellent character for patronage.

Not a great choice for patronage. Use if there is no other hero on the team with control and the other pets are busy.

Used if there is no other hero on the team with control and the other pets are busy.

Good character for patronage.

Used if there is no other hero on the team with control and the other pets are busy.

Good character for patronage.

Used if there is no other hero on the team with control and the other pets are busy.

A great character for patronage.
Use as a main pet if you have more than two mass-controlling skills on your team. For teams with Leanne, use it only as a patron so as not to knock down enchantment.
On tanks, use it only when the other pets are busy and the tank needs the missing mag. protection.

Cain is the best pet for teams/heroes with dodge. It is a kind of universal pet in terms of characteristics because, in addition to increasing the team’s dodge, and bonus energy to the patron hero, it deals a lot of damage to the enemy hero. Best pet for Dante, the only patron available for Nebula. Not recommended to use against Satori.

Fangs of the Night
Cain builds up a charge for each successful enemy dodge (up to a maximum of 20). When the skill is activated, it attacks the nearest enemy with all charges, inflicting physical damage.
A great skill, that allows you to inflict a lot of damage to the enemy tank on a large number of charges, if not to kill it. In the team, for the dodge, the charges are piled up very, very fast.

Invisible Mastery
Increases the dodge point of all heroes on the team.
This skill is unlocked at Green rank. Combines perfectly with Dante’s skills.

Dark Patron
When the master dodges, he gains bonus energy.
The skill only works when Patronized and only on the chosen hero. Great ability for Dante and Aurora, especially if Dante is standing under Jorgen’s shield instead of the tank.
Characteristics under patronage
- Dodge
- Physical attack
Heroes for Patronage

A great choice for patronage when there is no Dante on the team.

Not recommended to use, i.e. this pet will be useless for Heidi. The only exception is if Heidi is the last one standing and you’re up against a team with Jhu.

Ideal choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage unless there are no other characters for this pet.

Good Choice for Patronage unless you have Dante or Aurora on your team.

Not a good choice for patronage unless there are other characters for that pet.

Good Choice for patronage if not on Dante’s or Aurora’s team.

Good Choice for Patronage if no Dante or Aurora is on the team. The only patron for Nebula.

Good Choice for patronage if not on Dante’s or Aurora’s team.
Ideal pet for a team with a dodge. Is the best patron for Aurora and Dante.
Situational use on other characters due to lack of good patrons or when you want to add patrons to all five heroes on the team.

Albus – A very good pet for damage. Good in Outlands and long fights. When patronized, it greatly increases the damage of a hero that deals pure damage. In a team with pure damage is able to kill the enemy tank. You need at least one hero that deals pure damage to add him to your team.

Ancient Breath
Albus attacks the opponent with the highest health with pure damage.
This skill deals a lot of pure damage. Unlike normal damage, pure damage ignores armor and magic defense, so the skill is relevant throughout the game. It requires a hero that deals pure damage to be most effective.

Breath of the Ancients now charges for 3 seconds, and the damage from the skill increases by a fraction of the net damage dealt by allies on the enemy team during the skill’s preparation time.
The skill opens at Green rank. At max level the net damage of the first ability increases by 3 times. In a team with Yasmin and Corvus, having an opponent tank is only temporary.

Pure Victory
Increases the net damage dealt by the host.
Skill works only with Patronage and only on the chosen hero. Increases max level net damage of the hero by 75%. Best pet for heroes that deal pure damage.
Characteristics under patronage
- Mag. Attack
- Physical Attack
Heroes for Patronage

Not the best patron since you need a different pet for Tank.

Good choice for a patron if Fenris is on another character. But Fenris is preferable for Keira.

Used if you don’t have a pure-damage hero on your team. Not the best patron for the hero.

Used if you don’t have a pure-damage hero on your team.

A good protector for a hero.

Use if you don’t have a pure-damage hero on your team. Not a good protector for the hero.

Good protector for a hero.

A good protector for a hero.

Use if you don’t have a pure-damage hero on your team. Not a good patron for a hero, as Tesak needs a defensive pet for the most part.

Good patron choice for a hero.

A good patron for a hero.

Used if you don’t have a pure-damage hero on your team. Not a good patron for a hero.

Not a good protector for a hero.

Use if you don’t have a pure-damage hero on your team.

Very good protector for the hero. Very good against any hero, boosts Yasmin’s pure damage, which helps against any hero.

Great patron for a hero. Under Albus’ patronage, Totem does a lot of damage.

Not a great choice for patronage. Used if Oliver and Biscuit are already on other heroes.

Axel is one of the most popular pets at the moment. Used in teams with mass healing because of the distribution of the damage received, and as a patron is good for the hero in the last row against Jupaks or for healers.

Justice Bubbles
Axel casts a shield that distributes the physical and magical damage taken by allies to all heroes in proportion to their remaining health.
A very good skill that prevents heroes from dying very quickly. Distributes the damage to all of your heroes, and when teamed with Martha, health is quickly restored. The best combination is Martha + Axel.

Useful Snack
Axel grows magic algae beneath the ally with the lowest health, which boosts all the healing you receive for 10 seconds. The algae is activated after the first healing received.
This skill is unlocked at Green rank. Another very useful skill to save wounded heroes.

Protective Bulk
Axel protects the host from powerful attacks.
This skill only works with Patronage and only with the chosen hero. A perfect skill that protects the patron hero from instant death. Doesn’t let you kill the patron hero with a single hit. Excellent defense against Dante, Jhu, Ishmael, K’arkh.
Characteristics under patronage
- Magnetic Attack
- Armor
Heroes for Patronage

Not a good choice for patronage, since Oliver would be better.

Not a good choice for patronage, since Oliver would be better.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Not a great choice for patronage.

Excellent choice for patronage, especially if Thea stands last.

Not a great choice for patronage, unless Heidi stands last against Jhu.

Not a great choice for patronage.

Not the best choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Not a great choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage if Leanne stands last or acts as a control hero.

Good choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Not a bad choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage

Not a good choice for patronage

Good choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Excellent choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage

Not a good choice for patronage

Good choice for patronage.

Excellent choice for patronage. Helps Amira not die from instant damage and live to finish her first skill
Axel is put on a team as the main pet if the team has mass healing. Shows well against teams that deal a lot of damage to a single target.
Patron is mainly for healers and those in the last row to defend against Ju.

Biscuit is a pet created to fight Martha because of her popularity. Although he deals massive magical damage, his main purpose is to ban/reduce healing of the enemy team.

Ice Storm
Summons an Ice Storm under enemies’ feet. The storm deals magical damage and forbids enemies to receive healing from anyone but themselves for 5 seconds.
A very good skill that prohibits enemy healers with mass heal to heal the entire team.

Mighty Snowball
Biscuit creates a magical snowball, then throws it at the first enemy healer to apply the treatment to himself. The snowball deals magical damage and slows. It takes 10 seconds to get ready to throw the snowball.
The skill opens at Green rank.

Chilling Senses
Attacks made by the host reduce the cure the enemy receives for 5 seconds.
This skill only works with Patronage and only on the chosen hero. Very strong skill, which at maximal level Reduces the treatment of the enemy hero who received damage from the patron hero by 30%.
Characteristics under patronage
- Magical Attack
- Armor
Heroes for Patronage

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage if Oliver is busy.

Bad choice for patronage. Benefit to Astaroth only in protective parameters.

Good choice for patronage if Merlin is busy.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Bad choice for patronage. Benefits to Chubba only in protective parameters.

Good choice for patronage if Merlin is busy.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage because of Courage’s massive damage.

Good choice for patronage.

Not a bad choice for patronage because of mass damage, but Oliver is better.

Excellent choice for patronage. Good parameters for a hero (Mag. attack + Armor) standing on the back line. Reduced healing due to Lilith’s mass skills.

Good choice for patronage if Oliver is busy.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage because of Biscuit’s protective Parameters and Ziri’s first skill.

Not a good choice for patronage.

Excellent choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage.

Good choice for patronage because of the alt.

Good choice for patronage.

Excellent choice for patronage if Oliver is on another hero.

Excellent choice for patronage if Axel or Oliver is on another hero. Effective on Amira against Martha to keep her from restoring health to the team after a mountain of gold.
As a main pet used against teams with mass healing or with more than 2 healers
On other characters as a patron is used for stats (Armor for tanks and magic attack for mages)
These characters are suitable for a new pet: Helios, Orion, Celeste, Faceless, Phobos, Lars, Krista, Mojo, Kai, Lilith, Judge, Peppy, Satori, Lian